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ArmedAssault in PCMaster Greek Magazine

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Here is the links of the magazine pages, i've sanned it, it's in Greek, and it's an overview of the game, as upcoming, by an auhor of the magazine. Note that this is the top selling magazine in Greece for pcgames, so it can make a good or bad influence on Greek community. The article is very good, although the author seems not to know a lot of BIS products, as he's doing some mistakes....

anyway the links.



Here Is the translation


The ultimate Combat Simulator!


The Czech Interactive Studio, creator of the succesfull Operation Flashpoint, believed that can create the most realistic and fascinatiest FPS of all times. To prove that created Armed Assault.


Armed Assault uses a new graphic engine with original factionalities, and focus on action freedom of the player in amazing as comple environments.


With the first good experince of BIS in the FPS area,and the obsession in detail, orginal ideas, Armed Assault is expected to bring magnificent in game feauters. Based on a tecnhology that used to train the best army corpes in all oner he world, Armed Assault uses a new graphic engine with original fuctions and focuses on player's freedom, in amazing as complex environments. 15 persons join their creativity forces in Armed Assault with target to create photeralistic graphics, big number of soldiers, the most complex battles, new combat feaututrettes, like artlery etc. In detail level and interaction with environment, the new feauturettes that Armed Assault brings are saw at the forsets that includes, full of trees that can be destructed at the time that a tank comes over them! The world of Armed Assault give us freedom of movements and decissions. Do we want to reach our destination driving or walking? Cover our combatients by sniping or by covering the plateu with a chopper? Do we want to hear our leader commands, or chill out and leave our teammates, to make the job? We can choose a lot of different ways to accomplish our misson. To create the necessary realism BIS uses VBS which used by all modern armys. Its about a realistc simulator, of combat conditions, in which we get some orders, and we try to execute them with the existing troops, having in mind that the death of a slodier can cost the succes of the mission. Real weapons and vehicles are given to accomplish the mission, at the same time the opponents are placed in stategic places, and act realistic, as a result the player has to face in strategic way all the mission.The story line puts us on a big island, which is devided in 2 plitical enemy territories, the dication North, and democratic South. In afraid of attack south asks for help from international army powers, which are train in proper way the native soldiers. Atthe time that the interantional armys are about to leave the North is taking the chance of attack. We are member of the last international army battalion which left on the island, and we rush to help the natives to defende themselves. Great notice has been given to the multiplayer part. Armed Assault give the join-in progress feauterete, that means that player hasn't to wait when a new battle is going to begin, or waiting all night, not to hang up, his teammates who fighting. He can get in, and get out anytime during the combat without effect very much the final combat result. Also armed's assault multiplayer part allows simulationsly playing tenths of players, creating a hell of combat environment


That's it,

1)forgive my english are not very good, especially for a translation

2)that article doesn't give us something new. All of us know already most of them.

the reason for this article makes me happy, is that Greek PCGame magazine are watching in a very good way, arma, and that can bring more greek members to our community.

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Old shots!? The impression could be x10 better if they had showed the new screenshots.

I mean almost everyone is after graphics these days, but ofcourse the fans of OFP don't care that much about 'em. They are after some damn large scale gameplay and that is what matters. Good graphics are the icing on the cake, at least for me.

Maybe they'll do another article in the near future with the newest shots.

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@Hekzu: You are right !!

I dont know, why BIS uses old Screenshots for their marketing. Its a rare chance to place an articel in a games paper.... and normaly BIS should use their best screen shots they have.

So... we all know that BIS doesnt have a "good hand" on marketing. Thats why I started a new thread to this topic.


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Thx for posting&translating job m8...

about the article...I think I could write a better one (about arma) xmas_o.gif

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i think that BIS has nothing to do with this article, it's just from a reporter of the magazine, he probably found the information from the ibterent or from E3, and the screenshots as well.

That's why i said that the author know little about BIS produacts, cause in some part he confuses VBS and OFP, that are different things, in fact both are based in the same engine, and not Arma on VBS engine, as said in the article. if you read the article in Greek you could understand, that.

But the thing that motivated me to post about that aticle is that when OFP came most Greek PCGames magazines, didn't comment it well, and gave bad scores. And you know here in Greece most of gamers relly on Press. Now with this article Armed Assault is presenting as the ultimate FPS tactical game and that is really excellt, cause, can attract more FUNs for the game.


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