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EDF: Invasion

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EDF Invasion: v1.0beta

Russian forces landed on Everon yesterday, totally overwhelming the underfunded Everon Defense Force. Within hours the Russians had seized control of most of the island, forcing the remaining EDF troops to withdraw from the island completely.

Now they plan a counterstrike. The first objective in their campaign is to destroy radio equipment in Morton.

Failure is not an option, good luck soldier.


This mission is BETA. I am looking for any suggestions and.or bug reports. Particularly, about the atmosphere and feel of this mission, do you feel like you are fighting a war.. fighting a struggle? What is the difficulty like, too hard? too easy? What are the cutscenes like? Any comlaints or dislikes you hqave, no matter how small, please post them. I want this mission to be the best it can be.

Thankyou for your time and replies.

- CfgIdentities not yet implemented, player is not yet named properly.

- No voice acting as of yet, if you are interested in contributing your voice, please contact me.

Addons Required

EDF v2.1 by IronSight -thread

JAM3 - download


Mission design by XCess

Music by didart

Beta testing by Cameron McDonald and Thomas Ryan.

Mission Download


note: Placebo, if the pic's too big (filesize is 96kb) then tell me and I will change it.

Version History


- First Version


- Fixed typos

- Added fight sequence to intro

- New briefing

- Added t72 and more opposition

- Changed end

- Adjusted outro to fit new ending

- Changed text to tahoma font


- Adjusted one message

- Fixed more typos


- Fixed outro (non moving truck)

- Moved Urals foward to stop player destroying them at long range

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Always good so see a mission using my addons. Will try this one out tonight thumbs-up.gif

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End mission bug in v1.00b, uploading fixed version 1.01b now.

*edit* Even with freewebs messin me about I managed to get v1.01b uploaded.

If you have already downloaded v1.0b, please download the newer version. Sorry for any inconveniance caused.

*edit2* Thanks for looking at the mission Ironsight, always nice to have your missions played biggrin_o.gif

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Hi, smile_o.gif

the download on the Link-site doesn't work.

What's wrong?



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PS: sorry it works now biggrin_o.gif

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Seems to be working for me  confused_o.gif

*edit* and you too  biggrin_o.gif thanks for downloading the mission smile_o.gif

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Just tried it out and it's a really nice mission. Not too hard, not too easy, just perfect. Only got 2 issue's:

- I don't get a debriefing screen

- I can't see the intro, got a missing addon error, think it's a conflict with the new version I am working on and playing with. Should work fine for anyone else.

Anyway can't wait for part 2 of Invasion thumbs-up.gif

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Thanks for playing Ironsight, glad you liked it smile_o.gif

Any suggestions for improvements? I'll fix the debriefing in the next version.

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sounds good think ill give it a try tomorow if im off school again (Been a bit ill)

But ill download today and wait till tomorow

Hopefully it will be good

Edit - Cant download the mission the link just takes me to a blank page

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Thanks 456820, hope you like it biggrin_o.gif

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thanks for the link couldnt download of the other site for some reason

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Thanks Imutep biggrin_o.gif

Bit of a shame i can't read german though  icon_rolleyes.gif

Did you like the mission? Thanks again for putting it onto the site biggrin_o.gif

**edit** I just went onto freewebs.com, and apparently it's undergoing mantenance, this would explain peoples troubles with downloading the mission.

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Yeah, i would play the mission on weekend. Than i have time to play wink_o.gif

I wish many downloads biggrin_o.gif


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well that was rather... impossible

Been playing with ECP, DMA Amry pack and the required addons.

Overview as fine but could require a border on the picture to make it look slightly better.


Good nothing else to say really apart from add a few extra seconds to the text at the end i was on the last sentece when it faded out.




We started in the boat first of all ive noticed that the soldeirs faces are messed up there eye is about half there head and is on their cheek vertically?? most likely the addon not your fault.

So we disembark and the artiller comes in nice effect and cuts down a lot of out men then the BMP Finishes the job... restart.

This time half the men were ejected from the boat into the sea... restart

This time we disembark fine then the BMP cuts the squad down alot i kill a AT soldeir (one of ours) To take out that BMP too late were all dead.

Retry i kill a friendly AT soldier take out the BMP the infantry and artillery take out the team.

Restart again pretty much same story. I wouldnt say im bad at ofp ive been playing for almost 2 years now but i have not been able to get past that point.

Is this your intention by any chance if so maybe make it a bit more obdvious even if its not maybe add some titletext to make the player act as if hes thinking like "Damn there all dead. Better get to my RV with bravo though"

Something along those lines

Well thats all i got too.

Will try again tomorow

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The intention is not for the whole squad to be cut down, but the beginning of the mission (and consequently the rest of the mission) depends on how fast you move up the beach. The intention is howevere, to create a very high sense of danger in the mission, and a sense of impossibilty. The EDF are a very very small force compared to the Russians, an I tried to make the beginning pretty overwhelming.. maybe I made it a bit too overwhelming.

Not sure why you're squad ejected into water. Has anyone else had this problem? What do others think of the beginning of the mission?

One small hint, stay near to your squad leader to begin with.

Not sure what's wrong with the faces.. did you install facestex.pbo?

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first of all ive noticed that the soldeirs faces are messed up there eye is about half there head and is on their cheek vertically??

That's an issue with Llauma's Head addon when you start inside a vehicle. I believe a fix for it is in the works

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Strange... I'ne never had this problem confused_o.gif

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first of all ive noticed that the soldeirs faces are messed up there eye is about half there head and is on their cheek vertically??

That's an issue with Llauma's Head addon when you start inside a vehicle. I believe a fix for it is in the works

I am using the unreleased version with Llauma's 2.0 heads. Works fine, no problems at all. The older heads work in a really weird way, sometimes they work fine, sometimes they are totally screwed up.

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Quote[/b] ]Not sure why you're squad ejected into water. Has anyone else had this problem

That only happened once though after 2 or 3 retrys.

Anyway im off to play the mission again

Edit - Just played some more

Without ECP and DMA made it much easier must be the AI enhancements in it.

Anyway i disembark my AI take out the BMP but half the team get wiped out by one arty shell. (Maybe make the spread a bit bigger?)

Then we take out the infantry not too hard. Then we move up towards the forest theres a patrol about 200 meteres away running in the open and a patrol in the forest (Not a great idea i think) move them out of the forest into the edge of the tree line or make another patrol in the open.

Anyway that Mi17 fly's by and are leader takes a few shots at it with his law he gets shot by the AI patrols then so does my last guy by returning fire so i soon get cut to peices from bother sides the forest and from the open. (Maybe change the Law soldier to only engage tanks and infantry not air or remove the Mi17 i would change the laws most likely)

Anyway retrys are all the same because of the Mi17 makes it hard for your team to carry on unless theres no law in the team.

Anyway so far the mission is very good, nice music in the intro nice picture in the intro too. Good story line and good atmosphere. A good mission so far.

Maybe add some more chatter by your team like when the artillery starts falling and when your team is wiped out have the player say something about carrying on with the mission etc etc.

A good mission so far keep up the good work.

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The artillerry is generated randomly by a script. I could widen the fire zone though.

The patrol in the woods isn't place there, the AI retreat into the forest by themselves when they take heavy fire (non scripted)

I will definately add more speech in the next version.

I'll see what I can do about the mi17, maybe setCaptive it, and have it die a scripted death.

Thanks for your comments, 456820 smile_o.gif


I've got a question, does the music get repetitive? I'm trying to establish it as a bit of a 'theme tune' for Invason, but I think I may have over used it. What do you guys think?

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well i think its good not too repetitive but maybe use other bits of it cause if you skip the intro hearing the first few seconds of it then its there in the mission so maybe use the second half of it for the mission or intro or something like that maybe?

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Ironsight... intriguing. My faceplant units have that bug, it's the only one I can't seem to cure. Interesting. Once my units get out of a vehicle, their faces are perfectly fine for the rest of the mission. Hmmm.

I'll be giving a (very) detailed beta test of this one soon, as soon as I've knocked over the two assignments I have due on Montag.

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Hello all biggrin_o.gif !

This is my review of the excelent mission "EDF: Invasion";

Intro - The intro was very good, considering that it was all done by hand and not using "camera.sqs". However, it didn't really explain the story all that much, but hey! It was still a very good intro!

Briefing - The briefing depicted all the information needed about the story, however, maybe a bit more detail on the briefing would have helped but the intension is that the remains of the EDF are attacking and not a full fledged millitary assault.

Mission - WOW wow_o.gif ! What a good mission! The intro at the start maybe could use some different music as it was the same as the intro's music. When we land on the beach the mortars (excellent scripting by the way thumbs-up.gif !wink_o.gif start to rain down on us and I lose two men, my LAW soldier blows up the BMP while the rest of us pick off the remaining infantry. Then we continue into the forest where we are met with Bravo and then continue on to the city.

When we get to the city, the soviets start raining machine gun fire down on us and I lose one man, I quickly ran in, found cover and picked off the machine gunners and any other soldiers.

Once the town was clear I went over to the trucks, picked up 3 satchels and blew up all three trucks, then the mission ended.

De briefing - Good, but the bit about "You are now captured by the Russians" kinda confused me but I bet that will be resolved in Invasion: Part 2.

All in all this was a great mission that was not too hard and not too easy, just right. It could have benifited from custom voiceovers and different music, but otherwise it was a great mission! Well done XCess! thumbs-up.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Overall rating: 8 out of 10

Very well done XCess thumbs-up.gif !

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Thanks for the review Thomas.. I'm in the process of considering new music right now, and I know the briefing definately needs a rewrite. But it was a bit of a last minute thing smile_o.gif

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