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Mapfact's Respawn v2.0

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haha, no. i guess MI_Fred was nice enough to set the variable MAP_noKEG to true. rofl.gif

i included this for missions where the spectating script takes away the fun for the players as they have an all-seeing eye.

also for the timeout, if the time was too short, MI_Fred should put a higher value to the variable MAP_respHealMaxTime.

oh...erm, don't think he deactivated the script on purpose then tounge2.gif And the time was like 180 seconds, the problem was that me and hawkins got blown away, and we went opposite directions I think...they found him in time, but my body landed 60 m from the spot where I got blown to pieces crazy_o.gif

Oh yes I did disable it on purpose.

For some reason the spectator script catches every bullet the spectated unit fires and tries to create a missile camera and move it along the bullet. Automatic fire is soo... delicious jam. If it's of any help, most of the weapons in use are JAM.

Garcia and Hawkins got blown to bits near an AA gun with secondary explosions occuring just as I said not to go near it. The best showcase for this script when seeking ppls limbs tounge2.gif

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you can switch off the bullet cam when you're clicking on "view menu" (top left) and there on "missile cam".

does the new version work for you as requested?

/edit: also you can try to set the value DeathCamMissileCamEnabled to false, maybe i'll make it as an option in the init.sqs for the next version.

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Every other bugfix did what it was supposed to smile_o.gif

Disabling the missile cam didn't work from the dialog for some reason. I'm beginning to feel it's just me... never tried to let anyone else spectate, gotta do that too. I'll try flicking DeathCamMissileCamEnabled around, it's better to not stare your rotten corpse anyho, eh.

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Every other bugfix did what it was supposed to smile_o.gif

Disabling the missile cam didn't work from the dialog for some reason. I'm beginning to feel it's just me... never tried to let anyone else spectate, gotta do that too. I'll try flicking DeathCamMissileCamEnabled around, it's better to not stare your rotten corpse anyho, eh.

good, ok.

personally i have no problem with the specating script and missile cam, as it is only triggered for "slow" ammunition on my PC (grenades & missiles).

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WOW, this script sounds great! wow_o.gif I'll have to check it out still, but so far it looks damn good, as would be expected from any Mapfact release. Kudos for making it customizable by the editor, and kudos for placing all the scripts in a separate folder.

There is only one thing that is unclear to me right now (looking only at the scripts, not actually playing with it yet): what's the purpose of the #9 option in the init.sqs?

Thanks for this great release, and I'm definately going to be using it in the future! thumbs-up.gif

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WOW, this script sounds great! wow_o.gif I'll have to check it out still, but so far it looks damn good, as would be expected from any Mapfact release. Kudos for making it customizable by the editor, and kudos for placing all the scripts in a separate folder.

There is only one thing that is unclear to me right now (looking only at the scripts, not actually playing with it yet): what's the purpose of the #9 option in the init.sqs?

Thanks for this great release, and I'm definately going to be using it in the future! thumbs-up.gif

thx for this enthusiasm. whistle.gifbiggrin_o.gif

#9 is for rocket launchers of addons. i did not want that a LAW guy (after dying with 0 rockets) has one rocket again. it's kind of complicated with weapons with different muzzles (e.g. ak74+gl or SMAW launcher with HE and AP ammo).

you need a closer explanation? ok, i hope i can explain it, it's not too easy wink_o.gif

if you have an addon rocketlauncher, which can only launch _one_ type of rocket, which is also called exactly like the launcher, then you have to add this type to MAP_respRocketLauncherAmmo.

if you have an addon rocketlauncher, which can launch different rockets, you have to add it to MAP_respRLAddons. like this: "SUCHRPG16d" can fire both "SUCHRPG16dHE" and "SUCHRPG16dAT". you have to add both magazines to the arrays, always launcher, mag, launcher, mag,....<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">["SUCHRPG16d", "SUCHRPG16dHE", "SUCHRPG16d", "SUCHRPG16dAT"]so the launcher has to be repeated.

i know, sometimes you'll get back a wrong missile. and i also know that this does not work if you have an addon that has for example 2 launchers, which are sharing their ammo... but... nvm wink_o.gif

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Hmm... I guess I just don't understand why you need to make an array of rocket launchers used in the mission, but not rifles or pistols used. Many rifles can fire multiple types of ammo, after all. huh.gif

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yep, but for guns i don't see the point for all the work wink_o.gif

if you're playing a mission, it does not matter if you have 30 "new" bullets (worst-case) after respawning, as you can pick up more everywhere (ok, not sniper-rifle ammo...).

in some missions it is essential that you take care of your rockets and think twice before shooting them, if you'd have a new one after dying it would pretty much destroy such mission.

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Hmm.... okay, I guess I'll have to look into the scripts to figure out exactly why/how the arrays work. At this point, I'm asking not to figure out how to use the scripts, but for my own knowledge of how it was done wink_o.gif.

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I have an idea for a another option for healing. How about an AI medic that spawns and runs or drives an ambulance to the deads position and revives you? Also, how about adding a "Medic!" sound file that plays every 30-60 seconds at the body's position?

Just some ideas I had when in a MP game testing this out.

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yeah the sound file medic scream would be nice especially in the more darker lightning missions tounge2.gif

you could sometimes run around for those few seconds extra and not find the dead guy to help cause its to dark to find him instantly, so the sound file would help smile_o.gif

i saw , heard a similar effect in Battlefield 2 game where dead guys would ly on the ground and you could hear medic for a while untill a certain timer had went down and they couldn't be brought back alive again after the timer had counted down tounge2.gif makes the job as a medic very stressfull when there are 3-5 guys dead and enemies running around all over the place too pistols.giftounge2.gif

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thanks for input.

i'll see what i can do. the AI medic should be possible easily, i just need to implement and test it.

about the medic sound... well... i have to check what's possible.

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ok, i decided to make a resp v2.5.

does anyone of you have some more ideas?

and yes, i'm still working on the mission pack. whistle.gif

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I'm about to finish Resp v3.0. Any ideas, wishes etc?

Added features (this list is not complete):

*you can get a bonues-respawn after healing x teammates (x is set by the mission maker)

*injured soldiers are calling for help

*you'll loose x respawns for killing teammates/civilians

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i like the injured soldiers calling on help alot and the bonus system would be nice for how many team mates you healed thumbs-up.gif

I don't know if it really has very much to do with the respawn script but what about the possibility to reinforce the team or call for med evac script when there is 10% left of the squad?

though the medevac thingy should be able to be choosen to disable or enable like in ecp scripts by the mission maker.

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i like the injured soldiers calling on help alot and the bonus system would be nice for how many team mates you healed thumbs-up.gif

I don't know if it really has very much to do with the respawn script but what about the possibility to reinforce the team or call for med evac script when there is 10% left of the squad?

though the medevac thingy should be able to be choosen to disable or enable like in ecp scripts by the mission maker.

Nope, won't add scripts like medevac or reinforcements. Only really respawn-related stuff.

@Q: thx smile_o.gif

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Rudedog in an other thread[/url] @ Feb. 24 2006' date='22:27)']Request for feature for RESPAWN.

* Optional choice for AI medics/units to heal you.

* Maybe have it so an actual ambulance arrives and heals you

* Customizable body/grave cross option via a public variable.

* Option to have a marker where fallen soldiers are located

1st *: Actually they (should) do that when they stay long enough "on" your body. Never tested it though.

2nd *: No, that would make things too complicated. Maybe in ArmA wink_o.gif

3rd *: I don't get that one, can you explain what you mean? After the you're dead or what?

4th *: Already done (in v3.0). smile_o.gif

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raedor are markers optional, like possible to deactive them easily ?


i think that one is outta scope - can you make it compatible to Kegetys observer cam ?  crazy_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

(an option to have his camera types instead of the cam on the dead body)

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raedor are markers optional, like possible to deactive them easily ?


i think that one is outta scope - can you make it compatible to Kegetys observer cam ? crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

(an option to have his camera types instead of the cam on the dead body)

Markers can be switched off eaily, yes.

KEGs observer cam?! Don't know it, or do you mean the spectating script I'm already using?

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Rudedog in an other thread[/url] @ Feb. 24 2006' date='22:27)']Request for feature for RESPAWN.

* Customizable body/grave cross option via a public variable.

Meaning, when you die, your body is replaced with the mission designer's prefered object.  I.E. Body, Grave Marker, etc.

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maybe i am confused or sth crazy_o.gif

the demo mission of DAC used mapfact's respawn as far as

i can remember - the cam was set to view the dead body

directly from above with some distance.

so you can change that way already to some friendly forces following cam? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Rudedog in an other thread[/url] @ Feb. 24 2006' date='22:27)']Request for feature for RESPAWN.

* Customizable body/grave cross option via a public variable.

Meaning, when you die, your body is replaced with the mission designer's prefered object. I.E. Body, Grave Marker, etc.

Ah, right. Gonna add it. smile_o.gif

@Q: Usually you can use KEG's script as soon as you're dead (really dead, no respawns left). It's quite hard to enable the spectating script when you're dead and disable it after respawning again (even now it is hard enough to use it, as it is written for "no respawn" missions). I would have to rewrite most stuff I guess.

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