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Silent War Mod releases first trailer

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I am proud to announce that Silent War MOD has finally released its first trailer (which, I hope, will motivate us to finish the mod before the release of ArmA).

The trailer presents the units of Belarus, which are cars, trucks, regular infantry and Belarussian VDV. It also shows some new inventions (created by me :P ) on the animations. The animation pack that was used consists of Sanctuary and my own animations.

The plants that were used particulary come from Berghoff great Nature Pack 2. The soldiers, as you can see, use Llauma's head.

High quality - ca. 121 MB


Really low quality;) - ca. 20 MB


Screenshots (great thx to Kuba from ofp.imro.pl) :








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It looks like you've attained a good balance between playability and unit quality. Looking forward to your release.

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Incredible video, I am very pleased to see this video released. I chose to download the high quality version, and it was well worth the wait. The animations used are perfect, especially the soldiers moving over obstacles such as fences and sandbags.

I cannot wait to see more from SWM.

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I'm glad when I read your opinions. But Silent War Mod it's not only effective videos but in fact it's fictional story about Polish - Belarus conflict as a alternative future. We don't want create production as American films. We want show for you realistic and interesting campaigns for both sides. To realizing our plan we need your support. We need help espacilly for creating new addons, objects etc. Mainly I depend on OFP fans from Belarus. This camapaigns is created also for you, and with your help will be much better.

If you have some propositions ideas write this on our forum.


or send for me email danieldragan@o2.pl

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This animations are fantastic, very good video. I hope the mod will be released in english to. smile_o.gif

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smile_o.gif I am really really happy that SW Mod is moving on. I hope thanks to this trailer there will be more people who will help you or join the team.

About Belarus. There is very current political problem between Poland and Belarus... but still maybe someone from other side of border is beyond this. I really hope so. Best luck guys.

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Not only the soldiers look really nice, but all those climbing/moving over obstacles animations are superb and very impressive.

Great job icon14.gif

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The video is very well made, the addons look great too. And, first of all, sweet work on the anims man ! Did you may find the way how to use the clibing and jumping anims automatically or is it set in waypoints ?

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The video is very well made, the addons look great too. And, first of all, sweet work on the anims man ! Did you may find the way how to use the clibing and jumping anims automatically or is it set in waypoints ?

its a script activated from action menu (if you are close enough to an obstacle)

Lots of new features still to come but they are under development at the moment:(

Its really hard to work on addons and developing script and gameplay things, so the work progress is really slow.

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very nice anims and sounds.

the combat scene in the vid is a little bit to long...

but nice vid. smile_o.gif

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What about armour for Belerus?

I saw that there was a T72B I think in an older newspost but there isnt much updated on the SW site. huh.gif

I know that there was a large stock of armour/vehicles left over from when the Soviet Union collapsed so you'd have quite a bit to pick from.

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In nearly future we want preapere also BMP-1. It will be new model created by Pons and Devek. We use yhe same cammo like on T-72 and other variant like on real Beloruss armoured vehicles. Textures probably will be from ORCS' BMP, but I haven't recived official permission from author and I couldn't tell any more details.

Also you will see in nearly future BRDM-2 created by Raddar.

After this we will try to suplement first releases by other addonns like T-80 and maybe MTLB.

We hope create also a new Beloruss tank Stalker, but for this we need your help.

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On flashpoint.ru i found a comment posted by Nightkiler from ORCS (i guess):

Quote[/b] ]Кстати,мою анимацию подкрадывания они взяли

Although I dont speak russian very well i understood that he said we (I) used his 'stealh' animation, whatever he meant. I wish to say that only Sanctuaries DMA Animation pack was used + crouchwallktest.rtm file which i found in the Animation Sharing Center topic, in Sanctuaries post. I couldnt find out who has created it, but I believe it was Locke. Nightkiller, if the stealh animation was included in the DMA pack, than I am sorry I didnt mention you in the credits, however I can assure you that rest of these animations were made by me smile_o.gif

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