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Non Visual destruction

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The problem..

Having a building NOT crumple up when destroyed but when destroyed havea burning/smoke effects.

I have tried a few methods so far and non work with each other..

Method 1

Set destrType="No" in config and had hit, dammage and killed eventhandlers but non of these eh's are set of even with a coc nuke torpedo, but building remains visually intact.

Method 2

destyType not set, eh's work but building crumble's

Method 3

In model Dammage = None is set but this has NO affect and model still cumples.

Can anyone suggest how I can get

A) no crumple

B) my effect scrips kicked off when the buildign has received enough dammage


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Try destrType=DestructEngine; I think this works the way you want it, not sure though.

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With that the mode still gets 'cumpled' whic is nto what I am after, in this case the scripts for the fire/smoke are quire importnat, partly down to the sheer size of the building.

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If you can't find a way with the config, why not slap another basic building over the top. But one that's invisible and takes damage from incoming rounds. If the building is big, you could have more than one for each section. Ok, so I'm guessing you can have an invisible building that does not stop units form moving through it? If you can, using method 2, you could just assign the events to the invisible buildings?

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Try this from class EventHandlers

hit = "[_this select 0,_this select 2] exec ""\your model folder\your fire and smoke.sqs"" ";

Fire and smoke.sqs

?getdammage _building>=0.8:_building setDammage 0.3, goto "fire and smoke effects"


#fire and smoke effects

bla bla bla


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Give the building a high armour strenght, and chekc if the dammage via hit eventhandler, if it is over 0.01 (Fiddle with that ammount), start another script, to setdammage it to 0, and run smoke/fire scripts

The CoC nukes, I think, setdammage 1 everything in x m radius, which will still crumple the building I think. Don't know any way around this, if youuse the above way sad_o.gif

Or, maybe you could use a sepearte killed model, the main building has a normal armour rating, then when it's killed, a script replaces the building with a desrotyed model (Can be same model, with different config, with armour=100000 for example), the same script runs the smoke/fire on it

- Ben

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Dont know if your still after this info, I came across this doing something similar?

Quote[/b] ]Can anyone suggest how I can get

A) no crumple

B) my effect scrips kicked off when the buildign has received enough dammage


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">destrType="DestructMan"

Does exactly what you want. The buidlings killed or hit event is triggered, but the object remains unchanged.

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spose you could have a Replaced model in the Killed Event handler.... however i think i may have to be prevented from use in MP

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Dont know if your still after this info, I came across this doing something similar?

Quote[/b] ]Can anyone suggest how I can get

A) no crumple

B) my effect scrips kicked off when the buildign has received enough dammage


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">destrType="DestructMan"

Does exactly what you want. The buidlings killed or hit event is triggered, but the object remains unchanged.

Big thanks, this has indeed solved the problem, in this case without all the rebuilding of modesl or extra model placements..

Images of the finished product will appear on the Falklands topic in the near future

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