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Cast Away

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Thats sounds like a good idea, as I would attempt to make or find a container for anything you might want to take back to camp....If my hands would be full smile_o.gif In the wild you never know if that piece of potential food will be waiting for you when you come back to it.

As for the cooking, a true saying... even parasites have parasites. All that means is, Parasites can be present in any animal you find, even in the stomachs of parasitic bugs.

When eating any animal you want to cook it good to kill parasites.

A handful of grubs could sustain you for awhile ,but you still would want to cook em until they pop.

As for dynamic cooking thats up to you and your scripting ability's smile_o.gif I have no skills when it comes to ofp sad_o.gif

It would take an extremely picky person to starve in a true survival situation. But this is a game and we really don't need 100% realism smile_o.gif

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how do u want to create the tools and weapons, clothing, equipment?

For example: Use piece of wood with stone result= Hammer

I think this is a difficult problem u have.

Give the player a little Survival Guide in the notebook, where u discribe how to make those equipments.

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I plan to write a little book on those things, that the player will have to look at. I could use some help in makeing a Spear as a weapon, as I said 'I am not that good at configs tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ] I could use some help in makeing a Spear as a weapon

i am working on a spear/ spearthrower.

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Hi there, been following this topic for a few days.

Firstly, this idea looks ace. Something I really wanna play. I love open-ended stuff.

Now, for some constructive stuff:

Im not sure about the idea to actually have to cook something for the correct amount of time. I don't fancy leaving OFP on for 10 hours to cook my turkey :P

Maybe something like some food has to be cooked multiple times. Rabbit, for example, would be have to used with the cook action once, but a (random 4 legged mammal) would have to be used 4 or 5 times. Each time would take so long, 10/15 seconds. Again, so as not to bore players.

Now, how would the missions be set out? Would each day, say, be a mission in the campaign. We can't have it as one mission alone, more than one save would be needed.

I've seen another dynamic campaign (the Partisan) where each thing you do has its own mission (Patrol, attack, etc.). That way you wouldn't have to pause OFP overnight so as not to lose your place. Of course, you might get so engrossed in this that you play all night.. biggrin_o.gif

Now, I suck at actual editing, but I can do writing of notes, briefings and the like. Anything I can help with?

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Quote[/b] ]Im not sure about the idea to actually have to cook something for the correct amount of time. I don't fancy leaving OFP on for 10 hours to cook my turkey :P

Its more like, one minit for a hunk of meat, 40 seconds for a fish, not hours.

Quote[/b] ]more than one save would be needed.

Yes, at certin points, you get a save.

Quote[/b] ]you wouldn't have to pause OFP overnight so as not to lose your place.

Everytime you exit a mission, it save's, wink_o.gif. and the mission will have a time act cell e rator (eeek my spelling!wink_o.gif

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OFP has the accelerator anyway, so Im not too worried.

Anyway, looking forward to it!

*practises in OFP some more*

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First of all, cool idea! I'm a great fan of everything that has to do with people stranded on remote islands.

I have some suggestions on literature for you in the matter:

* "The Mysterious Island" by Jules Verne.

Many references are made to Robinson Crusoe but this book features many castaways rather than one. It is the sequel to "The Children of Captain Grant" which in turn is the sequel to "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea". The castaways are pretty skilled at, well almost everything, and manage to create a pottery, a blacksmith, nitoglycerin, gunpowder, rifles, tools, etc. They almost blow the whole island away using nitoglycerin, it's all pretty cool.

Here's the whole book for you to read online: The Mysterious Island

* "Lord of the Flies", By William Golding.

I'm sure you've read this in school or whatever. It's funny really, if you read it when you're little, you think it's creepy, and when you're older it gets pretty silly. However, it has some rather good descriptions of what desperation and fear may lead to in man.

* Life of pi by Yann Martel.

It's about a boy forced to live alone on a small boat for several months. He learns to catch fish and stuff like that. It shows how isolation, hunger and such may affect a person. And by the way, he's not entierly alone: a tiger keeps him company on the ocean.

Read these books and you might get some good ideas.

Keep up the good work!


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some pics of the improvised weapons betas

first is a simple rock (based on the Gimbal-Tossers addon by Gimbal)



second a throwable spear.




sorry for the low res.

Next will be a spearthrower small knife and a bow

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Ok axe wacky.

Thanks for that book, i will read some of it Wildebeest

Al simmons, Looking good.

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its gotta be ghetto, all natural findings smile_o.gif

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This fourm is not for you to show off your addons mad_o.gif

And, yes, it OK, not good or bad, OK. If you want'd to show me *caugh* shit *caugh*, show me on msn.

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i didn't say it was confused_o.gif i was donating my time and work to you. if you want to use it is up to you or not, im just saying if you want you can wink_o.gif

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Now, Back on topic, I would hate for this to get locked smile_o.gif

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Now, Back on topic, I would hate for this to get locked smile_o.gif

I don't belive that was offtopic actually.

Well, anyways, I can't wait for the release, and Wacky made more of a hammer. An axe could be a wooden stick with a skate-blade (or what to call it) attached, like in "Cast Away".

Hope you pull this through!


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Yeah, me to, sometimes after i work on things for a while, i get bored with them sad_o.gif

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Yeah, me to, sometimes after i work on things for a while, i get bored with them  sad_o.gif

Happens too often confused_o.gif

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Well, Its been a while since I have posted anything, so here are some updates

1. Al Simmons is going to be working on this with me biggrin_o.gif

2. We have some traps done, Maybe pics later!

Well, I hope I feel like working on this, this week whistle.gif

Peace out

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ok here are some pics of the traps on my space http://spaces.msn.com/asdataspace/

By the way we are searching for an talented animator, if somebody of u think hes capable of animating animals (jaguar,pecari, snakes, reptiles....) please send pm or e-mail to me or marcus4.

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Some more info about the planned Mod.

We plan to design as kind of an endless Mission (unless Player is fleeing the archipel). Its planned to add lots of new stuff like traps (player should build them), weapons (improvised ones), campcraft (watersource, foodsource, shelters...), a new map with an archipel consisting of more than 3 islands(one with a volcano), animals(rabbits, pecari, jaguars, birds, some reptiles) a lot of secret events on the islands...and much more. Once again if theres a good animator among you please contact Marcus4 or me. THX Al Simmons

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