WhoCares 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Except to the CSU (partner of the CDU in Bavaria) - those take a more christian-conservative postition. Sometimes they even show rightwing tendencies... edit: And now to the Coop night  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
denoir 0 Posted September 18, 2005 From wikipedia, but  I couldn't find the quoted passage on the CDU website. Quote[/b] ]According to the CDU's website, the party is nondenominational Christian-based, applying the principles of Christian Democracy and serving to "unite Catholics and Protestants, Conservatives and Liberals, proponents of Christian social ideals, and men and women from various regions, social classes, and democratic traditions." The CDU believes that mankind has a responsibility to God in upholding the Christian ideals and caring for the environment. That kind of language makes me worried. To be fair, after browsing the CDU website, I failed to find even a single reference to any religious values. Anyway, this is fairly interesting; Schroeder rejects Merkel mandate [CNN] Quote[/b] ]Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said he intends to put together a new coalition government and continue leading Germany despite exit polls showing his party trailing slightly in Sunday's election. Earlier, conservative challenger Angela Merkel claimed she had a mandate to form a new government after projections showed her opposition leading in the election but falling short of a parliamentary majority. "They claim a political mandate but this is something I cannot understand," Schroeder told supporters at his Social Democratic Party (SPD) headquarters in Berlin. "Those who wanted change in the office of chancellor have failed grandly. I do not understand how the (conservatives) could be so arrogant and self-assured now they are facing a disastrous election result," Schroeder said. "Over the next four years there will be a stable government under my leadership," he said. Earlier, however, Merkel told supporters at Christian Democrat (CDU) headquarters in Berlin: "Now it's about creating a stable government in Germany. This is our job, our mandate." ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albert Schweitzer 10 Posted September 18, 2005 Schröder is horny for power, and he cant understand that he lost it. What a moron! And Denoir, CDU has NO religious aims. It is their traditional name and thats it! Dont interpret! How should Schröder stay in power. I mean how blind is the guy? The FDP said no so they have no alternatives than a great coalition. And since CDU is stronger they will choose the next cancellor! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
der bastler 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Bisky, Gysi, Porsch...btw. we don't need to discuss about das Merkel, I'm not defending her. Interesting, all mentioned involvements are --heavily-- disputed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
denoir 0 Posted September 18, 2005 And Denoir, CDU has NO religious aims. It is their traditional name and thats it! Dont interpret! Are you quite sure about that? http://www.cdu.de/archiv/2370_9854.htm Quote[/b] ]Merkel: Das "C" im Parteinamen ist "Anspruch und Schatz" Rheinischer Merkur: Der Weltjugendtag hat ein Bedürfnis nach Transzendenz deutlich gemacht. Wie reagiert darauf die Partei mit dem "C" im Namen? Merkel: Ich würde mich freuen, wenn der christliche Glaube wieder eine größere Verankerung in unserer Gesellschaft findet. Die Trennung von Kirche und Staat hat ja gute Gründe, birgt allerdings auch die Gefahr, dass im staatlichen Handeln die geistige Inspiration durch das Christentum gar nicht mehr erkennbar ist und darüber auch nicht mehr reflektiert wird. Daraus entsteht Beliebigkeit, weil man die Wurzeln vergisst, aus denen sich unser Leben speist. Für uns Politiker folgt aus dem Amtseid mit dem "So wahr mir Gott helfe": Wir dürfen uns nicht als Zentrum der Welt verstehen, sondern werden uns der eigenen Fehlbarkeit bewusst. "Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar" Rheinischer Merkur: Sie haben in Köln mit Papst Benedikt XVI. gesprochen, der vor einigen Jahren als Kardinal Ratzinger den Gebrauch des "C" durch Ihre Partei noch kritisiert hatte. Was hat er der CDU ins Stammbuch geschrieben? Merkel: Er hat ihr gar nichts ins Stammbuch geschrieben, sondern wir waren uns in der Bedeutung des christlichen Menschenbildes insgesamt - also auch, aber nicht nur auf die CDU bezogen - vollkommen einig. Für mich ist das "C" in unserem Namen Anspruch und Schatz. Rheinischer Merkur: Gewendet auf die Tagespolitik: Würden Sie nach einem Regierungswechsel das Thema Abtreibung anfassen? Merkel: Nicht beim Paragrafen 218, bei dem wir eine Lösung gefunden haben, die zeigt, dass wir den Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens wollen. Bei den Spätabtreibungen sehe ich allerdings deutlichen Handlungsbedarf. Wenn wir eine Mehrheit bekommen, werden wir dort Beratungsregeln durchsetzen, die eine zusätzliche Möglichkeit des Nachdenkens eröffnen. Dies war bis jetzt gegen Rot-Grün nicht durchsetzbar, was ich sehr bedauere. Rheinischer Merkur: Bei der Stammzellforschung sagen Wissenschaftler: Wenn die Stichtagsregelung nicht aufgehoben wird, fällt Deutschland auf diesem Gebiet zurück. Wie entscheiden Sie diesen Konflikt? Merkel: Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Ich sage: Wehret den Anfängen! Deshalb ist die Stichtagsregelung ein akzeptabler Kompromiss, den ich nicht leichtfertig aufs Spiel setzen möchte. Wir sollten alle Anstrengungen daransetzen, andere Wege zu finden, mit Stammzellen zu forschen, zum Beispiel mit Rückentwicklungen von adulten Stammzellen. Die generelle Öffnung der Forschung würde zu einer Kommerzialisierung von Eizellen führen, die ich nicht will. Ok, so my German is a bit rusty, but from this I read that: 1) The "Christian" ephithet is both a necessity and treasure 2) That CDU wants to protect "unborn life" 3) That they want alternatives to embryotic stem cell research. Sounds very much Christian-conservative to me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albert Schweitzer 10 Posted September 18, 2005 I cant believe how fxxx stupid the germans have become! In the end I cant bother less. I have a good job and since a high unemployment rate and a bad economy keeps consumer prices low I can only profit from it. Earn well and pay less. So beeing wealthy in a poor country can be profitable, and Germany is turning poor! Â If anyone doesnt have a job during the next four years he can blame it on his own vote here in this election! Tough luck! But personally I rather prefer to be adminstered by Bush than by those moronic socialists! (dont take me too serious! I need to get rid of some anger-steam) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kavoven 4 Posted September 18, 2005 Schröder is horny for power, and he cant understand that he lost it. What a moron!And Denoir, CDU has NO religious aims. It is their traditional name and thats it! Dont interpret! How should Schröder stay in power. I mean how blind is the guy? The FDP said no so they have no alternatives than a great coalition. And since CDU is stronger they will choose the next cancellor! That's it Edit New forecasts(by Die Welt): SPD 34,2 % CDU/CSU 35,4 % Grüne 8,1 % FDP 10,0 % Linke 8,5 % Andere 3,8 % Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albert Schweitzer 10 Posted September 18, 2005 Hey, Fischer (green party) just said he would be ready for negotiations if the CDU would approach them! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kavoven 4 Posted September 18, 2005 Hey, Fischer (green party) just said he would be ready for negotiations if the CDU would approach them! There is a vote at www.welt.de: Which form of coalition would you prefere? 16.2 % CDU/SPD 19.0 % SPD/FDP/Grüne 19.1 % SPD/Linkspartei/Grüne 39.6 % CDU/FDP/Grüne 6.2 % Eine andere Koalition Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhoCares 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Schroeders attack vs. the media was/is rather ridiculous Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albert Schweitzer 10 Posted September 18, 2005 You can see that Schröder lost any sense for reality I love the idea of CDU+FDP+Green What would we call it? Ecological Liberalism with Capitalistic Socialism! That would be the administration of the future. And other countries would follow! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhoCares 0 Posted September 18, 2005 I like the name of it, Jamaika-Coalition  Otherwise, I don't think that the Green could bring itself seriously into such a constellation. I only see CDU+SPD as a realistic option. Without Schroeder and the extreme arrogance he shows right now, obviously  And now back to the Coop-night  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vektorboson 8 Posted September 18, 2005 Bisky, Gysi, Porsch...btw. we don't need to discuss about das Merkel, I'm not defending her. Interesting, all mentioned involvements are --heavily-- disputed. Disputed by whom? By themselves? They started their political careers in the SED, and the SED can change its name as often as they won't they are still the same old SED consisting of the same old people that led a repressive state against its own "people". I think that our discussion will lead to nowhere, as I have my personal objections against the former "communists" and I'll never accept their party as long as former GDR-politicians are in charge. When they died all away, then I'll change my mind towards them. Speaking of which, our political system needs a change of generation anyway (all parties). What I find interesting, is that all major candidates refuse a coalition with the other. FDP doesn't want with SPD or Greens, Schroeder doesn't want with the CDU... Only the Greens seem to be flexible. If this continues, we may vote in a few weeks once again... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raptor 10 Posted September 18, 2005 Ecological Liberalism with Capitalistic Socialism! Who? CDU ? Oh yes....great idea.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kavoven 4 Posted September 18, 2005 Never saw such an arrogant behavior as that one of Schröder in the talking-round... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lwlooz 0 Posted September 18, 2005 I usually don't post here,but how Shroeder acted on that TV-talking round made me absolutely mad with anger.Either he was totally drunk or he has gone insane.I sure hope he doesn't become chancellor again. But I sure hope this doesn't lead to some sort of political instability(the election results). I would prefer a CDU+FDP+Greens government personally. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albert Schweitzer 10 Posted September 18, 2005 I blieve either Jamaica Coalition or Schröder is realy so horny for power that he creates a coalition with the SED (sorry, I mean PDS) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bernadotte 0 Posted September 18, 2005 What I find interesting, is that all major candidates refuse a coalition with the other. FDP doesn't want with SPD or Greens, Schroeder doesn't want with the CDU... Only the Greens seem to be flexible. If this continues, we may vote in a few weeks once again... If the trend continues (not at all sure) then SPD could emerge even stronger if there is a second round. So we can probably expect increased flexibility from CDU and FDP to keep from losing what they've already got. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albert Schweitzer 10 Posted September 18, 2005 nonesense. The SPD has no options except than to create a coalition with the CDU, Full stop! You cannot simply request another election! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
denoir 0 Posted September 18, 2005 If there is no majority coalition, then all parties involved will want a re-election. Otherwise you can't operate the government. No ministers will be confirmed by the Bundestag (and that goes for the chancellor as well). So, if no coalition has > 50%, then it's re-election. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redface 1 Posted September 18, 2005 Schröder and Muntefering are acting disturbingly arrogant at the moment, but well, that's just a payback for what Merkel and especially Stoiber have pulled off before this is modern media elections: everybody wins, don't ever admit defeat (on television) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balschoiw 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Quote[/b] ]The SPD has no options except than to create a coalition with the CDU, Full stop! Sure they have. There´s still the PDS and the FDP. A coalition between CDU FDP and Bündnis 90 Die Grünen is unrealistic. Poor, poor Ladyboy Westerwelle Gains a momentum by people who couldn´t decide between CDU and SPD and will have no relevance in parliament. Schroeder certainly had quite some drinks and that´s why he acted so funny. By the way....Stiober did that also some time back, but noone seemed to complain. Oh and Albert. I´m so sorry Anyway, negotiations are taking place over the next days and I´m pretty confident that the will of the voters will be respected. If they come over their trenchfights they may find out that a common effort wouldn´t be that bad. Reelections ? I don´t think so. It´s the people´s choice and it has been made. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albert Schweitzer 10 Posted September 18, 2005 nonesense Bals. They said clearly "no coalition with the PDS" and FDP said "no coalition with SPD". So where have you been the last three hours? As I said Bals, I couldnt care less, I got a good job in a company that basically profits from a bad economic performance. Â I am backed up by a wealthy family and I am the first person in Germany to chose another nationality if offered! If 50% of Germany chooses a socialist/communist governmnet then I dont feel german anymore! So I couldnt care less! Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balschoiw 0 Posted September 19, 2005 Quote[/b] ]nonesense Bals. They said clearly "no coalition with the PDS" and FDP said "no coalition with SPD". So where have you been the last three hours? Just wait and see. We´re talking about politicians here. Don´t forget that Quote[/b] ]socialist/communist Mc Carthy ? It´s democracy, that´s the name of the game. And communist ? Sorry, but I guess we´re really far from that Albert. The black and white scheme never really applied well for the german post-war political landscape and it does not apply today. Let´s keep it that way, shall we ? Oh and I´m not shivering in terror when it comes to my income or life - benefits aswell. But the only thing that would make me want to leave Germany would be Stoiber in Berlin and Beckstein running the internal ministry. Now that would be something I would be worried about.... Using smoke generators to cover Nuclear power plants isn´t what I call a defensive strategy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhoCares 0 Posted September 19, 2005 Theoretically the final results can be tipped to a stalemate in Dresden where in parts of the town the election had to be postponed for two weeks - I still like the idea of Stoiber making a tour there with 'his' frustrated Ossis However, I don't know how realistic it is that the SPD would gain three mandates there; I supposed it would have to be some kind of landslide victory I actually can't imagine. Otherwise I can't see how Schroeder justifies his current position as seeing himself as a winner - I'd prefer he admitted defeat as did Al Gore back then - I don't like the idea of a long-winded power struggle; that's the least we would need Current results (ARD news channel) Most important is the 'Sitzverteilung' as it decribes the actual number of seats in the parliament. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites