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bucket man

Iranian soldiers

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I found a great post on another forum that has many pictures (some very graphic) from the Iran-Iraq war.

Iran-Iraq War pics

There is also a link to an album of the conflict in the first post.


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Thanks Wadmann altough I have went into every corner of mp.net to find iranian photos. Still they are nice pics and everybody interested about iranian army should see them.

Btw I sent the addon to ofp.info for hosting about 2 hours ago biggrin_o.gif

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this pictures are bad remember of me

because my uncle & my son of aunt are dead in this war

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Bucket man can I use your Iranian soldiers in my upcoming campaign on Tonal, just one small answer please. rofl.gif

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Hi Nationalist! I was born in Iran myself although I am not Iranian because my mother is Colombian and my father is American...still technically I am Iranian I guess. LOL! At any rate, my mod, Lost Brothers is helping Bucket Man with this pack. If you are able to record any voices on a computer we would be happy to use them in the addon or in missions.

At any rate, I am happy to see an Iranian here on the forum.

I think that this pack will be extremely good once more vehicles are added to it. But I'll let Bucket Man talk about what is being worked on as I don't want to steal his thunder. smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Ok sorry people the forums were down and I kinda missed when they came up again.

As most of you brobably noticed the first version was released at ofp.info.

Im working on a new version now that will have more variety to soldiers and the SF most brobably.

Now that Im getting the hang of Oxygen after a day in Miles Teg's Oxygen academy Im ready to do some changes to the original models.

@Sgt. Storm you are ofcourse free to use my iranians in your campaign.

Some early screens taken in bulldozer

Special Forces guy. He will have a different camo pattern.


Regular soldier with a backbag. The backbag model is from LoBo mod. Big thanks to LoBo for sharing their work! wink_o.gif


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hi miles teg,i'm very happy about this and i can help you about iranian voice (farsi) but i have a big problem with my internet connection.my connection is 36k and this speed is very low.my isp have dsl service but i haven't dsl yet but it will be coming soon.

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Excellent work about iranian addon but with a problem.

The Iranian haven't eagle on acock cap but have a symbol like symbol of iran flag (Allah = God) gold color.Red symbol between green and red line on white line ((l)).

and i did some true edit in config and texture files for my self.

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i have a list about iranian tank & apc:

Chieftain (Shir1) MBT,M48/M48A5 MBT,M60A1 MBT

M47/M47M tank,Zulfaqhar MBT,T-72 MBT,Type 72-Z MBT

T-62 MBT,T-54/T-55 MBT,Type 59 MBT,Type 69-2 MBT

Safir-74 MBT,Scorpion light tank,Tosan light tank

EE-9 Cascavel recce,BMP-1 IFV,BMP-2 IFV,BTR-50 APC

BTR-60 APC,M113A1 APC,M113 TOW TD,Boragh APC

Cobra APC.

some tank and apc addons in this list are available now.

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The regular green troops have a LOD issue with the leg blood textures.

I saw this when I tested the Iraqi versions before but it never got fixed and now you have it as well.

...just thought I'd mention.

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Nationalist that info about the symbol is great! Thanks for the armor list also altough I pretty much had the iranian armor figured out.

I wont be making the tanks or apc's anytime soon but when I do I will probably include the most common ones like T-72, T-55, M-60A1, EE-9 and some IFV's and APC's like BMP-1 and M113.

Kikill is also working on IRIAF aircraft altough his planes has nothing to do with me or LoBo. They are really nice though and I hope he releases them soon. smile_o.gif

Oh btw Nationalist incase you didnt know theres a "edit" button so you can edit your old post and dont have to make new ones all the time. I dont mean to be complaining, its just a hint because the moderators dont like that too much. wink_o.gif

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thank you bucket man about IRIAF Aircraft.

edit problem with moderators.i told you,i can write english language very few with many mistakes but you right,this is hint,not an important or top secret note. smile_o.gif

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More screens people! yay.gif

New woodland camo helmet for IRGC chaps.


The backbag guys ingame. Also now present is the green "camo" version. These look somewhat militia like because the dress code in iranian army seems to be quite relaxed. You can always use these as Basij troops if the clothes bother you.


And finally a beta version of the new beret. Thanks to Nationalist for the proper symbol. wink_o.gif


I know the symbol is screwed up and I will try to fix it to the best of my abilities.

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i want to download island like iranian island.how i can find this islands.i used afghanestan island in my missions,but i want better islands like iranian south west land.

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My mod, (The Lost Brothers) is making an Iran/Iraq map that will have southern Iraq and Iran on it.




Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Great work guys!! But as someone has already mentioned the legs of these great units turn white when they are shot there.

Other besides that great unit! I cant wait for an update. notworthy.gif

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I get the following error when using the IRGC units.


It occurs when someone reports seeing the Dot IRGC RPG Grenadier. He doesn't seem to have a voice tag for guys to say "12 o'clock, AT Soldier" or something.

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With what units does the LOD broblem appear? I tested the basic soldiers and no LOD bugs in the legs. huh.gif

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I get the following error when using the IRGC units.


It occurs when someone reports seeing the Dot IRGC RPG Grenadier. He doesn't seem to have a voice tag for guys to say "12 o'clock, AT Soldier" or something.

This error belongs to the iraqi troops, aswell as the one, Canadian Terror mentioned.

~S~ CD

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Oh well its something that I brobably cant fix then. confused_o.gif

I also started working on iranian tank crews. I might include them in the next release even though theres no iranian tanks.

You can always use existing vehicles like RHS T-55 and Sigmas T-72B as iranian vehicles. If/when I make them as iranian versions the crew might be handy.

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