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Mamba Six

A magnitude of scripts released!

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A magnitude of scripts, tutorials and tools have been dumped on the community due to the perserverance of a few individuals, namely the <span style='color:teal'>Editors Depot</span> of OFPEC.

Here are some highlights:

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:Green'>Scripts</span></span>

Improved Satelite Script - <span style='color:red'>Blanco</span>


<span style='color:red'>Blanco</span> slaved away and updated an original script by Vektorboson into the amazing piece of engineering we now see today.

Multiple onSingleMapClick Command Handler - <span style='color:orange'>General Barron</span>

This handy script lets you cleanly, easily and efficiently 'add' or 'remove' multiple commands from the 'onmapsingleclick' command. Invaluable when you are trying to manage more than one possible command governed by onMapSingleClick.

Mikero's Editor Update 102

Streetlamps that do!

Buildings with ladders that work!

Doors that will!

Repair and rearm stations

Support for English, German, Italian, Spanish and Czech

Corrected classes & namesounds Proper classnames for mission.sqm

Mapsizes that are!

Fully compatible with existing editor102s

The ultimate editor upgrade that goes beyond simply allowing some extra objects. Included in the editor102 bundle.

Firefly Script - <span style='color:red'>Student Pilot</span>

Need I say more? Well, I will. This script creates fireflys within a set radius of an object. But that's not all. The last count <span style='color:gold'>8000</span> fireflys at a time.

<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:purple'>And for a few Tools...</span></span>

Operation Flashpoint DePBO Dll - <span style='color:aqua'>Mikero</span>

The intention of this Dll is to attach it like any other Dll to applications of your own without having to write and debug pbo compression AND binarised encryption/decryption. Several <span style='color:gold'>example programs</span> and <span style='color:gold'>full C++ source</span> are included.

Bin2Cpp Internals - <span style='color:aqua'>Mikero</span>

Describes the file format of an 'encrypted' mission.sqm or fps file.

<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:magenta'>And a tute (or two)</span></span>

Improving Script Speed - <span style='color:aqua'>Mikero</span>

This tutorial shows how you can arrange code in your scripts so that they run faster.

O2 Installation and Tips - <span style='color:limegreen'>blizzard</span>

blizzard created the "Easy 02 Installation". But now he's made a more "plain englished" version and he's added a tip on creating models/editing models in Oxygen (O2), the official addon model construction tool for OFP.

These and more can all be found over at the <span style='font-size:10.5pt;line-height:100%'>OFPEC Editors Depot</span>, conviently. wink_o.gif

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