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Can't play online

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Every time I'm playing online the game froze and I receive this message:

No messages received since 05...10...15...

Someone can help me to understand?



Chaque fois que je joue en ligne le jeux gÄle et je reçois ce message:

Pas de messages reçu depuis 05...10...15...

Quelqu'un peut m'aider Å• comprendre?


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make sure you have either patch 1.46 or 1.96 depending on what version you have of ofp, and check the server has the same running...


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I have OFP resistance with the final patch (version 1.96)... the latest one.

Maybe I could try with OFP resistance GOY edition...

Did you ever have this kind of problem?

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I have a hight speed cable connection... and my modem is a Conexant HCFV90 56k Data fax PCI.

I dont think the problem is my modem or my connection.

Maybe the patch, a MOD or animation?

What do you think about that?

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It is senseless to have a high speed cable connection if you will use a 56k modem on it... Your modem will slow it down to 56k as its name include.

Usually you should be able to play but with high pings which isn't liked well. On advanced maps it is possible that your connection doesn't match the needed speed.

So power up your connection and you will be able to have nice OFP games online...

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Do you use Norton Firewall? If so that could be causing the problem. Check out the thread in the Troubleshhoting section for details.

I also get this type of message but only since Wednesday.

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when u get high speed cable connection u should normal get a new modem with it? which isnt a 56k lol

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Sicilian and Matt Rochelle you have right... I have a seperate modem for my HS cable connecton... wink_o.gif  Shame on me...

Yes, I have Norton internet security Stuphor. I will check out the thread in the troubleshhoting section for details.

Thank you very much everyone.


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i doubt that, most of us use norton and there are no probems, he sees the servers, and connects then times out, if it was a FW then he would not beable to connect and get a different error message

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You have a point Malbeouf...

I can connect to a sever, chat and begin the game.

But after few second of play, the game froze and I receive the message: No messages received since 05...10...15... secondes.

Something interesting, I receive this message after a small square (low right screen) becomes green, yellow and red...

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I can connect and then after a few minutes it cuts me off. It then removes the server from the server list in the select game section. Apparently this is something to do with thwe way that Norton is carying out port scans and to do with it detecting something called BACK ORIFICE whilst you play. It all happened because of the latest Norton update. I hope this gets sorted soon as I have just started online playing and now can't because of bloody Norton. sad_o.gif

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Yes i had same and thought how could it be Norton, so I ALT -Tabbed out to view Norton and there in the flashing icon was BD BackOrrifice Intrusion Blocked..  It doesnt appear on every server Ive been on and doesnt seem to be affected when you play online on your own.  So its server/client/more than one person related issue with it

Im wondering does it have anything to do with M Service Pack2 and Norton? As i dont run Sp2 and have problems

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I think it is a Norton problem because when I got fed up on Wednesday night with being cut off I simply turned off Norton Security and it worked okay, no problems. Of course this kind of ruins the effect of having a security system.

I even tried adding the server I was on to the secure list but still get kicked with the same problem as BEUDET.

I am at a loss!!

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The problem is Norton... I turn off the Norton security center system and after that, everything work...

High risk but.... sad_o.gif

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If you have a spcific server you want to play on you canadd it'saddress to the trusted list. Open Norton and double click the Personalfirewall settings and thenon networking select trusted and add theIP of the server you want. You canget the IP from the intrusion detection part of norton. This shouldwork until they fix the problem. A guy called 24/7is trying to contact norton now. I looked at their website but everytime Ipressed contact it took me to the sme screen!! They really don't want anyonetalking to them over there. crazy_o.gif

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They call that aftersale service I think.... rock.gif

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It could propably be that only a special port is detected as blackorifice udp activity together with ofps udp traffic.... So server admins should look at there setups and make sure not to use a known virus/trojan port!!!

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