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OFPL Lechistan, Object Pack i PKP 1.0

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notworthy.gif  Helly year... quite fantastic Island...:notworthy:

Especially the arangements of the entry of "strategic areas" (harbour, airport,military base, etc.)

But im missing something...

Wether i missed it or it doesn't exist on your island...

What about the ramp form aef-train pack to make vehicletransports by train possible?

It would be quite nice if you have any just to implement one or two of this...

But you have got the best looking lokomotive ever, congratulations...

Thanks that you have used Mapfact and KBB fences & gates, it is quite nice to have the possibility to allow or forbid entering... there were several island not giving this possibility before...

BTW: I think some fences at the airport are wrong orriented, so that the barbwire is "curved" into the area instead of out...

All in all...

yay.gifyay.gif  yay.gif  BEST ISLAND AT TIME !!!  yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

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Hahaha, I liked the poster in the bus stops

"Wanted: Dead or Alive

Armed Assault

$10,000 Reward"



Yea, hehe, preferably alive...  confused_o.gif

I'll second that tounge2.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I think this counts as an easter egg:


On the side note, the gun on the table is missing texture, and the table is almost buried into the ground:


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Yeah, the gun textures are in OFPL Extension Pack, so you'd need that to see the textures. I just didn't want to copy like 4MB of textures just for that table. huh.gif The height above ground seems to be a binarize bug. confused_o.gif I've seen it already, but thanks for reporting.

BTW. Still many more easter eggs to be found. wink_o.gif

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Loving this island!

But... I can't run it how I want to. Can someone please test this for me?

Put four of Inquisitors M1A2s on the map. Now, just to prove me right, make your viewdistance as small as possible, and try to drive around, whereever you want.

Does ANYONE notice a considerable lag every 4-5 seconds? I've been trying to isolate the bug, but insofar no luck.

Some findings:

a) It seems to be linked to the AEF Trains! When removed, the tanks run fine.

b) Only happens on islands with the AEF trains on them, and only with Inquisitor's tanks.

c) Is not script related (I removed all scripts from the INQ tanks and AEF trains, but no improvement occurred).

d) Has nothing to do (seemingly) with visual quality, view distance, etc.

help.gif Help! help.gif

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Yes I think I know what you mean. I was driving around the map and after a bit I was getting really short lock-ups every couple of seconds, like when a script repeatedly performs a laggy but instantanious task.

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That's it! I was hoping I wasn't alone. Thing is though, it's not to do with scripts. I'm thinking perhaps models, but I'm not sure as to how that would cause the lag. Will investigate further...

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Yep i get major stutter on the island after a couple of minutes. I think it is the AEF-Train. I got it on other maps that use this addon.

Shame becasue this island rocks

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Get a better PC, no stuttering for me. tounge2.gif

I tried it with 4 M1A2 SEP vs 4 BIS T80 with a train.

Anyways, still looking for the Easter Eggs.

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A better computer, eh?

I've got a

3.4 (3.91) GHz P4

2048 MB DDR2

256MB 6800GTO

etc etc

It's not performance related. End 'o story.

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Well, I have much less RAM and a bit weaker CPU, but no stuttering. Weird.

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Get a better PC, no stuttering for me.  tounge2.gif

I tried it with 4 M1A2 SEP vs 4 BIS T80 with a train.

Anyways, still looking for the Easter Eggs.

Wow, thanks for your help, fixed the problem up for me......

You must be help desk trained.

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Yeah, I usually don't post useless posts like that, I should've seen it coming. sad_o.gif

Also, you missed the point behind the tounge2.gif smiley.

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Ah, I post useless posts all the time. smile_o.gif

Anyway, I PM'd Agent Smith to see whether he could do up a trainless version. I'll get back to y'all when he responds (or he could do it himself).

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Haven't much experience with AEF but are these AEF-Train related issues?


Driving from Front to horizon - The engine went ahead but according to the switch it should have gone to the right.



Engine came from top (horizon) and then ran straight into the green instead staying on the tracks.

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AEF Treben has always worked fine on my low (ish) end PC

(AMD XP 2500, 512DDR, GForce FX 5600)

and I've never experienced this stuttering some of you guys are experiencing huh.gif

BUT... This island just won't start at all on my PC sad_o.gifsad_o.gif

I get a CTD and an "out of (something something) memory" message. I tried cleaning up my res/addons folder and deleting as much as I could to see if that helped, and it did. Instead of CTD'ing immediately after pressing Preview, I CTD'ed a few seconds after the 'Please wait' message icon_rolleyes.gifsad_o.gif

Awwwwwwwwwww sad_o.gifbanghead.gif

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Haven't much experience with AEF but are these AEF-Train related issues?

Yep, semi normal too for me on the train addons.

Time-skipping is definely a no-no with these trains.

BTW, Bloody Nice Island !!! biggrin_o.gif

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To answer to Cameron's PM (and any other wondering) question... I'll try to investigate more what's exactly causing this effect. I've encountered it with some heavily scripted plane addons as well. I'd much rather fix the problem itself than just remove railroad tracks from the island. confused_o.gif

However, can't promise anything anytime soon, I'm going out for vacation for a couple of days...

Kyle, that's a real "prank" sign you can sometimes see on Polish streets, not just my sick imagination. tounge2.gif

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Enjoy your vacation, mate!  biggrin_o.gif

I've been fiddling around still, removing all eventhandlers, user actions, even animations from the AEF addon. Nothing seems to work.


I replaced the p3d model of the tracks with nothing. That is the problem, but, no trains, sadly. Does anyone want to take a look at the track model and see if anything there is a problem?

ALSO - the laggation ends once you get out of the M1A2... weird. I've also tried removing all scripts, eventhandlers and anims from the tank too, but no dice.

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Yeah, I usually don't post useless posts like that, I should've seen it coming.  sad_o.gif

Also, you missed the point behind the  tounge2.gif  smiley.

I missed Nothing my friend  tounge2.gif

Just taking the mickey nener.gif

Yep its the tracks alright....possibly something to do with the tracks running a script to check if the train is on it and where abouts it is on the tracks, hence the constant updating or stuttering?

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Well, if it is, it's hidden or inherent, because I've deleted the entire "scripts" folder from the AEF pack, as well as removing eventhandlers and anims from the config - and still getting lag.

It could be the tank, but I've done the same thing for that too, and I still have lagging every 5 secs on the dot.

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It happens to me alot in aircraft.

It seems to build up, its strange...almost like something is replicating itself...Textures possibly?

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