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is anything happening ith this game ?

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So? icon_rolleyes.gif

Well, just wait.

If there's something BIS has or wants to tell, they'll do.

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Whenever BIS feels it's time to give out info they will, and that might take a few days ...months sad_o.gif

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Didn't you hear, Armed Assault sold out world wide. DVD makers cant burn copies fast enough to keep up lol.

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har har har,.. real funny band.gif

as to the question on the topic.

no.. nothing is going on with this game.

why? cause Bis has yet to give out any type of statment on weather anything at all is going on. the least they should do is tell us if things are still moving forward. i dont care for pictures or a demo. i would just like to know if things are still going and if the release date is going to be pushed back.

what they are doing to us is evil!!! banghead.gif and if January hits with out any news, i for one will not buy it. i'll just wait another few years for GAME2 (when ever the hell that comes out).

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