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I'm trying to figure out how to use different readystances (using DMA-anims) in the same config.

I have tried to understand exactly how the variantsAI[] works but I havent solved it..

This is from the commanted config: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">variantsAI[]={""}; // variants for AI - default is to use players variants

This is an example from the ECP-config:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">variantsAI[]={"CombatRelaxedStill",0.800000,"CombatRelaxed"};

That is taken from this part: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CombatRelaxed : Combat










What is the meaning of the number 0.800000 after "CombatRelaxedStill"?

If have spent some time just looking at a group standing in readystance (aware mode) to see what they do. Sometimes they use "CombatRelaxedStill" but not very often, and sometimes they also use other anims, ex reloading...

I want to alter the config so the soldiers in a group use different readystances, preferably switching stance now and then.

How can I change what anim is played and the chance and time for that anim-variant to be used?

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hmmm trying to figure that out my self:)

let me know if you know more i think 0.200000 stand for the seconds when the anims hould be played:\

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Before the Resistance expansion was released, ingame sometime the AI could take some a different animation when being in combat mode (the same as the default stance, except the AI was a bit "shaking" nervously)

Since Resistance i never ever noticed the AI using those kind of "variant" animations.

After using binview on the CWC OFP config and comparing the variantAI lines with the Resistance config, i noticed no difference.

so i can only guess that this feature is broken or removed in the Resistance code.

Sad because it was giving a bit more 'life" as not every AI was exactly in the same position everytime like it is now.

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nope it must be possible ... ai in the ecp mod use different standig possitions in the save possition if you wait a while... would like to know how they did that:P

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nope it must be possible ... ai in the ecp mod use different standig possitions in the save possition if you wait a while... would like to know how they did that:P

Scripting not config. But a config solution would be nice.

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done with a script?

wonder how ya did that

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hmmm anyone seen the screenshots of sengir's ww2 caen unit anims??? biggrin_o.gif whow, thats what iu mean!!! biggrin_o.gif

only wonder i he made seperate anims for ech unit or making ai

a seprate walking anim for a machine giunner, like the ffur mod or

using some kind of variants of the anims.

Hope he realesed it in some kind of form so it can be used with other ofp addons

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It`s easy to give units static anims for shooting pictures. The problem is, that this static anims couldn`t realy be used for playing.

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yess i know but...................this seems not to be static anims for pix, but realy ingame pix so i read:), iam trying to make some ingame anims from the static anims made bij icp, the unified anim pack etc, mostly try make some more alternatifs of wealking anims:)but first............i need to know how to use them in som kind of variation.....somelthink like dsai of ecp with the voices but then with anims

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Quote[/b] ]How can I change what anim is played and the chance and time for that anim-variant to be used?

You already have the first part. Timing is controlled by VariantAfter[]={min,mid,max};.

Make sure that the variant states can be reached (interpolateWith, connectFrom..).

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biggrin_o.gif its possible, just downloaded ffur 2006, this is zso cool:P

brnigs realy some more variation in the game , wonder how the did that. Would be great ook to do that with the walking ,stand and stand save anims. biggrin_o.gif its possible to stop the clones.

Great work ffur team

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