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always night time

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okay when i run ofp it shows the cutscne which is set in day time but my problem is that everything is dark

the night is night time the day is night time so i cant see anything ive reinstalled the game well copyed the needed files from the cd's into my ofp directory

any help

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Screenshots? System specs? And when you say you installed by copying the needed files over... You mean you didn't run the installer? You just copied the files over ad hoc? Doesn't sound like the most fantastic idea.

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Appologies in advance if any of this sounds patronising, im just really curious - its an unusual error indeed!

Does this apply to official missions or user missions?

You're not confusing the 24 hour clock in some way are you? Clean instalation verses just copying over the relevant files sounds like a good idea, its probably just as quick.

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Quote[/b] ]Screenshots? System specs? And when you say you installed by copying the needed files over... You mean you didn't run the installer? You just copied the files over ad hoc? Doesn't sound like the most fantastic idea

no i ran the installer but every so often i copy some files over incase they some how get modified and things like that just in case

ill try get some screenshots

system specs are

760 MB RAM

Nvidia Geforce 2 MX

2.2 GHZ

and thats all i know im not the most echnical of people so im not too sure much about my computer

i do have a modified config.bin but thats in a mod folder and i get this problem when i dont run the modified .bin file

any other ideas


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Again?, reinstall the game properly, delete the OPF directory before doing so, move your mod folders somewhere else before reinstaling the game confused_o.gif .

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Erm,erm, try turning up brightness and or gamma in options at the main gui when ofp starts. And also erm,oh yeah that's it,turn up the brightness on your monitor or summat like that xmas_o.gif If all this fail's why not just sit back,chill out and have a few beer's.P.S if you have to settle for the last option have a bbeer for me ,and not to worry santa may bring you a brand spankin new comp xmas_o.gif

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oh yeah i thought i had this problem before thanks for reminding me ill do a fresh reinstall that should do it

edit - ive ran into a problem ive uninstalled the game and backed up everythig but when i went to reinstall it (GOTY) it asked for the 3rd cd so i put it in but it had an error on the promo/racedriver file which isnt really needed either but because of the error it cancelled installation and deleted all files which were installed so now i cant even play the game bcaue theres a scratch on the bloody cd anyone please help ?

does this mean i will have to buy the game again ?

or is there a way of changing the installer so it doesnt copy that file ?

now i cant even play the game

it worked when i played with the mod folders just i couldnt play the default game and now i cant play it at all

edit2 - im not sure here but if i already had them files on my computer would the installer relise that and just pass on those files if so please please please send me the promo folder

to rob0991v2@hotmail.com except its a bit big to attach to email so please host it on some fiee hosting site and send me a link


i cant play ofp now and since im making a campaign which i would like to get done soon this aint helping biggrin_o.gif

anyone got any ideas for me without me needig to buy the game again please help

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Bummer... I have had both problems.

My OFP was always night once (like the OFP clock was stuck at midnight)

I reinstalled to fix the problem.

I also have CD3 of my GOTY with a large scratch and I still have to install my older reg OFP w/ Res addon

Have you tried disk doctor (sometimes called skip doctor) to fix the scratches on the cd? Again buying another GOTY may be cheaper.

Can you copy the files to your HDD? (keep retrying on errors)

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ive tired ive found a way of getting around it get the files needed which doesnt get read and make my own ofp CD with the remaining files which is needed

but then i would get struck by the copy right data stuff on the CD which doesnt allow you to copy it

im going to buy some CD cleaning stuff since ive also got one other game scratched not becuae i take bad care i take very good care, they just somehow get scratched im guessing i need to clean the CD drive

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