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I found this in Vilas mod...

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This is example emotion's and insult.

Quote[/b] ]1) if someone has a lot of time, he can mak addons better than person who have family , a lot of work, and treat OFP  like "just funny spending of time"

this is your problem, not community.

Quote[/b] ]2)if someone have good photos

You may simple ask.

Quote[/b] ]4) except of not good soldiers i made few islands

We talking about your soldiers now.

Quote[/b] ]5) textures on new WW2 weapons are 2048 pixels,

LOL! smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]6) i make addons that can be puted in big numbers and used on slower computers

Somebody makes 3 modification - low, medium and high res.

Quote[/b] ]7) what concerns "russian sense of humor"

Sorry for english user, i will answer en russian. i have no word's in english.


Da, u nas takoe chuvstvo umora! Vas v Polshe, otodrali nemci, potomu chto, vi nachali vosstanie po sobstvennoi iniciative!

Eto vashi problemi. Naschet Checni - esli bi armiu ne ostanavlivali prodazhnie generali - vsu Chechnu uzhe zakatali bi v beton. I nikakih terroristov bi ne bilo tam. Da i potom, est Izrail naprimer. U nih tozhe "chuvstvo umora", da?

Ti voobshe v kurse chto vashu Polshu, 300 let vse na huyu verteli, komu ne len? I esli bi ne russkie - Gitler vas bi virezal vseh! Ti v kurse, chto ti zivesh i dishish blagodorya russkim?

Est takaya russkaya pogovorka - "V svoem glazu brevna ne zamechaesh". Eto pro tebya. Esli ti nastolko tup chtobi meshat igru i politiku - to idi-ka ti nahui, nam s dolboebami obshatsya smisla net. Sdelal dermo i eshe obizhaetsya na spravedlivie upreki. Vot takoe u nas chuvstvo umora, blyat!!!

P.S. U vas i takogo net smile_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">I remember this ORCS news.

Wow! You great detictive smile_o.gif Now, look at the date.

ORCS model - 2003.

Vilas model - 2006.

Any difference? smile_o.gif

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Wow, I am heartbroken by the flashpoint.ru comments sad_o.gif Immature and ignorant people. I am ashamed to be part of the operation flashpoint community reading that sad_o.gif

Wass, you need to seriously take the rocks out of your shoes.

Keep up the good work vilas smile_o.gif Don't listen to all the naysayers. I appreciate the work you put into addons. That BRDM looks especially nice thumbs-up.gif Your weapons are especially excellent and have outstanding variety smile_o.gif

The only thing I would recommend is change the shape of the US soldier's helmet a little. It looks a little too "vertical."

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Your point about the ORCS release date for that bad addon doesnt matter.

What matters is that no one ridiculed them when it came out. They learned how to make their addons better with practice...not by people telling them that their work was no good.

Although, from the flashpoint.ru forum, youd think everyone there always made great addons...I dont think so.  icon_rolleyes.gif

I dont see a lot of Russian addon makers around anymore. i wonder why.  whistle.gif


Quote[/b] ]Yes, we, russians, are so evil

Maybe if youd stop talking crap all the time like that, people wouldnt think you were.

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Your point about the ORCS release date for that bad addon doesnt matter.

No. It's impotant very important!

In 2003 there is no Resistance was released.

It was old version game engine. It can't be possibility make hi quality textures on addons. Lern history before post message.

Quote[/b] ]Although, from the flashpoint.ru forum, youd think everyone there always made great addons...I dont think so.  

Of course. And averyone who made bad addon - have real killing critiques. In russian - it more offensively.

Quote[/b] ]Immature and ignorant people.

Do you mean "varvar's" isn't?  mad_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Wass, you need to seriously take the rocks out of your shoes.

I don't understand what you mean.

Try to say other word's.

Quote[/b] ]I dont see a lot of Russian addon makers around anymore. i wonder why.

Becouse most russian addon makers make his addons. smile_o.gif

If seriously - here are so bored. they better makes their addon's and talk on flashpoint.ru.

This speech unannounced on flashpoint.ru. Most people did't know about this.

Quote[/b] ]Yes, we, russians, are so evil. I eat two Vilases on breakfast this day. Too skinny, IMO.

Denorc, you burn without any vagina smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]No. It's impotant very important!

In 2003 there is no Resistance was released.

It was old version game engine. It can't be possibility make hi quality textures on addons. Lern history before post message.

You think you are so brilliant about OFP history by giving lessons to others, but you really should see this ORCS news next to the others news and others addons at the same date, since it seems that your memory isn't that good...


Yes, on this same page you can see Jojimbo soldiers and PSC Buggy... It was not the time anymore when only reskinning was possible.

In a way that comfort me in the feeling that your judgment is totally biased Wass, and that all what you have writen in this thread lost its value then.

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Well clearly despite my repeated requests certain people are incapable of discussing things without continuing to attack each other, I'm closing the thread, Vilas is welcome to start a new one to discuss his works, and woe betide anyone who tries to continue the ill feeling from this thread in that one.

Wass as I see it you were the primary instigator in the demise of this thread, and you continued arguing in here when you were asked not to, so I will post restrict you for 1 week and give you a warning level of 1. If you wish to continue using these forums please understand what is required in this community.

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