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Trigger off EOD´s single

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When gaming I came about something that bugged me for quite a while.

When placing several satchels you only have the choice to blow them up alltogether. This is imo a bit bad as you can´t set up traps properly.

Example: You place a satchel at a road to ambush a tank/truck/whatever. As there are reinforcements near (camp) it would be nice to be able to place a second and third satchel towards the assumed direction of their approach.

So once satchel A goes boom the reinforcements start to roll. They could be dealt with the other 2 satchels.

It´s a common thing to use more than one charge to gain maximum destruction.

Maybe this could be implemented in the game with no name ?

I haven´t mangeled my head about the way it could be handled properly with the action menu, but I guess there should be a way that avoids adding a single line for every satchel. Maybe some kind of submenu or something different.

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I'm not sure if this is how it works with real explosives, but assuming that the OFP satchels are radio-detonated, what if OFP2 (or whatever it's called)'s satchels can be set to different frequencies? For example, you put one satchel down and set it to frequency A, put two more down and set them to frequency B, then another one set on frequency D. When you send a signal on frequency A , the first satchel goes off. When you send on B, the next two go off, etc. etc.

I'm probably talking bollocks though.

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Or some kind of device with buttons (on the map), you know, like radio and watch...

It will also limit number of satchels.

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Or some kind of device with buttons (on the map), you know, like radio and watch...

It will also limit number of satchels.

group satchels perhaps?

"put satchel (X left)"

- Set satchel to 30 seconds

- Group satchel to <existing frequency>

- Group satchel to frequency <a/d> ? smile_o.gif

I still prefer my idea though, even though that clutters the map a bit tounge2.gif

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When they put the satchel, run a script that pops a dialouge up

And you can press 1 of x-buttons, to assign that satchel to that "frequeny". it adds the location to an array for that frequency

Then you have a new touch-off menu, and can blow up all satchels in the array. So you have a postion [323,3231,0], and any satchels with in x-metres get blowen up

Not sure how you'd do it in MP, but it's an idea.

- Ben

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It is thinkable to use different frequencies for the satchels or have different wire-triggers for them on the map screen or as a useable multi frequency radio on ingame screen like the watch or compass that comes up when a key is pressed.

For the opfor side their could be a cellphone integrated that detonates IED´s when a certain numer is pressed. These numbers could be highlighted once an IED is placed.

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Or assuming that there is a better action menu you could place groups (not next to each other) of charges that go off at when you press the right butten. Example press j all "A" ones detonate, press k all "B" go off. so you could place a bomb and walk away for a default bomb ( ofp 1 style) or Place it, then set it A, B, C, or D. 4 options should be fine

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Hmm, celphone detonated bombs, I like biggrin_o.gif (The idea of in the game..)

Maybe have a cellphone dialouge thing, with a menu, phonebook and a series of numbers you can select from, like "Thingy 1", "Thingy 2", etc. Then you can set the number when you place the bomb (I dont think putting the correct pager/mobile phone in the bomb will be very convinent game-play wise tounge2.gif)

Or maybe the built-in satchels could just be on timers (A dialouge that lets you adjust the time left, from 15 seconds to an hour say tounge2.gif), and someone could make the phone-bombs as an addon/script thing

Hmm, hard to get right confused_o.gif

- Ben

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All you really need is a small box with 4 buttons pop up when a certain key is pressed. It could be toggled on and off wuth the same key so you dont have it up the whole time. Kinda like the watch and the compass but it would stay on/off with the press of a key.

On the box it would have 4 button numbered or lettered, and while the box is showing in the screen a simple push of the coinciding button would set off said satchel.

Anyway, that would be the easiset way if its possible which Im sure it is.

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Would like that game2 have new interface which have more functions then before. In right-down menu haven't plenty functions, because game is lazy. Old menu is good idea, but for game with more functions is really lazy. crazy_o.gif

Idea this topis is very good welcome.gif

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