brgnorway 0 Posted January 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'> </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Well here is how it works for the US in forigen war/peackeeping... If we go we will be criticized for everything we do, no matter what. If we dont we will be accused of letting innocent people suffer and turning out back on them. <span id='postcolor'> ...of course. After all, most people/contries have friends and allies. Some will say you do too much - others too little. It would amaze me if they didn't. After all, the world is not homogenous. The various Balkan incidents all resulted in different reactions among the european countries. Some sympathized with Serbia, others Croatia or bosnian muslims. Hardly surprising. That was also the reason for a lack of unified front against the aggressors (Serbs and in some instances the Croatians). </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> my solution? Â fuck em..usually the reason they are bitching is because its all they are worth a shit at.. its kinda pathetic to sit back and do nothing about a situation and then bitch and moan about the people who are doing it.. as they say.. if you want something done right DO IT YOURSELF. <span id='postcolor'> To isolate oneself (USA) and moan and complain, hardly solves anything. It is in USA's interest to have peace in Europe. The reason: trade and political influence. I do agree however that Europe should be more united in its aproach towards solving problems on its own doorstep, but the current problem is that smaller countries fear the large countries/power blocks will dominate the politics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dangus 0 Posted January 20, 2002 What you fail to understand that it is in Europe's interests to have peace in Europe and they are not pulling their own weight. We've defended Europe for almost 90 years now. It's getting a bit old. In the Balkans, our European allies were very disturbed to realize how few troops they could quickly field, whereas we could quickly field large numbers quite easily. That's saying something especially since our numbers are way down from what they used to be.... If we are gonna do this peacekeeping bullshit around the world then the other countries demanding we do it better be ready to match troops with us. Otherwise they should have to do it themselves. We are not the world's parents, and people need to stop treating us like it. Especially since they bash us so often. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madmike 0 Posted January 20, 2002 One thing you are forgetting is that the US military is 5 times larger than the UK although the UK has more troops in Bosnia and Kosovo as well as peacekeeping in Afganistan, Seirra Leonne, Cypress and a few other countries. So you are comiting less troops than some countries. I can understand why britian has been asked to lead nearly all the peacekeeping forces recently, it is because of the experience we have from Northern Ireland Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ex-RoNiN 0 Posted January 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Jan. 20 2002,02:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Here are some intersting points regarding US bases around the world. 1.they were losers of war. Japan lost WW2, and thus US occupies them. No one asked Japanese to bomb US. Germany. Also a looser in WW2. Italy..also same thing 2. countries that were under above countries but was freeded by US's war against Axis; Phillipines, Korea, Guam. 3.countries that opened doors for reluctant reasons.; Saudi Arabia(thanx to that mustache-ed psycho from neighboring country) So basically, US only has bases when they either had to get into war, or had to use the land to prevent other country from invading other land. Afghanistan. We sent them loads of stuff, yet never bothered to set up a base even after the soviets left. I think they now will keep a base there. US base basically allows US to send troops fast. If US had no base in Saudi Arabia, war against terrorism would have been a lot more difficult. so for US's sake bases are important. This current issue about Saudi asking US to move out..well...we'll loose shit load of advantage....but for once, why don't we let them do whatever they want, and when things get rough for them and they need US's intervention(like stopping another Saddam Insane) make them realize how much they need to depend upon US? Of course, if US pulls out, then Arabs should not stick their nose into non-Arab world, like supporting those bandits of Phillipines who claim to be fighting(what a joke) for Islamic state(Abu-Sharif?).<span id='postcolor'> This is exactly what the Roman Empire did. There was some trouble in Spain, they went over there to settle the score, then stayed there and absorbed it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ex-RoNiN 0 Posted January 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dangus @ Jan. 20 2002,07:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What you fail to understand that it is in Europe's interests to have peace in Europe and they are not pulling their own weight. We've defended Europe for almost 90 years now. It's getting a bit old. In the Balkans, our European allies were very disturbed to realize how few troops they could quickly field, whereas we could quickly field large numbers quite easily. That's saying something especially since our numbers are way down from what they used to be.... If we are gonna do this peacekeeping bullshit around the world then the other countries demanding we do it better be ready to match troops with us. Otherwise they should have to do it themselves. We are not the world's parents, and people need to stop treating us like it. Especially since they bash us so often.<span id='postcolor'> YOU defended Europe? The last 90 yrs? Hahahahahaha, what a load of BOLLOX!!! You probably believe that as well, dont you? 90 yrs, I assume you are referring to WW1+2, huh? Right, WW1. YOu didn't do jack shit. The front line was more or less frozen, but towards the end Germany was out of resources, and Britain fielded tanks. THIS is what changed the war. Germany still didn't lose, btw. Not ONE bullet was fired on German territory. As for WW2, please tell me WHO came up with plans for d-day, WHO was fighting the Nazis behind enemy lines, WHO made them bleed in the cold russian winter, WHO managed to fight off the Luftwaffe. Europe can take care of itself, thank you very much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madmike 0 Posted January 20, 2002 Next they'll say they won the Gulf war on thier own along with the war against the taliban. No it was nothing to do with the Northern alliance or the SAS from britian,Australia and other countries. In WW2 the british did all the fighting while the Americans stayed in Britian doing jack sh*t. The russians also did a hell of a lot of fighting the germans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxer 0 Posted January 20, 2002 Oh yeah,no americans died in ww 1/2 they didn't even fill a ditch,they didn't do crap.The brits/canada did it all, america was just there to watch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 20, 2002 What a lot of hate on this board... There have been situations where the intervention by American forces has indeed helped. If you honestly think WWII could have been won without American troops, you are severely deluded. The Germans lost the second world war on both fronts due to the overwhelming numbers of the opposition... this could not have been achieved without US intervention. However, I continually hear Americans going on about how they are damned if they do and damned if they don't... Incorrect! You are not damned if you do it right... people object to intervention in the Middle East because it was done purely to keep American fuel prices low... yet it is made out to be some great humanitarian effort. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fenix83 0 Posted January 20, 2002 I wanted to say bush is an as***e. He should have been strangled with its bretzel. I hate guys who want to rule the world. This guy seems to think that there is nothing except america in the world and he seems to be a megalo.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thehamster 0 Posted January 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ssh @ Jan. 20 2002,15:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What a lot of hate on this board... There have been situations where the intervention by American forces has indeed helped. If you honestly think WWII could have been won without American troops, you are severely deluded. The Germans lost the second world war on both fronts due to the overwhelming numbers of the opposition... this could not have been achieved without US intervention. However, I continually hear Americans going on about how they are damned if they do and damned if they don't... Incorrect! You are not damned if you do it right... people object to intervention in the Middle East because it was done purely to keep American fuel prices low... yet it is made out to be some great humanitarian effort.<span id='postcolor'> Sure we would have won with out American troops it might have taken a couple more years but we probably would have not won if we did not get any American supplies during the war. I agree with what you say about Kuwait. If they did not have oil I belive that America would not have given a damn about them being invaded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brgnorway 0 Posted January 20, 2002 Topic: america outa saudia ? Yes, if the saudis wants them to. Like in the Philiphines and possibly Okinawa in Japan (in the future). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxer 0 Posted January 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (brgnorway @ Jan. 20 2002,23:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Topic: america outa saudia ? Yes, if the saudis wants them to. Like in the Philiphines and possibly Okinawa in Japan (in the future).<span id='postcolor'> Okinawa in Japan They don't want america outta there,only some(in the thousands) people do.Do you know how much that place make with the US base there ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brgnorway 0 Posted January 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (foxer @ Jan. 20 2002,23:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Topic: america outa saudia ? Yes, if the saudis wants them to. Like in the Philiphines and possibly Okinawa in Japan (in the future).<span id='postcolor'> Okinawa in Japan They don't want america outta there,only some(in the thousands) people do.Do you know how much that place make with the US base there ?<span id='postcolor'> Yes, that's the problem isn't it! Lots of people (not just some) want the base to disappear, but the local economy is dependent on it. Sounds like a difficult dilemma, if you ask me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxer 0 Posted January 20, 2002 but the local economy is dependent on it. Sounds like a difficult dilemma, if you ask me! True. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ex-RoNiN 0 Posted January 20, 2002 U$ = Evil Empire 'nuff said US = Good Empire if they take all their troops, go back home, and leave the rest of us the heck alone Heck, we might even allow you back into the British Empire Alternatively, I could stop drinking Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Assault (CAN) 1 Posted January 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Thehamster @ Jan. 20 2002,22:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I agree with what you say about Kuwait. If they did not have oil I belive that America would not have given a damn about them being invaded<span id='postcolor'> Uhhhh, a COALITION of countries invaded Kuwait not just the U.S. Afterall, its not only the Yanks who get most of their oil from the middle east, so does the rest of the world, including Europe and Britain. It was in everyones interest to get Saddam out of Kuwait, not just the U.S.'s If I am correct, the Brits still have fighter jets patrolling the Iragi "no-fly zone" along with the U.S. Tyler Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Assault (CAN) 1 Posted January 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ex-RoNiN @ Jan. 21 2002,00:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">U$ = Evil Empire 'nuff said US = Good Empire if they take all their troops, go back home, and leave the rest of us the heck alone<span id='postcolor'> You have been listening to too much R.A.T.M. What makes the U.S. so evil? What makes you Euro commies think yourselves so high and mighty? If Britain or France or Germany or whatever had the same power as the U.S. You guys would do the same f*cking thing. Remember, the Brits had an empire once too. Hell, so did France. Anyone remember what the Germans did when they had power? twice? You have corrupt politicians and corporations too. This thing just isn't a U.S. problem. So quit balming the U.S. for everything. I bet Blair is just as backwards as Bush or Clinton is, they just have different labels. Tyler Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxer 0 Posted January 20, 2002 Assault (CAN), This is how the forums are,If the usa does it,it's only for themself.if european does it ,theres a reason. go look at the thread "I.R.A Fired on british paras 1st on bloody sunday (Pages 1 2 3 ..4 )" Â It's too funny,sounds like another israel thing,and you know how some people say it israel fault for shooting protesters ? Well when the british does it,it's not their fault.But they blame israel for shooting protesters.Gotta love these forums. Remember europe has hidden oil fields they get no oil from the middle-east,or they pump from the ocean. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ex-RoNiN 0 Posted January 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">U$ = Evil Empire 'nuff said US = Good Empire if they take all their troops, go back home, and leave the rest of us the heck alone<span id='postcolor'> You have been listening to too much R.A.T.M.  What makes the U.S. so evil? What makes you Euro commies think yourselves so high and mighty? If Britain or France or Germany or whatever had the same power as the U.S. You guys would do the same f*cking thing. Remember, the Brits had an empire once too. Hell, so did France. Anyone remember what the Germans did when they had power? twice? You have corrupt politicians and corporations too. This thing just isn't a U.S. problem. So quit balming the U.S. for everything. I bet Blair is just as backwards as Bush or Clinton is, they just have different labels. Tyler<span id='postcolor'> We think so high and mighty because we INVENTED CIVILIZATION The US are evil because they are like the Ottoman or Roman Empire. They are Empires. Total disregard for the individual. THAT is pissing me off, hence me labelling the US=Evil Empire! (RATM had their say as well ) NOBODY is as moronic as bush!!! OUR politicians know how to talk, know how to eat a Bretzel, and know how to behave properly and not piss everyone off with stupid cowboy speeches!!! And no, we would NOT do the same thing! We might have done so in the past (like centuries ago), but unlike others we learn from our mistakes!!!!!! European Civilization >> US melting pot thingy meh jig  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxer 0 Posted January 20, 2002 I don't see how the USA is soo evil,Do we control your country ? even though we could ? have we attacked canada and mexico yet ? no,have we took over south america yet ? No.Do we go to europe and fight their wars for them(kosvo) ? yes. Do we give lots money to europe countries ? probably. do we give lots money to middle-east countries,heck yes we do.Did americans stay on the frontline during the cold war ? Yes. If america didn't enter the war in ww2 ,more western europe countries could look like eastern europe. and soo on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brgnorway 0 Posted January 20, 2002 If Britain or France or Germany or whatever had the same power as the U.S. You guys would do the same f*cking thing. Remember, the Brits had an empire once too. Hell, so did France. Anyone remember what the Germans did when they had power? twice? You have corrupt politicians and corporations too. This thing just isn't a U.S. problem. So quit balming the U.S. for everything. I bet Blair is just as backwards as Bush or Clinton is, they just have different labels. This is mostly true. Europe is probably responsible for a lot more wrongdoings all over the world (historically), and that's depressing. However, US has done a few things themselves under a much shorter span of time. Which is also correct. And I'm certainly not a commie. I don't believe Blair is as backwards as Bush. It's not possible. The man is so stupid that he cant even eat properly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ex-RoNiN 0 Posted January 21, 2002 Yurop OWNZ J00 ALL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Longinius 1 Posted January 21, 2002 "I don't see how the USA is soo evil,Do we control your country ?" Yes, in many ways America controls other nations. No nation has more influence over others than America. This is achieved through veto's, muscle and economical domination. In many ways, America controls aspects of every nation. "Do we go to europe and fight their wars for them(kosvo) ? yes. " Their wars? Name one war in Europe that America has fought that they did not have a direct tie with prior to engaging. "Do we give lots money to europe countries ? probably." This is a mute point Foxer because every rich nation gives money to the poorer nations. You know this. We know this. The point is mute. "do we give lots money to middle-east countries,heck yes we do." See above. "Did americans stay on the frontline during the cold war ? Yes. If america didn't enter the war in ww2 ,more western europe countries could look like eastern europe. and soo on. " Yeah, so? I doubt America did it for those European countries. More likely, they did it for themselves. Had Europe fell and become a Nazi empire, the US would have been next. They HAD to act. It was a do or die situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted January 21, 2002 America is a damn fine nation, best sex I ever had was with an American, there ya go, end of discussion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fenix83 0 Posted January 21, 2002 In June 1997, after 7 years of criminal sanctions, the United Nations, the UNICEF, the WHO (the World Health Organization) and of WFP (World Food Program) estimated at 1,2 million the number of deaths, because of the shortage of food and drugs, including 750.000 children of less than 5 years. The first secretary Madeleine Albreight (make me think has Tatcher) said, when she knew that : It is the price to be paid. If I knew that my government had caused that, I would not be proud to be an american... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites