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I just came to think about something while testing some addons and turned up the fog..

the fog in OFP doesnt look very realistic so i wonder, could it be improved? similar to LLaumax sky and things like that..

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The fog takes the colour from the bottom of the sky texture. Change the sky texture and you change the fog colour.

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i was more thinking if it is possible to change the overall apperance of the fog and not just the colour...

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what i noticed is that how "thicker" u make the fog it doesn't grow much thicker at all.. your view is just being limited :s

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what i noticed is that how "thicker" u make the fog it doesn't grow much thicker at all.. your view is just being limited :s

it uses the same effect, but if i remember correctly, ofp still draws things everything up to your view distance, even if you can't see that far due to fog. but that's kind of off-topic...

Quote[/b] ]i was more thinking if it is possible to change the overall apperance of the fog and not just the colour...

what would you change? this is a very interesting idea, i've never thought about it before...

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There have been various 'fog scripts' that use dropped particles to create fog around the player or a certain area. Other than that though, I'm not sure what you are thinking of exactly...

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There have been various 'fog scripts' that use dropped particles to create fog around the player or a certain area. Other than that though, I'm not sure what you are thinking of exactly...

it´s something like that i imagine...

getting the fog to like "float" as it does irl....

also the possibility to place fog on the map (so that you can stand on a hill and look down in the valley and see the fog "float" around among the trees....

though i imagine it would be extremly hard to make it look realistic....

fog is basically clouds that are on ground level...

it would also be nice if you could set a altitude where the fog should apper, so that you can see it float around hiltops (low clouds)...

could work similar to the "cloudscrip" that was popular some months ago...

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LLaumax sky , is that fog good? cause i aint tested it yet

But i must agree,the fog in OFP should be better,

but like someone said, you can change it in Dxdll ,gonna try some stuff out then

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Try to play with this a bit maybe:


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Center = _this select 0

_dist1=_this select 1

_dist2= _this select 2




@(Player distance _Center)<_dist2




?((Player distance _Center)>_dist1):_Cloudalpha= 1-(((Player distance _Center) - _dist1)/(_dist2- _dist1))

_radius=(random 10)+random _Rradius

_angle=(random 360)

_size = 5

_col = 1


drop ["cl_basic" , "", "Billboard", 8+random 1,8+random 1,  [(getpos Player select 0)+_radius*(sin(_angle)),(getpos Player select 1)+_radius*(cos(_angle)),_height],[0,0,0],5 , 0.2, 0.1568, 0,[_size], [[_col,_col,_col,0],_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,[_col,_col,_col,0]], [0],0,0,"", "",""]


?(_i<1800):goto "loop"


goto "bigloop"

It generates fog around player when he approaches an object closer then distance2, as he approaches distance1 the fog gradually thickens to reach its final thickness at dist2.

You put a few GameLogic-s on map and run the script in each initField, for example:

[this,100,150]exec "fog.sqs"

_Rradius=50 - the max. distane at which clouds are being created from player.

_height=-0.8 - height of clouds above ground. At -0.8 they shoul reach 0.5-1m. above.

_CC=[_col,_col,_col,.3*_Cloudalpha] - .3 here is max alpha of cloudlets. Should be 0-1.

_size = 5 - size of cloudlets

_col = 1 - colour. Giving < 1 will resulkt in greyish fog. It's inside loop so You might want to make it random, like =.7+random.3 for example

?(_i<1800):goto "loop" - number of cloudlets created every ~1

Note it should be increased if You want to increase "Rradius=50".

OK. Hope You missonmakers enjoy.

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Ah...you're confusing fog (as it is in the real world) with view distance (which is there to stop your machine from crashing, NOT to simulate "fog"). There is a horizon object in the game though...Kegetys probably knows what it does...I never figured it out (except that tinkering with it is a great way to crash the game).

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