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Retextured BIS buildings?

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Quote[/b] ]ehm where Jakerod

plz tell me, i need such stuff

It really hasn't gone anywhere. OFP.info didn't want to give us a site because they said we didn't need it. I hold nothing against them for that I partially agree with that.

I have one texturer who is in several other mods.

I had one modeler who was busy with another mod.

Pretty much nothing really gets done, except for one guy.

I give my guys credit though for doing their best while trying to help others though too.

I think we are just going to do new buildings now though instead of retexturing old ones because as you can see Armed Assault has already retextured all the old buildings.

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ok thanks anyway mate !

if you happen to have made some stuff already, i am grateful for everything ...

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I'm glad you guys like my work so far smile_o.gif I've done this more like a little side project, so I didn't really spent much time on it and that's why there weren't much news in the past. I haven't been at home the whole weekend and just found an email of a member of the WGL mod in my mailbox yesterday. To come to the point of my post - I'll send the WGL mod all my replacement textures, so that they can release them with their mod. I'll probably do one or two more buildings, but don't expect much more, cauze I'm quite busy with RL stuff and a Doom3 TC (thedarkmod.com).

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I just looked these up cause I remembered seeing the screens, I didn't know they were ever released but they were, they'd be good on a desert or Tonal based map if you wanted a more developed urban area.

Blink Dogs retextured buildings

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