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gandalf the white

Stealth technology concept.

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Dear community members,

I am sure you have all seen the phenomenom below more then once:


I am talking about the transparent tree-behind-cable-texture effect. (Sorry Ronin, didn't have any other picture). Basicly: anything but the ground / air goes invisible.

My idea was: How about using this as a cloaking technology?

Imagine this kind of "cloaking" particles being generated by a tank. The tank would give off these particles, cloaking the tank (good thing) , but also everything behind him (bad thing).

So for the best effect, you'd need to keep as little models as possible behind you, using this on a hill with only the sky as a background would render you completely invisible. However, if somebody were to look at you whilst you were driving in front of a forest, he'd see a giant blob hiding the forest: " --> fire here <-- " crazy_o.giftounge2.gif .

So on one hand this is a good stealth technology, as it could also hide units tagging along behind the invisible tank, yet, it must be used with care, because from a different angle you might stand out... allot.

Basicly the question was: Can this effect (picture above) be generated with particles? and can particles be textures on both sides so your particles dont hide your own view? smile_o.gif

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Thats just bad alpha-channelling, combined with the whole "PAA-Alpha Ghosting" issue evident in many addons, even with BIS buildings, whereby PAA textures, if viewed through a semi-transparent PAA texture, sometimes become invisible.

In response to your question, I imagine such a tank could be made, although I really can't see the point if you'll pardon the pun.

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yup... all it did was setobject texture an alpha texture on it's surfaces, instead of the regular textures - hence invisible to the player, but not to AI

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With the alpha texture the stealth mode would get too good, the point of this technology is that you have to think before you use it.

If you keep just ground or sky as a background there wouln't be a problem, but if there would be anything else behind you it wouln't be rendered. in simple terms: you'd see a piece missing out of a forest (above picture), wich might be even worse (for the vehicle).

and AI can see everything, but with a "this setcaptive true" that problem is easely fixed wink_o.gif

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Hrhr, one of the most annoying bugs in OFP and someone will use it as a feature! crazy_o.gif

MfG Lee biggrin_o.gif

(P.S. I really hate this bug!wink_o.gif

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one day you see a perfect car availiable for download.

you download it,put it in your addons folder and launch the game.

you open the mission editor and select and island.the game starts loading,you cant wait.loading ends.you click on the map to place an unit.you select that beautiful car and place it on the road.you click on the preview button and game starts loading.finally you start driving around like crazy.you switch to 3rd person view the car and take an awesome screenshot in front of a nice f**ked up building to make it look good.you discover that car windows look like crap.you can't see the house through them and your perfect day is screwed.you exit the game and go to forums where it was released.you want to say things what will cause you a ban but you won't ,because you are a polite human and you stay silent.

entire text was made up in 1 minute,so don't take it personally

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Blast, our secret's out, they discovered the "PAA-Alpha Ghosting" thing (thats actualy a good name for it, Jackal), no longer can we make animated weapons without people figuring out how to do it!

Ok ok enough with the sarcasm, we allready have exploited this "bug" to use to our advantage, like animated weapon parts and stuff. But anything bigger than that and you'll be seeing some freaky stuff.

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I believe this will make somebody at BIS fall of his chair again tomorrow when he reads the forums for new ideas thought up by the community!

Sometimes the stuff you pro guys discuss sound like startrek when they are thinking up somekind of solution. We can use the positron injectors to conduct power to the emergency generators to deflect the power of the lightbeam on the etc etc........... rofl.gif

I love this game! Everything can be made! Everything can be done! Aint it truely great!

ok carry on guys! thumbs-up.gif

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