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ECP 1.085 Released!

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hmmm - i still get the crash to desktop with the version i was talking about.

Its only with ecp, and obviously the inclusion of MCar has something to do with it. The problem is that we have a deployable camnet script that uses the ecp count units array when ecp is detected - without the ecp evenhandlers enabled on the milan wmik it obviouslys throws a few errors up about it.

not sure what to do banghead.gif

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I want to add my own background cutscene on the main menu, but on ECP. I've placed my intro.intro file in all the addon folders I can think of and it doesn't work, any suggestions?

Oh yeah and I just want to say this is one great mod and it runs really well. Finally a good mod I can play with without too much lag. I love the Dynamic speaking, makes battles more realistic.

Thanks, Jamoose wink_o.gif

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I love DS AI, so please don't consider this a gripe...

It's "GORY GORY what a helluvaway to die," not "Glory, glory..." tounge2.gif

Regardless, I was pleasantly surprised when a unit broke into song and others started to chime in and sing along. I've heard them pray from time to time, but never sing. Great stuff.

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Hi Guys,

Just a small quirk I've found. When firing JAM smoke grenades or Flares from a grenadelauncher, you get an explosion effect and sound when the round hits the ground (it does no damage though).

For example, load up with ECP and the BAS Delta/Rangers, go into mission editor and place a Ranger Fire Team Leader on the map. Start up, select marker grenades or flare and fire your M203...

I've tried opening the settings.sqs and adding JAM_Markergrenadeammo, JAM_MarkerRound etc. to the ECP_expeff_exempt class, but that doesn't seem to help. Any ideas?

Anyway, it's not a biggie  wink_o.gif



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Just a small quirk I've found. When firing JAM smoke grenades or Flares from a grenadelauncher, you get an explosion effect and sound when the round hits the ground (it does no damage though).

It happens with (almost) all flares and M203 launched smoke grenades, as the scripts track ordnance models regardless of kind. That will be fixed.

About the sound, well, that's a DR issue. With BIS sound scheme, you won't have that problem.

Thanks for pointing out those bugs! wink_o.gif

I've tried opening the settings.sqs and adding JAM_Markergrenadeammo, JAM_MarkerRound etc. to the ECP_expeff_exempt class, but that doesn't seem to help. Any ideas?

Class exceptions from "Explosion Effects" are meant for CfgVehicles class objects and not CfgAmmo/CfgWeapons class. Such settings affect vehicle explosions only.

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Is there a way to change the crosshair back to "normal", kinda liked the old one better.

Tried search this site, but got lost...

Looked in the Readme but there where many words there... whistle.gif


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Hi All

After digging through this thread I wasnt able to find the solution to my problem.


Does ECP deactivate the ability to mouse click on the map say for arty targeting. I tried to use CoC CE with ECP and the mouse click wont work. Is there a fix for this? Thanks for the update.

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i had similiar problems with the BAS choppers and map click when using ECP

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This is a onMapSingleClick issue, all addons that use this command have the same issue with 'onMapSingleClick' when used concurrently if they require different values at the same time.

Solution for now is to disable ECP AI release and ECP Helo coms in your ECP_settings.sqf. They both use OnMapSingleCLick.

ECP_AI_release_enable -> false (ECP_public set [36, false])

ECP_helo_coms_enable -> false (ECP_public set [50, false])

Alternatively, in a MP situation for the MAP you should de-pbo the map and in the init.sqs  add this one-liner

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(format["%1",ECP_Path]!=format["%1",nil])&&(format["%1",count ECP_public]!="scalar"):{ECP_public set[_x,false]}forEach[36,50]

This way AI release and Helo commands will only be disabled for that particular map.

Hope this helps

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This is my favorate effects mod, FlashFX my arse.

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Like is it somehow possible to get the "old" crosshair back?

Someone already asked this earlier, but there was no answer smile_o.gif


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Hello, NoBrainer and nightkin;

I suppose you're refering to the weapon crosshair, which was retrieved in the Dynamic Range plugin. It's quite easy to alter it; all you need is a quick hack in @ECP\Bin\Sound_dr.h. This header file contains define preprocessors that will modify config.cpp according to their definition. In this case, you'll be looking for an all-caps constant called "RIFLE_CURSORS". It's definition is as follows:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define RIFLE_CURSORS cursor="w_weapon";\


Now, as you want the |'| cursor back, you'll have to alter the properties cursor and cursorAim to their original values, like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define RIFLE_CURSORS cursor="w_weapon_T";\


Don't feel confused. Read carefully and you'll find this very easy to do.

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thanks Komuna i was also wondering how to replace the cursor but i wasnt really that bothered but now youve said ive dont it very easy indeed.

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Thanks for the answer smile_o.gif

Now i have some other questions:

Where in the ECP_Settings.sqf can I turn out the without and tinnitus effect after near explosions?

Why a the explosion sounds of tank grenades on normla ground that silent? Is there any setting i can make to make them louder? I want them to blow headset up biggrin_o.gif

This is really a great mod, and i never play OFP again without it smile_o.gif

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To disable the suppression effects (ear ringing [tinnitus] and blinding) caused by close explosions, you have to look for "suppression" in ECP_Settings.sqf and set the enable condition to false, as follows:

Disable suppression only for grenade explosions;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// ECP_tgren_suppression_enable

// Suppression from grenades

// Default is true

ECP_local set [140,false];

Disable suppression for remaining kinds of ordnance;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// ECP_impactshock_suppression_enable

// enable dynamic suppression from ordnance close to player

// These include:

// White out and ear ringing

// Note- all ordnance require ECP_impactshock_enable = true

// Shells require ECP_tank_whiz_enable = true

// Rockets require ECP_bbda_trail_enable = true

// Default is true

ECP_local set [142, false ];

Must look like posted. Don't forget about the comment marks: //

Regarding shell and grenade explosions; well, my otorhinolaryngologist disaproves exposition to very high sound levels -- even if for a split second-- as it may [and surely will] cause hearing disabilities in the future.

Now, being less serious, I disagree about the explosion sound levels: they're much louder than rifle shots, but not too loud to become irritating or cause noise in the speakers. If, however, your explosions sound too quiet in comparison with rifle shots, you may have some sort of sound issue -- drivers, EAX, or just proper leveling...

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Thank you for the answers smile_o.gif

I found out that its just Sabot grenade explosions that are very silent. You can nearly just hear the dirt flying around. But with HEAT its...BOOM yay.gif

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At AI skill level >50%, machine gunners now use sustained fire on full auto!

Where can i adjust the AI skill level?

Never seen something like a percentage AI skill level  huh.gif

I never had tha AI firing substained fire with a machine gun sad_o.gif

Oh, and another question: Where can a find a compatible version of JAM? To bad that the ECP page is down sad_o.gif

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Hi nightkin,

Quote[/b] ]Where can i adjust the AI skill level?

When placing a unit in the mission editor, simply find the "Skill" slider and slide it to the right. It's a little horizontal slider, towards the top right of the dialog box if I remember right.

Quote[/b] ]Oh, and another question: Where can a find a compatible version of JAM? To bad that the ECP page is down

JAM3. Fully ECP compatible.

>shameless plug< More info on JAM3 here. Don't forget to check out the alternative soundpacks. wink_o.gif

Cheers mate,


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just wondering where in the .sqf do i turn down the effects distance trying to sort out my lag problem with ECP on large missions the fact that my computer is crap doesnt help.

What other things like distance of effects being seen can i turn off or down? Also which is more lag free BAS or the other helicopter dust? Currently mine is BAS

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@ cornhelium

thank you smile_o.gif

to bad i cant bring JAM to work with ECP. maybe you can help me in the JAM thread? wink_o.gif

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im wondering if ecp change the sound of the mg on armored vehicles, it doesent do it now but i think it did it before or have i just imagine it when i was playing  crazy_o.gif

peace out


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Dear community,

On January, OFPEC suffered a severe hardware failure, and all ECP online data was lost. Since then, and while the OFPEC staff has been rebuilding their site, the ECP team thought of building its own page, with own looks. Meanwhile, OFPEC, the cradle of ECP, was still under construction, and we started to look for some webspace in order to do our testings.

On April 3rd, TeamODB generously offered to be our temporary host. StealthTiger and his team mates provided us some space and resources to build our new webpage and forum, which we so gladly and thankfully accepted.

I come to announce that the ECP Discussion Forum is now open to public. The webpage is still under construction, so don't rely on its content for now. As soon as it's ready, we will announce it.

The ECP Discussion Forum is meant to provide a higher level of interaction between the team and ECP users , by providing documentation, support, and a means for issue reports and suggestions. There's no need for registration; anyone can post one's questions and reply to existent topics. The only thing we ask is that you read the posting rules -- it's very summarised, and it's easy to understand what we'd like to be avoided. Look at this forum as tool.

We'd also like to announce that ECP is looking for members. Check our Recruiting topic if interested.

In the meantime, this topic is going to be closed. All questions and suggestions shall be posted at the ECP Discussion Forum, so that all dicussions can be centralised.

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