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Satchel's OFP soundpack

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I am curious of the release date of Satchel's soundpack for version 1.42, I am sick of those sounds that came with the game... they don't have that satisfying umph when you hit someone from 300m

After watching Black Hawk Down, the guns in Operation Flashpoint seem weak. smile.gif

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Chan, Satchels soundpack doesn't make the weapons sound like Hollywood gunfire. It makes it sound like the real weapon sounds, and to many that isn't too impressive since most of us have only heard an M-16 through a 25000 watt theater THX system smile.gif That said, it might even make the original sounds feel more powerful, but it is more realistic, and it does sound pretty great once you get used to it.

As for your original questions, yeah Satch? When can we expect a reworked version? (one where you don't hear the helicopter hovering on the other side of the island waiting for you to finish your mission smile.gif )


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I replaced all the sounds that imo sounded like poo in his pbo file with sounds from ghost recon and am quite pleased with the result

some people have asked for something like that but i dont have the web space, connection or the rights to release it

so unless satchel makes one or someone else uses his idea we probably wont have ghost recon sounds for opf

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I have not tried Satchel's soundpack but I have Jims soundpack 1.4 installed and I love it… much more realistic sounds then the original OFP sounds.

The only problem I have is that when some sounds are playing (like the jeep for example) I get this “noiseâ€â€¦

sorry don’t know the English word for it… but it sounds like you are playing an old record if you know what I mean…I don’t know why sad.gif

Have someone tried both Satchel's and Jims soundpacks? If so…which is the best pack?… and do you also get this noise on some of the sounds?

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It´s coming, but i want it as perfect in regards of realism, completeness and soundquality as it´s withing my possibilities, because it´s going to be very large.

The new Soundmod exceeds the size of the beta Soundmods by far, with over 20MB it´s twice as large. Almost every action you can imagine now is covered by audio. All hand-held weapons are completely revised with realistic sound effects; it goes this far that i took an old tape recorder and recorded sounds from the process of a hand grenade throw of an german DM 58 practise grenade (pulling safety pin, handle snap, impact of the bolt ) or loading procedures of the G36, MG3, P8, SigPi etc..

Grenadelauncher, rifle grenades... everything has his own authentic sound plus loading procedures. When moving you will hear equipment rustle, boots squeaking; standup, crouch, prone, general position changes... everything is accompanied by sound with large varieties. If a medic treats a wounded you´ll hear openeing of an first-aid packet (standard Bundeswehr edition...don´t had an american wink.gif) and the applying of tissues and bandage, while the wounded  breathes irregular, groans and screams. When moving in forests e.g. twigs crack, when going up ladders a metallic stairs sound with equipment rustle. Now there´s more variety to ricochets, giving you more the feeling of being under fire, semi, burst and full auto have their own sets of ricochets. During a parachute jump you´ll hear flapping of the chute and the impact when hitting the soil. Vehicle classes have their own GET in and GET Out sounds, e.g. it sounds different  whether one boards a helicopter or a battle tank. Almost all sounds of vehicle are revised, with authentic original samples of most types whereever they had been available. Emphasis was on realistic portraying armoured vehicles, Turrethydraulics/Servos, commander hatches, engine....With wheeled vehicles one will possibly hear driving over gravel/grass/tarmac sounds, depending upon ground condition, whereby I am still operating on this part and cannot promise this specific feature will be contained.

Here´s some sounds out of the pack, focusing on the T-72. You´ll hear in the following order: operation of Turret Servo/Hydraulic, Commander Periscope operation, engine sound and at the end an engagement of M1´s.

Forget about the voice you´ll hear.... it´s me introdcing what sound comes next, as i made this preview for the german forum, sorry smile.gif.


Got nothing to do with sound, but I did a custom Reticule, which is based on genuine scope  optic, in the first case i´ve done it for myself, but if you should like it, i will implement it in the soundpack too. The white T beam and line are replaced with this. It performs better under different Light conditions than the original one imo, here some pics:

Daylight conditions:


Night/poor visibility conditions:


Tell me if you like it and it will come with the soundpack.

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Satchell, that list of sounds you wrote is a dream. I hope you manage to acheive it as good as you want it. I can't wait, but I will, it´ll be worth it smile.gif That T-72 turret sound: Never heard the real thing, but does it make that dentist drill whine? Some kind of gears spinning up and down each time it is traversed? Interesting, but possibly tiring in the long run. I also wanted to know if you intend to magnify sounds like hatch opening and hinges, boost base to give the feeling of heavy stuff and solidness, to make up for the fact that we can't see it happening. Just a thought..

Great work though!


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usually there are much more sounds that would play into when turning a turret, such as gear grinding when applying turretbrakes. The actual recording you hear is a sample of an  real M60 Turret operating from the interior perspective, the high pitched spin up tone are the hydraulics of the maingun ( elevating), the lower tone is the actual turret spinning servo (turning left/right). As i can only apply one turret sound for the whole turret and not for the maingun, i used the complete sound. It won´t play continiously, means if you only elevate the maingun a couple of cm, you´ll hear only the correct high pitched elevation sound a couple of ms or a sec. It was the best compromise i could find, to implement an "all-in-one" turret sound. If it were possible to apply an own servosound to the maingun seperated from the turret, then it would be 100% authentic, but OFP is a world of compromises. There can also be no seperated sound samples for interior and exterior perspectives as far as i know, so again it´s always a compromise. The tank crew hears other things than one would if standing next to a tank, or even 100m away.

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Here is the next soundclip, AK74 in action, among other general sounds.

Sequence in proper order:

- New Running, go Crouch, go Prone, crawl sound

- AK74 fired semi, burst, full auto with 1 magazine each

- Handgrenade throw

- injured being treated by a medic

- AK74´s in combat, 1 soviet group vs 2 U.S. groups on desert map, from a soviet solders perspective.

AK74.mp3 (2:00min / 2452kb)

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Those samples sounded damn good!!! smile.gif

Cant wait to get that pack...great job!

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Can't wait Satchel!!!

but tell me, why does your screenshot of Operation Flashpoint look so much more colorful and bright than when I play the game?? wow.gif

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OH and Satchel... I have a question

Where did you get all those sounds? Are you currently serving in the military?

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@ Chan,

for your 1st question:

i have an Geforce 2MX card, those cards have a feature called "Digital Vibrance", you can spice up the display greatly with this, making it look richer in colors. In addition you can set your color balance, gamma etc in your GPU options.

2nd one:

those sounds are partially recorded by myself, like handgrenade handling, 1st aid sequence, some weapon reloading procedures. Others are digitized out of documentation videos, like from a NAVY Seal "propaganda" documentation that ran on german television some months ago, there were some good M4 and AK47 sequenzes in there..., some from a prof. special effects CD for films, or taken from the net like weapon video clips. And yes, i´m serving in the german army.

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Satchel I have a Geforce II GTS 32mb

How can I get that feature to work on my card?

I didn't know Operation Flashpoint looked so good, currently my OFP looks bland and uninteresting.

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Good sounds, as always

*drewling on the keyboard*



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As far as I know "Digital Vibrance" only works on GeForce 2 MX and GeForce 3 cards...

GeForce, GeForce 2 GTS, GeForce 2 Pro, GeForce 2 Ultra and GeForce 2 Ti do not support this feature...

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When will it be released.

If it wont be for a few more weeks is there one you recommend

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My clan mate, Russin [RN] who claims to own a AK74 says that your sound does not sound like one?  Can I ask where you got your sounds so I can tell him he's a moron?<span id='postcolor'>

Well, if your clanmate says he owns a AK74, why doesn´t he record the sound of it and let us all know how his AK sounds.....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When will it be released.

If it wont be for a few more weeks is there one you recommend<span id='postcolor'>

please answer this, I need to know

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Hi there

i listened to the clips you posted satchel and they sound

very good but i have a couple of questions

[1] how will it affect other sounds in flashpoint that havent been modded?

[2] what if i am the only player in a mp battle with mod will they hear my new sounds and will i hear the original sounds from friendly/enemy fire



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The only thing I ask you Satchel is: how much is your addon compatible with eax and hardware acceleration?

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Sounds great Satchel. Can't wait to see the rest. But then again, take your time to perfectionice your product. I'm sure the final result wil be fantastic!

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I assume you can't play MP games with other people who don't have the soundpack? This is the main reason I uninstalled the soundpack before. I like it, but I don't want to put it in if I plan on playing online at all. But for campaigns and single missions it would be cool. Maybe you could try to do something to make it easy to switch between the two sound sets so we can switch back to the original sounds if we need to for compatibility purposes?

And yeah, that new reticule kicks ass. I would certainly like to use it. Please include it in the sound pack as an option for those of us that want it. Could you possibly tell us how you did it? I'd like to take a crack at it.

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