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WIP M4's Pack v0.9 Released

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Its mostly that it doesn't really have a purpoe,the other three M4 pictures show the M4's,this is understandable but the one with the woman serves no real purpose. But hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion..and yeah I suppose the M4 is overcomming the M16A2 in terms of popularity in the military...

The M4 has been replacing the M16 for years. Rarely will you find a unit in the U.S. Army that has M16s instead of M4s. I've been in the Army for 6 years and the only place I used an M16 was basic training.


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Hi, well... the Dead Kennedys it's a band that i like (when they played with Jello Biafra aka God on earth) and for make publicity of 'em as band, like The Bellrays or Jello Biafra itself; same with the Alternative Tentacle Records, the Biafra's label; Or the WFMU.org a pimp free radio. The thing of have all that in the publi screenshots it's to:

A) Make fanzy advertisement of our weapons.

B) Make fanzy advertisement of those bands.

C) Make fanzy advertisement for the OFP fans that come to take a look.

About the Jam Mag3 weapons version... that's something that we've to thank to Cornhelium; he made it for free, by his own will, to make of our weapons a better weapons pack for the OFP players & in this way (with the Jam Mag3 version) let more people play with our weapons in SP as well as in MP wich for me means... make the people have fun; that's what's all about. So... thank Cornhelium his addition, not me; i just made the textures and have the idea of each weapon variant; that's the smaller job of all the people that was involved in this pack, all 'em named in the credits section (even jackal...) of the readme. Let's C ya

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Thanks to Cervo, from ofp.gamepark.cz A.K.A. OFP.info for host our weapons pack; i still hopping that the people that download's 'em, enjoy 'em playing with 'em and with they'r favourite addon units.

WIP_M4A1's Pack V0.9:


Suchey USMC Beta3 re-retextured + wip_m4m68mk:


Let's C ya

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I love the Masterkey! I fired it at an enemy and it knocked him 20meters back!

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Hi, im glad of see that the OFP players enjoy's our work; but that's not good, even a 20mm AA gun hit, will not send you 20m backwards but well... we may scare the AI's with the Mk's or the players in MP CTF's.

The other day i seen in another tread something very interesting; the weapon handling, it was something about the handling; it's easyer to maniouver, aim or whatever with a ligther weapons (the CQB M4's) than with heavyer versions (M4's+M203 or M4+C-Mag)

and i think that the players will also thank it too. If i just could find some OFP 1.75RES in some shelve of the stores in my town... ahh... well, maybe someday; who knows... Let's C ya

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The other day i seen in another tread something very interesting; the weapon handling, it was something about the handling; it's easyer to maniouver, aim or whatever with a ligther weapons (the CQB M4's) than with heavyer versions (M4's+M203 or M4+C-Mag)

and i think that the players will also thank it too. If i just could find some OFP 1.75RES in some shelve of the stores in my town... ahh... well, maybe someday; who knows... Let's C ya

That Handling things called the 'Dexterity' value, pretty easy to implement. Is that to say you dont already have Res already? You can always get it off the net for cheap, or get the GOTY edition (also very cheap)

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I like the weapon pack. Good job on it. thumbs-up.gif


Your readme though...makes about as much sense as going swiming in broken glass.

Give your head a shake. It's ridiculous...I assumed you were like 17 years old after reading that.

29?  crazy_o.gif

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Hi, Dexterity; that was... our M4's don't have it already (i think) i should check out the open .cpp that i've here with the open pack, the problem with that... i think that will be to find realistic values.

If the BI default for the weapons it's 1, then set the max to 3 or maybe 3.3 for the less equiped weapons; and going reducing the value from there.

About my OFP... i haven't the OFP now, my RES 1.75 CD it's scratched; so all those fanzy addons that are beeing released or that were released some time ago are not for me. The BLB UK Grunts, the BLB SCARs, the USMC Mod 1.4 addons, the NORFOR weapon packs, the ECP or the SFP 4.1.2 are things that i may not ever see; letting at a side... make/remake any other OFP addon. But well, that's my problem; not yours. Let's C ya

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Your guns have dexterity as they config wise are based largely on my 0.45(old now its 0.5) version of my M4's.


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Your readme though...makes about as much sense as going swiming in broken glass.

Not everyone around here has English as their first language. whistle.gif

But after actually reading it I see what you all mean crazy_o.gif

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For those who are curious what the infamous readme says:

Quote[/b] ]This is the current version V0.9 of the "wip_m4a1.pbo" that've changed from the released in a begining,

version V0.8 . The addon units/missions that used the V0.8 of this weapons pack are not compatible with

the units/missions that will use the V0.9 of the "wip_m4a1.pbo"; due to some ammo classname changes,

made to help users with a small number of neurones, some kind of mental disease or... with some kind

of discapacity like... who knows... smoked too many joints in few time... drank too much booze in EVEN,

less time... or... that his/her pa & mom where cousins before be a marrige.

I've also added something that we missed in the previous release. The fucking initspeed (that use to

come in 'lil baggies, in the form of yellow or pinki rocks... ) so now the grenades fly more far away

and the flares lifetime it's longer, making 'em a more helpfull tool to spot the people fucking in parks,

the dealers in the same parks... or the cops; in the same fucking parks. Also coins, speed, coke or

ketamine baggies; used needels, the car keys, or whatever the fuck that you could enlight with a fucking flare.

Also the Display names were changed; there were one or two bugs, one stomping another and that kind of

shit, you know... . Now the Display names have been changed, to help those named before (the sons/daugthers

of those cousins that with the time & lots of fucking became a marriage & also parents, the pot heads [like

me], those mentaly insanes... , the coke addicts... speed addicts... heroin addicts... & well, ppl with

some "dificultyes" at the time of read in a screen that dont be the fuckin' TV scream.

So... now should be easy, even for us, to choose faster with what weapon we gonna make of "this world";

a... "better world".

I hope that you enjoy our weapons pack; a kiss if you are a girl, & a kick in the balls if yar a man.

Fuck Ya.

Wiz alcohol... Charles Wipman.


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He does admit to being a pot-head in the read me, maybe he was high when he typed it? tounge2.gif

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Hi, true STGN; most of our weapons have Dexterity value. But's setted up to 0.945 , seems that DSA Drill Sargeant took too literally what i told him of "use the STGN M4's config", now i've seen that only some versions have it, and have it "wrong"; a M4+M68 i think that with a full 30rnds mag must weight over how much?, 3.8Kg? or maybe 4.2Kg? that may have a value of 2.5 of dexterity? or well... for make it all quadrate... 3.0 for the CQB's (small variations depending on the toys) 2.5 or 2.0 for the common versions M4 + ACOG or M4 + M68, a bit less for the SD versions, and get to 1.0 or 0.8 for the M203 and/or the Mk versions.

STGN it's the master on this... so wacha say?.

The readme; i was drunk when i made it, and im sure that many ppl have also enjoy it; i don't know in what world some live... maybe in the Barbie's world, maybe in the Dan Quale or Richard Helms world... or just in they're own pink world of fantasy, i don't know it and i don't wanna discuss about it in a tread dedicated to our M4's; but i live in spain, in the North zone; here we (most of the people) talk like that, knows about that or are directly into that. That's not an important readme file in terms of the addon, the important readme it's into the Addon DIR; where u've what matters. The wip_m4a1.pbo + the real readme wich comes with the required info for players/mission makers/addon makers , and the credits. You can delete the rest of the things that come with the pack and forget about 'em, the screeshots, that readme and all what don't be the addon and the readme with the classnames; choose yourself, close your eyes by auto censurate yourself or just put a Tipper Stiker on the CD where u save it. The decission it's yours; close yar eyes. Let's C ya

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He does admit to being a pot-head in the read me, maybe he was high when he typed it? tounge2.gif

Without a doubt, but that isnt an excuse for the likes of:

Quote[/b] ]due to some ammo classname changes,

made to help users with a small number of neurones, some kind of mental disease or... with some kind

of discapacity like... who knows... smoked too many joints in few time... drank too much booze in EVEN,

less time... or... that his/her pa & mom where cousins before be a marrige

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Hi again, if i update the config from the current v0.9 to v0.91 , should i also add the Dexterity values to the JAM Mag3 weapons or they have 'em already?. Let's C ya

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Hi, true STGN; most of our weapons have Dexterity value. But's setted up to 0.945 , seems that DSA Drill Sargeant took too literally what i told him of "use the STGN M4's config", now i've seen that only some versions have it, and have it "wrong"; a M4+M68 i think that with a full 30rnds mag must weight over how much?, 3.8Kg? or maybe 4.2Kg? that may have a value of 2.5 of dexterity? or well... for make it all quadrate... 3.0 for the CQB's (small variations depending on the toys) 2.5 or 2.0 for the common versions M4 + ACOG or M4 + M68, a bit less for the SD versions, and get to 1.0 or 0.8 for the M203 and/or the Mk versions.

STGN it's the master on this... so wacha say?.

.........Let's C ya

Hmm first of all you should download version 0.5 just click on the picture at the bottom of this post.

You might notice that M4 and CQBR handle differently this is because that I unlike JAM want to make weapon as individual(realistic if you can say that) as posible, so they use different mags clasified by magazine type, barrel lenth, Ammo and wether or not it has a suppressor mounted(there is only barrel lenth and suppressor difference in this pack).

Now currently you can not use a CQBR mag in a M4(posible I wil change that and add JAM compatability) or the other way around which some might not think is cool, this is because the Dexterity is mag. based(I am prity sure but haven't realy tested it so much).

But back too your question, Dexterity goes from 1 too 0 and as fare as i know you can not make Dexterity for every weapon but only for the mag. I have chosen as said a simple class system for Dexterity so it dosen't take into acount weather or not there is a laser or light mounted. you could chose the same as I have made for the carbines with seperate mags and for mags for GL and MK you should chose a Dexterity about 0.85 or somthing try too experiment.


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Hi, as i haven't the OFP i couldn't try any config change that i may make; plus that i fear to put my hands on the config, i can do good textures and fanzy graphics; but im a crippled with the configs. Our M4's all 'em unless the M203's and Mk's have the dexterity value setted to 0.945 . If the max of this value it's 1.0, that means that any value over 1.0 will not be recognized by the game so it'll be ignored, right?; then... 1 for the shorter M4's, 0.8 for the M203's and 0.7 or even 0.65 for the LMG's will be a good chice?.

The Dexterity values are setted up in the weapons section, not in the magazines, it's just below the initspeed of the bullet; that thing that we forget to add into the grenade launchers, that was why the flares/nades were so inutile in the wip_m4a1's v0.8 . Let's C ya

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Hi, true STGN; most of our weapons have Dexterity value. But's setted up to 0.945 , seems that DSA Drill Sargeant took too literally what i told him of "use the STGN M4's config", now i've seen that only some versions have it, and have it "wrong"; a M4+M68 i think that with a full 30rnds mag must weight over how much?, 3.8Kg? or maybe 4.2Kg? that may have a value of 2.5 of dexterity? or well... for make it all quadrate... 3.0 for the CQB's (small variations depending on the toys) 2.5 or 2.0 for the common versions M4 + ACOG or M4 + M68, a bit less for the SD versions, and get to 1.0 or 0.8 for the M203 and/or the Mk versions.

STGN it's the master on this... so wacha say?.

.........Let's C ya

Hmm first of all you should download version 0.5 just click on the picture at the bottom of this post.

You might notice that M4 and CQBR handle differently this is because that I unlike JAM want to make weapon as individual(realistic if you can say that) as posible, so they use different mags clasified by magazine type, barrel lenth, Ammo and wether or not it has a suppressor mounted(there is only barrel lenth and suppressor difference in this pack).

Now currently you can not use a CQBR mag in a M4(posible I wil change that and add JAM compatability) or the other way around which some might not think is cool, this is because the Dexterity is mag. based(I am prity sure but haven't realy tested it so much).

But back too your question, Dexterity goes from 1 too 0 and as fare as i know you can not make Dexterity for every weapon but only for the mag. I have chosen as said a simple class system for Dexterity so it dosen't take into acount weather or not there is a laser or light mounted. you could chose the same as I have made for the carbines with seperate mags and for mags for GL and MK you should chose a Dexterity about 0.85 or somthing try too experiment.


Actually for my VBS1 weapons project, and consequently the old Marine Assault Pack by Earl (which the config values are based on), you can set the values for dexterity for the weapon itself in the config, rather than the mags. It avoids a magazine jumble. So for my weapons pack, I got a total of six to seven mags, and all weapons "feel" different.

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It's a nice pack. I especially like the M203 ammo vest only taking up two ammo slots. Thats handy because It means you can carry enough mags plus a law- for close encounters of the armoured kind! pistols.gif

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Hi, then Eric, in your opinion you think that the values that i propposed are right?; And NorthenNat, im glad that you see the point of make the M433 nades vest take just 2 inventory spots; that was the reason, to make the grenadier be able of carry the vest, a flares box and mags enought to face a medium number of infantry units or a LAW rocket or M136 rocket to take down or at least hurt enought a BMP/BTR. So the grenadier in the squad is not someone that hides most of the time; he takes active part in the party. Let's C ya

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Well I use Earl's 0.5 value for the SAWs, where a base M4 has a base of 0.8, so I put my personal M4/M203 at 0.6, and it moves well enough to feel happy moving around with it, while something like an M4 with an EOTech, PEQ-2, and a Surefire light would go roughly 0.75. It's a little on adjustment on what you think "feels" right, and what other people say. I've handled mainly the SAW/M16A2/M16A4/M4 in various configurations so it takes a little tweaking, especially when you add attachments.

So I would say that maybe go with STGN and go from 0 to 1, since that has some definable areas. It's a good baseline to work off of.

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Hi, ok Eric, thanks; i'll think on it and in make a config update from the 0.9 to the 0.91 . What ain't like it's that i can't try it because i haven't OFP rightnow... but well, i guess that i could find some Beta Tester for our weapons pack. Let's C ya

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