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Conspiracies: The Experience

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There are several places to cure yourself. And there will be medipacks! You CAN NOT use any vehicle in the game... Only a boat for one sector!

yes injuries remains!

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Ok here is the first screenshot of Pripjat city!

I added the Artwork to compare!

Here one pic... working since 4 hours on it!

There are no details at the moment only the structure!



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Heh, awsome!

You made a promise and kept it biggrin_o.gif

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Very nice! And even without details as trees/grass/etc it still has atmosphere! good job! biggrin_o.gifthumbs-up.gif

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OMG wow_o.gif

Looks awsome, too bad my shitcomp won't be able to handle any of this *goes off to get a new one*


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Very impressive job on the island so far. I hope to see more progress on it in the coming days.

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The story is designed by Battletek/Team Nemesis only the landscape got real background!

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Here a pic of the Vehicle-Graveyard in Chernobyl:


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sled , those phantasmagoric landscapes that you do are simply awesome, i love them ! inlove.gif also the use you do of the vegetation and the weather is simply Magisterial notworthy.gif

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Thank you william! I'll give my best! smile_o.gif I hope you really enjoy the final game! smile_o.gif

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Another Pripjat pic:


Just to show you we are not dead! wink_o.gif

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Another pic.

This could happen to you if you dont care!


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Nice pics smile_o.gif

You could change the hind with an RHS's one {when it will be released}.

and theres any way to take that "Russian Federation" flag patch of the Stalkers arm ?

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Marcus Ergalla wrote the first Alphatest Report for Version 1.4! smile_o.gif

Enjoy reading!

Sled asked me to write the report this week, so here he is.

When Sled asked me if I want to test the first version of CTE I said yes. So Sled gave me the required addons and so on, and afther a few problems with the missions.sqms and so on, everything worked well. When I started OFP with the required addons, it took a long time to load. CTE uses many addons, and as in both parts before, OFP had a lot of work to do. during this time I maked a coffee for me and when I returned to my PC, the addons were loaded.

I've started the missions and afther the island was loaded, the mission has began. I was supprised that I had 14 fps when I looked over the whole area, in C1 and C2 I had only frames between 2 and 7. First I looked arround and so on, afther that, I left the sector to another one an back. The team found a way to switch absolutly free between the sector, nice. In one sector I found a hind which was left and nobody was in sight, so I tried to ge closer. At a distance of 50 meters suddenly a sound appeared and with every step I get closer to the hind the sound became faster and louder. I guess this was a signal that the hind is radioactive, however I was able to stand next to him without any problems. So the hind is radioactive, but I doesn't hit the player now, maybe in a later version of the mod.

Later I found a russian base, together with my new girlfriend, a Mosin Sniper, I tried to clear the base. It wasn't the bes idea, more than 15 russian soldiers run out of the base and tried to get close to me. Fortunalty I'm a fast and good sniper wink_o.gif

A few minutes later I found myselv in a wood... I heared some enemys, hovever I wasn't able to see them... when I tried to move through the wood, I saw something... first I thought it was a human, however it was not a human...

When I reached the end of the wood I found a human which stand next to ship. I talked to him and he offered me somethin "special". He took me on his boat to a new sector, it was also possible to travel back to an old one. The next sector was larger than the other, a lot of enemys were waiting for me, my Mosin and my new Strela...

All in one I have to say, nice work. A lot of things were better than in the old parts. Now the performance is much better than before and OFP runs now much better. There were no crashes back to the destop up to now, in the first two parts I had this usuall afther every second sector.

I also like the switching between the sectors, it is also nice that new enemys apear when you switch back. Most I liked the guy and his ship. Fortunatly this guy brings you everywhere you want to go, so you don't have to walk for hours if you need something from Sector one or so on. The envoirement was also nice, hovever the AI is still able to you in the grass, so there is no real cover between several bushes.

But there were also some parts I didn't liked so much, the AI is still a bis stupid, exspecially the humans. Sometimes I was able to kill a whole squad and nobody has noted that. There are also enemys which are alone, they stand only one there position, even when I shoot at them...

I'm also missing an intro, theres nothing. The player just wakes up and afther that he stands on a field next to town with a tokarev in his hands. I think a intro would be nice, because there are a lot of questions at the beginning.

So this was the short version of my report, Sled, I'll send you a long version in german tomorrow biggrin_o.gif




The strange hind...


nice envoirement


The town...


Russian hind on patrol...


The same hind...

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Close to the enemy base, a nice place to hide....


What the hell?




M-E, his lovely Mosin and this guy with his boat.

Thanks to M-E!

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Nice to hear about that performance is better. Will you fix the AI being able to see through bushes, maybe someone from the Unsung could help you with that. I suppose if the AI is stupid you could use CTE along with this AI enhancement

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Ok here is the wallpaper and here are some facts:

We decided to let the REALTIME-Script out of the game. SO there will be no daytime. SO it is never night XD. Further we completed ca. 70% of the gameworld. We created a intro und fixed some bugs. Some people working on the next part of Conspiracies. However we are sure that we can finish CTE in august. Ok if there are any further questions, you are free to ask!

the featurelist for the July 2006:

Features (100% included):

- it will able to switch between the sectors

- new "cavesystem" creates caves where you can enter the underground

- there will be a complete tunnelsystem

- more than 40 sources (sources>sectors like in part 1 and 2)

- you can travel by boat to several places (scripted)

- more than 100 weapons and their modifications

- syncronized

- available in english and german (subtitles)

- it is possible to take your weapon and equipement into the next source/sector

- dynamic weather only in MP

- intensive story

Features: (not 100% included):

- complex undergroundsystem

- available in russian

Features: (cut away)

- it is possible to take your car into the next source/sector

- vehicles can be used

- a shop where you can buy some stuff like weapons etc...

- "REALTIME" script

- a flashlight instead of a nightvisiongoggle

- founding a stalker clan

Releasedate: August 2006

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Seriously cant wait to see this, i never played original conspiracies as the DXDLL install changer didnt work (corrupt dl) and the campaign wouldnt let me start sad_o.gif.

Amazing looking work and yet again OFP is what im waiting for in the day. notworthy.gif

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Good Job!

too bad that you can't add these features

- "REALTIME" script

- a flashlight instead of a nightvisiongoggle

- founding a stalker clan

- a shop where you can buy some stuff like weapons etc...

the clan i don't care evenb though it could have add a new dimension to the game

the shop was a good idea, maybe next time. or why not be inspired by Hitcher shop in CarsWar? a kind of system of exp allowing to buy vehicle, weapons and soldiers (another way to get a clan)

about time pass, it is an important element of immersion and atmospher... i think if just you can make the day evolve when a player pass form a sector to another. E.G you are in sector A, you go to sector B then the time pass from 14:00 to 14:30 and so and so on... ten if you cross 12 sectors 6h in game had passed.

could not be a compromise... and easier to implanty than a realtime.

in all the cases I'm very impatient and really that good point that CtEXp will be realease really quickly.

... i will be on holiday in august

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