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YPR-765 PRI by Lowlands Warrior

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Here it is: http://llw.the-dropzone.net/main/index.php

After some final touching up, we decided to send the YPR-765 out onto the battlefield. We actually wanted to release the add-on before the real-life YPR series will be put out of service. (it is planned to be replaced by the CV9035 in 2006) The archive also contains the YPR PRI in a 1985 era layout, and versions with no nationality markings.


- Modes of fire represent the real YPR PRI modes. AI will use modes of fire in an appropriate manner.

- Carefully balanced armour, damage and speed values.

- Random license plate numbers.

- Ejects 25mm shell casings.

- Swaying antennae.

- Fully customizable decals.

- Several Photoshop templates for decals included.


Thanks to "OFP Willem", we also have a mission-pack to go with our latest add-ons. These missions are usable for both single-player and multi-player games. These missions also requires several add-on packs to be installed. Check the .TXT files for a detailed description per mission.


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will LLW ever make the CV9035?

it would be quite cool with both the "old" IFV and the "new" IFV smile_o.gif

will try this out asap smile_o.gif

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That's very, very likely. On the other hand it's higly unlikely that this will happen before Q1 2006.

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That's very, very likely. On the other hand it's higly unlikely that this will happen before Q1 2006.

thanks, thats just the kind of answer i hoped for smile_o.gif

good luck to your future work smile_o.gif

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I love the high rate of fire with this weapon with those ejecting cases. I also like it even more when you complete an addon of this high standard because it means you can work on a new one biggrin_o.gif . Awsome work guys. On a side note i noticed that your now placing your addons in a LLW vehicles list instead of the KMM list, is there any reason for this.

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KMM was the old tag, LLW is now used as tag! well has been in use for a while now actually...

LowLands Warrior

All addons released are now LLW, the soldier pack, the weapon packs, the Leopard IIA6 tank, MB jeep, the DAF truck, and now the uber cool YPR!

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On a side note i noticed that your now placing your addons in a LLW vehicles list instead of the KMM list, is there any reason for this.

Yup. smile_o.gif

KMM is an acronym for "Korps Mariniers Mod" (Royal Marine Corps Mod). We switched to the name Lowlands Warrior, and have been using the LLW tag since Q3 this year. All add-ons will gradually b replaced by newer versions using the LLW tag.

New soldier models are up next.

Sander, you must work harder! Work harder! *whip crack*


Quote[/b] ]I love the high rate of fire with this weapon with those ejecting cases.

If you like realism, check the readme. I think you'll like the explanation.

Also try to let AI control the YPR, and send some BMP's and a (low flying) helicopter to attack it. See what happens....


This YPR is actually just as powerful as the BMP2, but I tweaked the AI behaviour a bit, to make it quite lethal.

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have you got the M136/AT4 addon installed???

Didn't see the add-on dependencies since they weren't linked. Direct links to dependent addons would be nice.

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lovely stuff, the 10 round burst mode is a killer, literaly smile_o.gif

but im having serious FPS issues when AI is commanding and feel threatned, as its starts throwing around endless amounts of smoke cover (with and without ECP), anyone having this?

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Very nice job guys! notworthy.gif....to bad these beauties are to be replaced by the CV9035 sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]but im having serious FPS issues when AI is commanding and feel threatned, as its starts throwing around endless amounts of smoke cover (with and without ECP), anyone having this?

Can you specify under which conditions this behaviour occurs? Over the past months the addon has been tested in a wide variety of settings and no similar behaviour has been observed. The smoke is defined to be popped just once for the left and right bank of launchers. So in order to recreate the problem and search for a possible solution additional information is needed

* what addons are used

* what is the skill setting of the vehicle and its crew

* what is the level of damage incurred by the vehicle

* what is the opposition the vehicle faces (type, number, skill, distance)



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I had a similar experience. I just wanted to see what it looked like, so I placed one on Leusderheide, and when I pressed "Preview", my crew immediatly started to launch every available smoke. No opposition what so ever, I had only placed the YPR. Also I didn't even have my hands at the keyboard yet, so it's quite impossible that I have launched them myself. As for the rest: Full skill, no damage, no opposition.

It occured on the version with NATO camo, not on the 80's version.

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No problems here with smoke icon_rolleyes.gif



Only thing is.. that they zig zagged to much on the dirt "roads" of Leusderheide  wink_o.gif

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Thanks all for the feedback about smoke. This will help us to improve our work.

The AI pops smoke when the logical "fleeing" flag is raised for a vehicle's commander. From what you are telling me, there seem to be the following problems:

1) AI fires both smoke sectors in rapid sucession. This may well be an oversight on my part, in that the YPR has 2 sets of smoke and the IA just keeps on firing. Finding a solution may take quite some time.

2) Some units seems to have the "fleeing" flag raised at the start of a game. I'll add a 1 second delay to the initialization, to see if that fixes the problem.

3) Even though I tuned the smoke down by 50%, CPU-stress issues still occur. I will add an option llwDisableAiSmoke, to prevent the AI from firing smoke automatically.

I cannot say when this will be fixed. A final solutions may well take the release date for a final patch beyond december 10th. In the mean time, I will ask if any of the other guys can look into this.

If you find any other technical issues, please let me know!

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dont know if this is intentional or not but for me the smoke pops just ontop of the vehicle, shouldnt it be thrown some distance?

for me that is more logical as i have never seen a vehicle IRL that pops the smoke on itself....

atleast this occurs when i play as gunner and decides to pop the smoke manually.

btw, damn cool antenna animation biggrin_o.gif

(the antennas wobble back and forth when braking or accelerating)

and good use of the DKM suspension script (i think you use it as it seams to have quite realistic "soft" suspension when braking wink_o.gif

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dont know if this is intentional or not but for me the smoke pops just ontop of the vehicle, shouldnt it be thrown some distance?

for me that is more logical as i have never seen a vehicle IRL that pops the smoke on itself....

atleast this occurs when i play as gunner and decides to pop the smoke manually.

In real life, the grenades even tend to get stuck on the front of the vehicle, when camouflage netting is present. Sadly, it would be too much of a hassle to script such misfires.


Quote[/b] ]...and good use of the DKM suspension script (i think you use it as it seams to have quite realistic "soft" suspension when braking wink_o.gif

Nope, thank the Spanel brothers for this. It's all natural OFP behaviour. No scripting there.


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well, I had no probs with smoke neither, but the AI in my OFP drove their YPR into the other tank and then started firing, I only selected a waypoint "destroy" at the enemy tank huh.gif

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Guest major gandhi

thanks for this really nice addon guys

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