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East Artillery

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Yes finally I have been given permission for the FIRST every CoC compatible East Artillery unit, HAWKs, 2s19-MSTA 152mm howitzer.

Like the SEF LAVs i released last week, no model or texture updates have been done, simply added UA support. I've tried to make the rounds a little less powerful than the CoC 155mm but more powerful than the 105mm. Hopefully i've found the balance smile_o.gif

So without futher rambaling here you go and have fun all smile_o.gif

Oh any bugs let me know, and hopefully i get permission soon to release the 2s1 122mm I have here biggrin_o.gif


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Nice Work! These artillery pieces seem somewhat useless without UA support. Its good to see them have a place in my missions smile_o.gif


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I tried this out and I really like it....bout time we get some East arty.

One thing I noticed was the insane rate of fire. I realize the msta-b is equipped with an autoloader but even at its max rate of fire, it can only do 8 rounds per minute maximum.

Just an observation.

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yeah, it's firing is too fast, besides you can't hit targets, because optics are not accurately configed and does this addon requires something more? maybe UA newest version? which one? smile_o.gif

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yeah, it's firing is too fast, besides you can't hit targets, because optics are not accurately configed and does this addon requires something more? maybe UA newest version? which one? smile_o.gif

wow baby I can confirm that too. 3 round in 3 seconds is a bit stiff. Also had a crash to desktop. Ill check some more.

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I've tested this addon with several mods and island, and compared it to the COC M109, and the jugement is clear! The 2S19 MSTA is to inaccurate. I've never seen the impacts, though I hear them nearby...

Oh btw. I get this errormessage saying: msta\optika_m109.p3d: Unsupported version 4164812.205 which means I have to load the mission twice.

Can this have any influence?  huh.gif

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I've tested this addon with several mods and island, and compared it to the COC M109, and the jugement is clear! The 2S19 MSTA is to inaccurate. I've never seen the impacts, though I hear them nearby...

Oh btw. I get this errormessage saying: msta\optika_m109.p3d: Unsupported version 4164812.205 which means I have to load the mission twice.

Can this have any influence?  huh.gif

Two things

1. Try testing the arty using the HA option. Depending on where you place the gun it may be firing into a hillside.

2. I get the same error using the non camo 2s19.

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Quote[/b] ]1. Try testing the arty using  the HA option. Depending on where you place the gun it may be firing into a hillside.

Did that too  wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]1. Try testing the arty using the HA option. Depending on where you place the gun it may be firing into a hillside.

Did that too wink_o.gif

Also tried using the "zero precision error" game logic that came with the UA?

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First of all snoops_213 thanks for putting in all the hard work to add CoC compatibilty. To back up the post from Major Woody I've played around with various different CoC settings ( HA, zero precision error etc..) and the rounds invaribaly miss by around 500m or so. I don't know whether it's an issue with the CoC settings for the addon, but I'm afraid something is definately amiss.

On a different note, if you were looking for further CoC conversion projects, have you thought of doing DKM's M46, the BM-21 from the NKA mod and the various artillery pieces included in the ROC mod. The M110 would be paticularly welcome.

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Sorry for not replying earlier, what maps are you using? At present i've not experienced this yet, although i've had CoC UA addons do it to me before. But i will investigate further, currently i've adjusted the rounds firing speeds, problem is it takes 2mins to fire 8 rnds sad_o.gif half offcial speed, will do some more modifications. As for the p3d error, yeah my bad, had to change pbo name and forgot to change everything. I WILL have an updated version by the weekend.

Ok as for other projects, currently the 122mm Gvodzika is working and ready(mostly) to go. I've tried like hell to get the OWP BM-21 to work with lots of fustration. Currently its on hold, other wise i'll end up throwing the computer out the window! If anyone has a link to the other BM-21 addon i'll try that one, how ever im not giving up on the OWP version(unless they tell me i cant release it).

As for adding or modifying mods/large packs im a bit skeptical as to doing this without prior permission or being asked to do so, reason is simple, i dont use these mods myself so i dont have them downloaded. And i dont really want to download 100+Mb of addons/mod to find out they say no!

@ramboofp : if you want UA support added id be happy to do it for you, but my model and texture skills leave something to be desired sorry.

Ok just ajusted some things, did a quick test with PMC Rugen, 4x 2s19. Shooting at around 20Km, 50sec flight time, accuracy is greatly improved, enough so that it killed half a M109 platoon in the first salvo,8 rounds fired in around 1min. Zero Bias Error logic was not used. Area in effect was around 300-400m.

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As i said, here is an updated version of the MSTA


it now fires 8rpm and will hit where it's supposed to. Oh and the P3d error is gone smile_o.gif

And now here is a Gvozdika, 2s1, 122mm D-30 Howitzer SP. Its the one out of Villa's mod, again with his permission. I know about the textures so if anyone wants them updated or to bitch about it, talk to vilas in his thread. But since im calling it in, i dont care what it looks like, cause i never see it biggrin_o.gif


Again any problems please let me know.

As for the OWP BM-21, it will NOT work. Because there is 2 different models, 1 for moving & 1 for firing, and are switched between each other. If OWP were willing to modify their model, then i would have half a chance. Sorry guys. Im still looking for the other BM-21 that people keep telling me about but can't find it sad_o.gif As soon as i do i will see what can be done. However don't dispare, as there maybe other russian arty pieces on the way. Have fun all smile_o.gif

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I´d so love to test this but got to leave for work soon...another reason to buy a laptop ._:

As for the other bm-21, now that i know it´s name i´ll make a second attempt finding it in my backup-o-rama sometime this evening.

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well same problem... can't hit a target directly when i'm gunner

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Looks like another winner. Tried both arty pieces and rounds were on target. Rate of fire seems more reasonable as well. Great work. Will keep testing

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well same problem... can't hit a target directly when i'm gunner

Gedis not sure why you would want to be the gunner.

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oh... but i'm too stupid how to correctly make a mission when i should call artillery sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]As for the OWP BM-21, it will NOT work.

Not even as a static weapob, like the towed howitzers and mortars? huh.gif

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oh... but i'm too stupid how to correctly make a mission when i should call artillery sad_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]Source: Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks Skill Levels 2 - 4 STP 21-24-SMCT August 2003

Conditions: Given a pair of binoculars, a radio, a compass, pencils, a coordinate scale, a map of the target area, a target to engage within the area, and grid location of friendly troops.

Well, reading these instructions it seems easy to be made, designate a target area were the FO has to search for targets, once found, kill and extract tounge2.gif

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