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What sadist designed the OFP campaign missions?

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I've had a lot of fun with the multiplayer aspects of OFP, but stopped playing the single player campaign out of sheer frustration.

This is a tactical shooter where you can die from a single hit, but most of the missions are set up for Quake-style combat requiring the player to eliminate forces 3-4 times his unit size.

Over and over again, I find myself all alone, with the entire rest of the squad dead, and given set of 2-4 objectives guarded by 3-6 squads of Ruskies and an AFV or two. And all I've got is this dumb M-16 with 3 frickin clips. WTF??

The friendly AI always gets itself killed at the first objective, leaving the player to "Rambo" his way to finish the remaining objectives which are usually along the lines of "assault and hold". One man can't take and hold a position in a game with this level of realism.

What sadist concocted these hairbrained scenarios, and what masochists playtested them and gave them a seal of approval??

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Nuku, I would have to agree with you. I would like to see more even-sided fighting in SP. The problem is, with all those extra units it would cause alot of lag.

Some missions are more evenly matched than others. Just like in real life sometimes you are out numbered and others not. If you look at the missions in OFP you will understand why you are outnumbered. Most of the missions require you go behind enemy lines and take out a bunch of stuff. Well, when you are behind enemy lines, you tend to be out numbered.

You must also remember that in the 1985 campaign there is only a small contingent of U.S. and Resistance soldiers on the islands to face a large invading army of Soviets. So in this aspect it tends to stick to the story.


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The most recent mission that got me riled up is one called "PathFinder". The objective is to destroy two well-guarded Shilkas, and seize and hold a town. You start with 2 squads. And you start in front of the first Shilka. It was a massacre: can you imagine what 4x25mm rapid-fire cannons does to infantry? I managed to get past this one by hiding in a bush and letting all the AI infantry get slaughtered, stole a LAW from a fresh corpse, got the Shilka, and ran. But now I still have to destroy a SECOND Shilka and capture a town crawling with a platoon of Russians?! On top of that I've got at least one squad of really pissed off Russians chasing me from the site of the first Shilka. That's FUBAR.

It gets better. There was supposed to be a second squad to help me take the village, but they got slaughtered just hopping out of the M113. So la tee da, I'm by myself again. There were some Ah1's buzzing overhead, but after only immobilizing some armor (I had to finish them with the last LAWs), they didn't do much.

I guess the bottom line is that the friendly AI isn't up to the task for these scenarios either. A lot of the scenarios assume that the AI squad doesn't take very many casualties, but they always get slaughtered.

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If your squad keeps getting killed, then consider training a little more, I for once managed to beat the Pathfinder mission with only 2 casulties (sustained in the first village). Expect to do things yourself a lot even when your squad is still alive, the AI isn't competent enough to keep themselves alive so it your job to draw the fire away from them with a little rambo tactics, then they can give you supportfire and help YOU get out alive.

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I'm playing that mission now too. It's tough. The first time through there was only 3 of us left aafter the first village. By the time we got to the 2nd village it was just me.

I restarted, expended a bit more ammo, and now there's qute a few more AI guys left with me.

Will try to get through it tomorrow.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DodgeME @ Jan. 21 2002,14:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You should play Shogun Total War Dr<span id='postcolor'>

Been there, Done that...

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Yeah, Pathfinder is a bit ridiculous, but most of the others are pretty cool. You should be able to finish most missions with a few team members left at least, if you're quick on the trigger. Takes a lot of practice to master this game. I still suck at it. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nuku @ Jan. 21 2002,06:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The most recent mission that got me riled up is one called "PathFinder".  The objective is to destroy two well-guarded Shilkas, and seize and hold a town.  You start with 2 squads.  And you start in front of the first Shilka.   It was a massacre: can you imagine what 4x25mm rapid-fire cannons does to infantry?  I managed to get past this one by hiding in a bush and letting all the AI infantry get slaughtered, stole a LAW from a fresh corpse, got the Shilka, and ran.  But now I still have to destroy a SECOND Shilka and capture a town crawling with a platoon of Russians?! On top of that I've got at least one squad of really pissed off Russians chasing me from the site of the first Shilka. That's FUBAR.

It gets better.  There was supposed to be a second squad to help me take the village, but they got slaughtered just hopping out of the M113.  So la tee da, I'm by myself again.   There were some Ah1's buzzing overhead, but after only immobilizing some armor (I had to finish them with the last LAWs), they didn't do much.

I guess the bottom line is that the friendly AI isn't up to the task for these scenarios either.  A lot of the scenarios assume that the AI squad doesn't take very many casualties, but they always get slaughtered.<span id='postcolor'>

I found killing the shilka's easy and lost no men until after I got the second one. Then they all got massacred and I ran into the bushes and attacked from behind. Eventually wiped them out and that was pretty much it.

Though it did take me a week.

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At the first town, make sure you kill the sniper as soon as you can. And then take his Dragunov.

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In pathfinder I emptied all 400 MG bullets into the village, while the others took out the ZSU. We came out of it with no casualties. Then I grabbed a PK and wasted the incoming squad on the road. One of them had an AK grenade launcher, which I used to take out the three guys in the grass, before they knew we where coming. When we got to the town, the other had no trouble taking out the second Shilka.

I think there was 1 or 2 western casualties during the assault.

If you play it a couple of times, you'll notice how the AI fighting ability varies alot. Sometimes your squad is real good, sometimes they suck.

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Did Pathfinder last night. By the time we had finished with the first Shilka, there were 3 of us left. I collected a dead guy's LAW, then used the dead Russian's sniper rifle to take out the incoming soldiers near the road, and a few sentries on the outskirts of the town with the second Shilka. LAW'd the second Shilka, then hid in a building whilst waiting for the Cobras and the other inf squad with the M113. The rest of my team died almost immediately; I just lay down and out of sight in a building in the village until the other squad captured it and the mission was finished.

Oh, and I had to do about a gazillion restarts on that mission - it took me about a day.

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ahh the glory of "pathfinder"

i managed to have i think 8 of us on the way to the 2nd town...but before that there was 4 of as and it just ended up being me lying prone in a bush, hoping not to get shot by guys i didn't see...

the thing that sh*ts me off with flash is that "if a jobs worth doing, do it your self" comes to mind.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Assault (CAN) @ Jan. 20 2002,20:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nuku, I would have to agree with you. I would like to see more even-sided fighting in SP. The problem is, with all those extra units it would cause alot of lag.

Some missions are more evenly matched than others. Just like in real life sometimes you are out numbered and others not. If you look at the missions in OFP you will understand why you are outnumbered. Most of the missions require you go behind enemy lines and take out a bunch of stuff. Well, when you are behind enemy lines, you tend to be out numbered.

You must also remember that in the 1985 campaign there is only a small contingent of U.S. and Resistance soldiers on the islands to face a large invading army of Soviets. So in this aspect it tends to stick to the story.

Tyler<span id='postcolor'>

I was unaware that you could lag in single player missions.........................


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In pathfinder I emptied all 400 MG bullets into the village, while the others took out the ZSU. We came out of it with no casualties. Then I grabbed a PK and wasted the incoming squad on the road. One of them had an AK grenade launcher, which I used to take out the three guys in the grass, before they knew we where coming. When we got to the town, the other had no trouble taking out the second Shilka.

I think there was 1 or 2 western casualties during the assault.

If you play it a couple of times, you'll notice how the AI fighting ability varies alot. Sometimes your squad is real good, sometimes they suck.<span id='postcolor'>

LOL, that's what I did, I sniped with the M60 and killed them all except the Shilka, no RPG guys in my squad died, so then we go onto the next town and kill the shilka, then we went into the town and got mowed down by one soldier, he was armed with an AK-74. Only had me, an officer, and the machine gunner, I ran out of ammo and took a PK, I went into the town and shot all the Ruskies I seen, and won. Hehe tounge.gif

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I love this mission. It's not one of my best but it's cool. i don't like machine gun, so i killed all the ruskies with the M16. 4 west casualties, i think. I took RPG from dead russian soldier and i took down the second shilka.

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turn super AI mode on in the options/difficulty menu,, this makes your squad mates better (also the russians) and makes for a more realistic fire fight!!!!!!!!!

happy shooting people

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Hey I am Rambo.. biggrin.gif ....most of the time I leave my guys behind so I can take care of everything myself...better score in the end that way.......plus the AI is so fucking stupid it pisses me off......

Like the red hammer mission where you meet up with resistance guys and they have shite weapons so you need to get them better ones.....the only kill they got on that mission was one soldier at the first base because where I left em was to close and they saw a guy.....

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If you want your squad to survive, you need to stick with them. This game is designed to be real, and if an important member of the squad (such as the machine gunner) runs off and goes rogue, the squad doesn't have too much of a chance. They've got no covering fire, and get slaughtered. Stick with your squad, and you'll do better. As to PathFinder, you have to start mowing down the infantry in the village with your M60. Keep them occupied from up on the hill while your squad moves in. They probably will die though. I finished that one with 1 guy left. Took the second village with 3. It's possible, but hard.

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pathfinder is a walk in the park compared to missions further on.

when playing difficult missions, the only thing thats important is that YOU, the player, survive

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Well you have the element of suprise mate. Poor guys are partolling and you can loose hell from the bushes with all your men firing with M60 or Pk if Russians. You can take an enemy base when doing something right. Try isolating small groups of enemies at a time if possible. Also with good cover you can kick major ass. If you are suspecting to find a Shilka or bmp, tell your men to hide and go take it out with a law and then call em to come with you.

Abve you in Of you must know AI well, l mean when it can do well and where not.

Also Dr l am sure Shogun is more hard tactical game than OF. Well they are two different games but you must agree that Shogun is the RTs ever.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nuku @ Jan. 20 2002,05:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I've had a lot of fun with the multiplayer aspects of OFP, but stopped playing the single player campaign out of sheer frustration.  

This is a tactical shooter where you can die from a single hit, but most of the missions are set up for Quake-style combat requiring the player to eliminate forces 3-4 times his unit size.

Over and over again, I find myself all alone, with the entire rest of the squad dead, and given set of 2-4 objectives guarded by 3-6 squads of Ruskies and an AFV or two. And all I've got is this dumb M-16 with 3 frickin clips. WTF??

The friendly AI always gets itself killed at the first objective, leaving the player to "Rambo"  his way to finish the remaining objectives which are usually along the lines of "assault and hold".   One man can't take and hold a position in a game with this level of realism.  

What sadist concocted these hairbrained scenarios, and what masochists playtested them and gave them a seal of approval??<span id='postcolor'>

If the teams were to be even, the game would be "TOO EASY" since the enemy is after all just an AI...

To make up for their lack of intelligence, greater numbers are required...

Stick with multiplayer.



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It's all to do with using your effect to to best effect. Running in Rambo style only gets you a quote from some historical world figure. I know in Pathfinder you're not the squad leader, but that's irrelevant. You still have to work with the squad whether you're the leader or just a grunt.

I did Pathfinder in about 8 tries. I came out of it with about half my squad.

You should try the beach storming mission in Red Hammer. I ordered my squad out of the BMP as soon as we hit the beach and immediatly jumped out myself. As soon as I was out but before anybody else was out the BMP got LAWed so I had to finish that mission alone.

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