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CarWars released by Hitcher

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Hello, as no one else posted a topic about it, I did. Spotted in ofp.info that a french guy called Hitcher has released his quite original "CarWars" addon, which includes armed cars, men and an island in postapocalyptic theme. Looks quite nice, shame there's no other 'tribes' but you can make a scattered bunch of armed civilians and resistance units though.

carwars1s.jpg carwars2s.jpg

Download from ofp.info from this link

EDIT: Changed ofp.cz to ofp.info to keep Cervo happy.

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yea man i downloaded em this morning

its good

but the only thing i didnt like about it is the units are scattered

the Punks can be found under WEST

the cars under CIVILIAN

and etc etc etc

but all in all... a cool pack

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Anyone ever play the original Car Wars board game? Too bad it was so slow or convoluted or complicated or whatever the problem was. I remember trying to make my own modifications and expansions for it as well as a computer program to keep track of all the different units moves/timing position. There's some game coming out soon but it's multiplayer only that looks alot like carwars... I wish someone would make a single/multiplayer game of CW the way it was originally designed.

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Anyone ever play the original Car Wars board game?  Too bad it was so slow or convoluted or complicated or whatever the problem was.

Yeh !! biggrin_o.gif wow, this brings back memories .... sheeesh .... I think I stil have the box somewhere in the house too, along with a small tin of lead models ... crazy_o.gif

Can't remember that much about the game-play but I do remember that overtaking trucks was a sure fire way to die rofl.gif

DL'in now ... smile_o.gif

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... or Interstate 76, anybody? biggrin_o.gif


Haven't tried the actual addon yet, but it sound like fun. I just hope it included this guy (how cool the early vector graphic was, huh?):


Just fooling around... tounge2.gif

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Sadly, I never got to the lead model stage... sad_o.gif   I made all these improvements and mods and RPG elements but i couldn't find anyone to play....   banghead.gif  I remember now the biggest problems with the game:  The cardboard pieces kept moving around. 2: If you wanted to have a large-scale scenario you needed to keep track of a million little cardboard pieces on a small little piece of paper.  Not to mention that you would have to roll dice for each one if they did a maneuver/fired/crouched/jerked-off lol.

My solution for 1: was:  To keep the cardboard pieces from moving around I found a large enough piece of metal (unwrapped it from an old door and flattened it) and then cut and pasted (with real life glue) the playing pieces onto cut-out magnet strips.  (I would secure the map onto the big metal piece.)  I had other improvements in the works as well such as a dynamic time system (for campaigns), fortress building rules and regulations, as well as a random event generator (done with the 2 10 sided dice... Or was that the 100 sided?  can't remember now...).

I wish I could turn my ideas into a video game it would be awesome.  Except for the magnets.  That'd fuck up your HD.

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Yep, good mod and a great map for Mad Max battles to. I like using the mod with the 007 autogyro addon thats been out for awhile. I would like more punks (men/women) on all sides.

I could see friday 13th / jason addon as a temp humongous smile_o.gif

Now I need to dig up the ol biker gang pack , but they seem kinda tame compared to the new armed bikes.

Didn't drill sergent make some highspeed bikes long ago?

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TOP FUN !! rofl.gif

The included mission is quite neat, almost a single player CTI .... biggrin_o.gif

The large island that comes with it is also VERY good for the style of gameplay. Top Marks Hitcher smile_o.gif

I translated the mission to ENGLISH ....


Only temp, so it'd be nice is someone could host.

The Armoured Truck addon fits very nicely with this mod, but I'm thinking of mod'in the Armour Truck so its got a couple of MG turrets ..... I can see the mission now ..... CONVOY KILLER or TRUCKIN' TRASH lol tounge2.gif



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The killer question is why aint the infamous black interceptor not been made! If sombody made that car and made it good that would be awsome, with the supercharger animated biggrin_o.gif

this site had all the cars in mad max and info on them but it seems to be down at the moment


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Gnat @ Jan. 28 2006,16:56)]The Armoured Truck addon fits very nicely with this mod, but I'm thinking of mod'in the Armour Truck so its got a couple of MG turrets ..... I can see the mission now ..... CONVOY KILLER or TRUCKIN' TRASH  lol  tounge2.gif

Armoured Truck? gota link or pic?

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way cool stuff! I hope i can get my friend to test 'em in some lan tomorow after school biggrin_o.gif mixed , random mission with random addons thrown in and a island that has all kinds of urban and nature areas to provide as battle grounds for the punks wtih m4's and blackhawks and cars wtih miniguns smile_o.gif

my friend likes his ofp experience chaotic and messy wink_o.gifpistols.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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cool got the truck , it can take 2 laws and still go lol

know any other addons that go with the pack?

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it was an ok addon pack, there were a few problems, some of the textures were a bit out of place on the punk units, the Quadbike is configed as a motorbike and so the wheels go underground when you turn & there is an ancient model of a 30 cal which is used, i think there are newer ones to use that look nicer biggrin_o.gif

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Hehe, seems like this thread is becoming a collection of Mad Max style/fitting addons. Which, of course, is good tounge2.gif

A Mad Max unit + mission would rock ass! I might do something if we'd get that unit first. I guess a Man 6 with a custom face works as a substitute.

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