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j w

Armed Assault Concept

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so im guessing you guys are looking at destroyble building animations like we've seen with the bridge in one armed assualt video?

If it was an animation, it could of been dynamice destruction. I dont belive any info on it has been revealed beyond a video clip.

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If it was an animation, it could of been dynamice destruction. I dont belive any info on it has been revealed beyond a video clip.

Yup, seen that. AFAIK, it was dynamic buildings was meant for Game2, but then they made a vid of ArmA (so we think) where that bridge fell apart.

But hey, why not do it anyways tounge2.gif


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Urm... JW, that is a concept for OFP, not ArmA wink_o.gif

Yeah, bit wrong info at the beginning. He told me it was for ArmA, but the next day he said it was for OFP tounge2.gif

Anyways, it is for OFP wink_o.gif


Yes, that was the 8th of february this year. We haven't heard much about it. Plus, this works looks way better IMO, much more parts instead of like three edgy parts wich makes it look more like an arcadegame-style destruction then a dynamic destruction.

But that's IMO...

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Looks great

EDIT: How does it actually work? Im really interested to see how you get such anims for buildings in OFP smile_o.gif

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Well, the model of a house is built in parts, (for example a brickhouse, you can make each brick one part).

Then you name them and all that (selections), make a animation, when you set a gravity field, and then you just add in "power", and kaboom!, it breaks tounge2.gif

Then make it an anim in Maya and export it into a .rtm and then just run it in OFP.

Or atleast, something like that, it is probably a little more work behind it tounge2.gif

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Sounds great, i never knew that buildings were able to use .rtm anims (Not really sure how the door anims are handled) smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Sounds great, i never knew that buildings were able to use .rtm anims

I don't think they can in OFP. Looks like Armed Assault will most probably allow it though. The only other object that allows for associated *.rtm anims (apart from the soldiers), is the Scud Launcher.

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I think it's possible to actually trick OFP... I hope you can get an ingame vid of this working in a while, since the basic job is done.

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Well, the model of a house is built in parts, (for example a brickhouse, you can make each brick one part).

Then you name them and all that (selections), make a animation, when you set a gravity field, and then you just add in "power", and kaboom!, it breaks tounge2.gif

Then make it an anim in Maya and export it into a .rtm and then just run it in OFP.

Or atleast, something like that, it is probably a little more work behind it tounge2.gif

Did I just hear you say model each brick? crazy_o.gif

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No you read it.. rock.gif


Just as an example.

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I'm not exactly sure how it works, but from what I gather, it's going to work in a similar way to the animated doors and stuff on the buildings of Nogova wink_o.gif

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There is a very interesting video for destructable buildings for VBS. Unfortunatly I dont knbwo exactly in wich addon pack this will be included or when it comes out.

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I'm not exactly sure how it works, but from what I gather, it's going to work in a similar way to the animated doors and stuff on the buildings of Nogova wink_o.gif

Which is completely different from an .rtm animation...

Modelling each part of a building (especially as precise as each individual brick) for example and then animating them seperately would be nothing short of insane, the poly count would be too high and the workload unbearable. A more practical (and somewhat truer to life) method is probable: make bigger selections (chunks of material that is blown off, or big holes in a wall for example), then create several smaller objects near the point in question, each with it's own set of physics, with a generated (possibly randomly, possibly based on some factors) velocity to disperse them - much like the already existing vehicle debris in OFP. Not only will it save time and performance, but it will be more completely dynamic (different dispersal effects, different interactions between debris with and depending on surroundings, etc...).

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What ever it turns out to be. As an example of what's possible, if they use the *.rtm anim's from OFPE, in Armed Assault. Then the video does the job.

As Kyle said, I think the best results will be achieved with a combination of different methods. There are a few to choose from, but there really needs to be some extra functionality in Armed Assault, over and above embedded anims. Working Init events for map based buildings would be one and perhaps better collision detection for class thing.

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Now a complete idiotic idea:

Cant you class the house under the Men class? That way the anims could work if you class it as a dead anim, but there might be some problems with the house trying to turn/walk/whatever (guess disableAI can fix that), and i dont know if there size limitis for the Man class? And it would need to be editor placed to get the anims working, but dunno (would be interesting to try though wink_o.gif )...  biggrin_o.gif

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no i think if you make it man class its trying to use the man anims, crouch, run, walk... . And if you ever tried to make children for example, by just changing the model size you have notified that the whole model gets messed up.

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Yeah, but that's because the anims are designed for a different sized unit, in theory ofpforum's idea would work, although I'm not sure how well confused_o.gif

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I'm not sure about the limits of OFPAnim, but I have used rtm's with large, none infantry objects, without any problems. Although they have always been static anims.

But you still have the problem of placing it on a map like a regular house. Which can be solved, I did that for the NIM Mod building destruction system. But on top of that class man reacts differently to ammo, than buildings. Try knocking an AI's head off with an RPG round.

It's not that it's impossible to do. But the amount of resources it would take up, for what would only be a generic explosion effect. Is not worth the hassle, IMHO. If you don't mind having hundreds of objects, there are better ways to do it. But really you should try and avoid having to many individual objects, visible onscreen at the same time.

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no i think if you make it man class its trying to use the man anims, crouch, run, walk... . And if you ever tried to make children for example, by just changing the model size you have notified that the whole model gets messed up.

AFAIK those anims can be removed in subclasses, that way you could leave a "undestructed" and a "destructed" anim for the house(and keeping the normal anims untouched), but as the anim part in the config always confused me im not excacly sure how to do this.

+I dont think that a house would actually use the man anims, as i think that their "parts" have different names.. (Cant really explain this well)

EDIT: (Is their a "mass" thingy for the man class?)

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Now a complete idiotic idea:

Cant you class the house under the Men class? That way the anims could work if you class it as a dead anim, but there might be some problems with the house trying to turn/walk/whatever (guess disableAI can fix that), and i dont know if there size limitis for the Man class? And it would need to be editor placed to get the anims working, but dunno (would be interesting to try though wink_o.gif )...  biggrin_o.gif

You're right, it is idiotic. Aside from OFP not supporting it, your house wouldn't even be able to function as a building, you would only be creating many more problems, all of which a hundred times worse than your initial ones - you'd be defeating the entire purpose.

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