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NATO AntiAircraft Missile vehicle???

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Hy everyone,

i am looking for a NATO AntiAircraft Missile vehicle.

I know there are some AA Gun vehicles (Ghepard from BWMod, Vulcan, Italian Sidam from PedagneMod...) but i did not find any missile-launcher vehicle (e.g. French-German Roland-Marder or american M730-Chaparral).

Any of You can write me where can i download a NATO AntiAircraft Missile vehicle from?

Thank You

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Wrong thread btw.

CBT (I think it's M6) Linebacker, featured in COMBAT! Bradley pack, has a 25mm gun and 4 Stinger missiles, instead of 2 TOW's on the AFV variant (M2/M3 Bradley).

SEF's USMC LAV pack features and AA variant too, armed with a gatling gun and some missiles.

Fischkopp's (I think) good old HMMWV pack features the HMMWV-based Avenger system, which has 8 Stinger missiles I think.

Those are the mobile ones I can think atm. Also some AT-missile systems tend to engage choppers. You can search for the above at ofp.info, I think they have newest versions of them all.

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Agent Smith released a M113 type AA vehicle a long while back also.

Do a "Smith" search in Addons in www.ofp.info

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Gnat @ June 19 2006,18:18)]Agent Smith released a M113 type AA vehicle a long while back also.

Do a "Smith" search in Addons in www.ofp.info

That M113 is carrying Hellfire-Missiles which are ATGMs, not SAMs.

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Other than the American vehicles listed above, and the static launchers, I cant think of any that have been released.

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The US only has a handful of ground based AA systems, most of which are based on the stinger, which is why they don't work as well as soviet SAMs. The US never really had any need for those kinds of missiles. But you did say NATO, not US, which includes most (if not all) western countries, and I'm sure some of them still use SAM systems.

Btw, the Chaparral (AFAIK) is still no longer in service, and was very short lived.

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there is AA vehicle with missiles (based on Wiesel) in BWMOD. sorry, but I dont remember full name.

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there is AA vehicle with missiles (based on Wiesel) in BWMOD. sorry, but I dont remember full name.

Ozelot or something like that.

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I remember having seen an unreleased Chaparral SAM vehicle in a post in the OFP Picture thread... don't remember whose post it was though... The Chaparral would be a nice SAM system to have, on the NATO side... being tracked and all... inlove.gif

Edit: Found the pic on the fourth OFP Picture Thread, posted by Vixer:


Edit2: The vehicle depicted is an M730, according to the description of Vixer.

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