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any 1 got any more ideas maybe theres something some 1 else has

had same typ prb changeing gfx card is out of the q cant aford a new 1 atm

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What crashes, when? What does ofp say?

What graphics card do you have? What motherboard, how many RAM, whats your cpu status?

Your not making it easy for us to help you :/

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Hi everyone,

I'm between a rock and a hard place when it comes to trying to get flashpoint working on my computer. Here's the problem.

I have flashpoint GOTY installed, and i keep getting the cannot create 3d thing as we'd all know, but i also have counter-strike and tes3: Morrowind installed. Now, i've been recommended to downgrade my drivers to get flashpoint working, which i'm willing to do, but are there any drivers that are compatible with all three games? I updated my drivers to get Counter-strike working, and i didn't think i'd lose my beloved flashpoint.

I have heard about the enabling the alternate depth buffer technique, and when i followed screams path to my nvidia settings i found this

nvidia settings

Here's my system specs:

CPU: 866Mhz (runs flashpoint fine)

RAM: 256MB

GFx card: GeForce 4 MX440

GFx card drivers: 71.84

OS: Windows XP Professional SP2

If there is anything else you need to know to solve the problem i'd be happy to post it!

Thanks for the help!


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I can't believe you found nothing about it using the search?!

However, put '-nomap' into the application line of your OFP link, there'll be f.i. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">C:\Whatever\Games\OperationFlashpoint\FlashpointResistance.exe -nosplash -nomap


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Okay here's a screenie of what you said to do


When i played it again, it played fine for about 30 seconds froze, moved a little then quit out and then gave me that damn cannot create.

Any other options?

thanks for the help


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you maybe should consider upgrading your graphics card.

also, are you using lluamax?

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But i had Flashpoint working for the last 2 years fine on this computer. i honestly don't know what lluamax is, and i wish i could tell you.

You wouldn't happen to know which drivers can handle the three games in my original post would you sad_o.gif

I'm desperate to get flashpoint working again!

Thanks for the help!


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soz bout that m8 wos in a rush this morning you know wot its like with kids of school lol any well amd processer is 1800xp unknow mtherboard suppose to be gigabyte but hahaha no bloody way is it more like pc chips i didnt put this system together wos made up in a shop not the spec that wos odered dont go there had big prbs with the shop 512 ddr gforce mmx 440 card supose to be atlest its a g force am runing pro at 1.15gig atm am useing winxp pro i use to run opf on a k6 500 amd chip and never had the prbs i get now lolz thats when opf and red hammer came out ive just got this back of my bro as he wos useing it the cds r mint so its not any damege to disk thats the prb its not the addons as it did it b4 i added any addons hope this is some help if u need anything else just say hopefully u guys can help me opps forgot got sp pack 2 4 xp on here as well

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GFx card drivers: 71.84

By looking at some other thread in the troubleshooting forum, you can notice that several people have problems with 7x.xx and OFP

Downgrade your drivers, for your geforce 4 , anything between 44.03 and a 5x.xx should be very good while being compatible with the games you are mentionning.

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darkwolf, maybe if you try to use some punctuation marks and actually finish some words, maybe we'll understand you better. rock.gif

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Darkwolf people here will try to help you but you must undertake some basic steps yourself, one is posting in proper English (as it says in the forum rules), another is to structure your posts, sentences, paragraphs, etc.

Explain clearly and concisely what the problem is, list fully as much as possible your system specs, they're not too difficult to discover, if need be there are nice applications such as SiSoft Sandra or FreshDiagnose which will aid you in your system spec identification.

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Sanctuary, thats the answer i was looking for, much appreciated!!!!

Thanks very much!

Hauk, thanks to everyone that helped! smile_o.gif

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ive heard a lot about radeon cards can any 1 help me with any.

advice about wot radeon card to buy as ive only got just over Å100

to spend so plz can u help me if not a radeon tehn wot cards best 4 ofp ohh better say it in full just in case some 1 cant read.

operation flashpoint

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How much is that? lol.

I don't find anything under a 9600 pro usefull.

So that means no reg 9600,no 9600se only 9600 pro or Xt or better

I would look somewheres in the 9800 pro range

Raedon is not really best buy right now,best bang for your buck would be Geforce 6600gt

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You don't need two seperate threads, merged together.

Ebuyer has a number of Radeon cards for under Å100, I've bought from them in the past and haven't had any problems.

And please, as I asked, post in proper English, I would recommend not ignoring the request again.

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