Yssabem 0 Posted June 16, 2005 Sorry, are you saying you've got this working? or is it a just a generic "moving ground" gif type thing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted June 16, 2005 ah , no mate as you can read in my post, i make ofp vids and i have only made a pre defined video to appear in the vdu in the helis. infact now i am further , i am showing kind of vehicle in there when gunner locks and next is trying to find if i can show if aa is locked to put pic of that in vdu . like i say its only for my own thing. not sure if dbr is gonna try something with the dxdll tho. who knows. here is what i have managed so far, but i need to contact basnow, anyone know there e-mail ? pls copy url and paste it to your media player,\file play url. http://www.angelfire.com/anime6/deanosbeano/Movie_0006.wmv well those guys at BAS think of everything. . theres a way to script the setobject exture of the map in missions. nice one bas well thats about all i will be doing for now, gotta go finad out more of addons. if anyone see any use for this. pls message me . latest vid with target recognition in vdu no trickery all ingame footage again pls copy url an paste to your mediaplayer/file/play url http://www.angelfire.com/anime6/deanosbeano/deanosvid2.wmv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted June 28, 2005 well its getting there, as you may know on dbr_onix released his ofpscreenatker, and its good stuff,tested it today the first pic when convert to jpg is ticked is called 0.jpg predefine in descript.ext "0.jpg" start everything up (use fwatch to start ofp) when ingame take pic helo vdu (or flag for test purposes) set(flag)texture "0.jpg" having trouble with the conversion tho.seems to be a little prob. if you have custom face this may go to flag and not the pic you took lol, maybe this is defined as 0.jpg too ? nb. although your defining 0.jpg ,its not physically there until the pic is taken and the path in the ofp pictakers is defined, to that mission folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
philcommando 0 Posted July 1, 2005 ingame video display:- Can be done- but tons of scripting work. 1. Does setcamera to target works? yes, but it opens up outside the game.( tested on my russian ship addon with activation via menu bar.) 2. How can we then place what we saw on the screen onto a display ingame? Ans:. How did some aircraft display active map onto aircraft video display? ( a better answer can only be given by those makers who are willing to share knowledge, otherwise its gonna be tons of perspiration) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gandalf the white 0 Posted July 1, 2005 the "maps" were saved in the pbo, it wasn't dynamic.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
philcommando 0 Posted July 1, 2005 Thanks gandalf. While the map wasnt dynamic, how did they make the dot showing the airplane's position dynamic? What is the code used that made the dot operational within the perimeter box? Since its already long been figured out how to settarget camera 'live', if we can get hold of the perimeter codes, it may just be possible to juxtopose the settargetcamera onto the boundary area.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UNN 0 Posted July 1, 2005 Quote[/b] ]While the map wasnt dynamic,how did they make the dot showing the airplane's position dynamic? The dot could be a tiny object positioned relative to the map. You just have to translate the world coordinates of the vehicle to coordinates relative to the map picture. Don't know if thats how they did it, but it could be used to mark unit positions for a command centre maps e.t.c Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted July 1, 2005 hmm i think when you add map you gotta define the size and then they do some calculations as to where the dot will appear,relative to the map size.its all relevant lol. as anyone managed to get dbr_onix pictaker to convert to a jpg yet. ? when i select i just get a file 0.jpg size 0kb. ? copy and paste to /mediaplayer/winamp.play url http://www.angelfire.com/anime6/deanosbeano/deanosvid2.wmv i took a few lines to show,this wont work this is a little of code they used i think.from dkm and modified Blah_IslandMap = 1 ? (format ["%1",blah_60mapsize] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}): blah_60mapsize = 64 _ms = blah_60mapsize * 1 ;? driver _chopper != player : exit _origin = "EmptyDetector" camcreate [0,0,0] _origin setpos [6400, 3000, 0] _p1 = (getpos _origin select 2) - ((getpos _origin select 2) Mod 1) "y" ?(_ms - (getpos _chopper select 0)) > _ms : _chopper animate ["blah_markerx", 0], goto "y" _chopper animate ["map_X", ((getpos _chopper select 0)/_ms) + 0] #y ?(_ms - (getpos _chopper select 1)) < 0 : _chopper animate ["blah_markery", 1], goto "n" ?(_ms - (getpos _chopper select 1)) > _ms : _chopper animate ["blah_markery", 0], Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted July 2, 2005 Works fine here, you have the freeimage.dll file extracted to same location as the EXE? If you dont it goes all weird (Dont just run the EXE from the ZIP, it sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) Anyway, the map thing, basicly gets the helis position, and translates this into a number between 0 and 1, and animates the two red lines to this position. A dot isn't possible as you can't animate the same thing twice (For x and y coords). For how do we display what we saw on the screen, using the OFPCamera program, you can run a line of code (from in OFP) that takes a screenshot. You tell it to save in OFP Folder root, also tell it to resize them to 1204x1204 or similar, and you can setobjecttexture this to inside. But the problem for using it for this is that you can't display something on the screen other than what the player sees. Like you can show the otherside of the map on the screen, without using a tiny cutscene to show that area, take the screenshot and go back to the players view. Doing this often enough to make a nice video would be horrible. This is where I noticed that DXDLL seems to grab stuff that isn't acctualy on the screen. But to do what DXDLL does is f***ing hard.. The only way I can see to make this work is by running two PCs (Over network or internet), and one is stuck in pilot view, one is the gun optics. and the one in optics view sends these pictures to the pilots screen. Or for network, you share your flashpoint folder, and tell the program to save the screenshtos to Y:\ (Share the OFP Folder, and map \\OtherPC\Operation Flashpoint to Y:\ or another free letter). Like I said, horrible.. But it shows that nothing is impossible in flashpoint (Not so much thinking outside the box, as thinking inside a second one... ) The video is nice, two things, on suggestion, one bug. When the video sequence is over, the map changes I'm sure? And for future, are you planning on doing variations on the video? So have two grassy videos, two deserty videos, two wintery videos for each vehicle type (One for each would be fine too, but it's nice to have variation ), then using the code that the rotar wash scripts use to see if it's over sand or grass play the appropriate seqeunce Anyway, nice work deanosbeano - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted July 2, 2005 cheers m8, i have held back ,in the hope you may have found a solution. now it would seem although not impossible, to do a live video,it would be dammned hard.(not giving up yet,lol). i am gonna make some more vids yes, i have grabbed a satelite cam and now making some recon vids and also a machine gun firing one for diff veicles..although they wont be dynamic, as far as the mission goes they will be accurate,because the vid will be of the same mission. .thinking of making one big mod maybe a 4 player ,to keep lag down. @ the change of map, your correct, i havent quite figure how its happening ,its either a wrong line of code selecting wrong map, or the original map is a diff size to the video and its not reverting back.anyway that souldnt be a problem. thanks for ya input and fantastic job on the pictaker etc. p.s i was wondering ,how those cheat progs can be started after ofp ,yet still influence settings, apparently in multiplayer too. does this have any baring on what we trying to do here ? i mean can it be used to import the pics rather than the code that they use to cheat ? apologies for mentioning such crap utilitiies but ya never know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted July 4, 2005 wasn't there code in the readme to define custom map and map size? Can't remeber, been > year since I looked at it The cheat programs work mostly though memory-hacking (Changing memory adresses for stuff like current health etc), and changing files. The OFPCamera thing, all it does it saves a file, doesn't change anything, so (I hope) it wont be flaged as a cheat program (It's not altering flashpoint in anyway) Anyway, I noticed the problem with setflageface, where it put the custom face onto the flag, and if you went into 3rd person, it put the water texture, and if you went further away it put the desert texture on.. Very odd.. Fiddled around with this code when I was making the camera program.. Basicly the program writes the current number to a FWATCH file, and you can easily retrive this.. so.. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;grab current number from file _x = call loadFile format[":file read currentPhoto.db %1", "currentPhoto"] ;put the numer into the path (path is for user/missions in this line) _path = FORMAT ["../../../%1.jpg",_x] ;Debug (Show path) HINT FORMAT ["%1",_path] ;Map current image to path (Have have to have save JPG on for it to work) _flag setflagtexture _path Kinda cool how that acctualy works (When I first tried it I was sure it wouldn't work ) Tomorrow I'm gonna try and do the live video camera (Run OFP on second PC and save the screenshots to this computer and setobjecttexture them on the BH ) - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted July 4, 2005 nice one, sounds promising . do you really need to save from other pc ? i was thinking what you said about having to do a cutscene to record and then go back to normal view , couldnt you have an ai or other human , activate the cutscene or satelite cam or any cam locally. and have them save it to the folder and then have it sent to your heli. vdu/flag.(hmm now i wrote it dosent look possible ,maybe another human could tho ) yes the heli read me does have the map thing ,thats how i was able to set the video there in first place . as for the cheat thing, was in no way sugesting this could be seen as one, was just enquiring how the can import data after ofp started :P keep up the good work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted July 4, 2005 The recording cutscene can be put anywhere/anytime. It's just not too good to have it flash up just as you fire (If it recorded the hit via a few pictures, it's already happened by the time the VDU's showed it) The problem is to display something on the VDU (With OFPCamera) it HAS to be displayed on screen. Wether this is localy or over network or internet, doesn't matter I understood what you mean (Kinda) about the cheat thing, but it proded me into thinking that the program *could* maaybe be classifed as a cheat thingy (I.e if the scanner thing was extremely-paranoid, programs running with OFP in name etc ) Don't think they really import all that much data (This is where I stoped understanding ), just chaning premade things, and any key-combinations are like global-shortcuts and DirectX layer things (Like DXDLL overlays the relefections etc) The second PC thing isn't so much a practical thing, more a "shiney" type project But, a slight extension on this is sending the pictures over internet, so you could have a real helmet cam type thing, displaying on screen from players in MP etc. It wont strain connections, since chances are anyone playing missions that would use this will have acceptable connections. Sending a small picture every 15seconds or so will hardly grind the game to a halt I suppose the first step would be to apply the local players view to the screen every x seconds. Then if this works (No reason it shouldn't) try it over network. Good luck with the firing camera thingy (Have you named it yet? ) - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted July 7, 2005 Argh, no luck It woulnd't use the new screenie as texture, it applied the first one, but I had to restart OFP for it to apply a new one (Maybe reloading the mission would have done it, but didn't check). Saving screenies worked fine over network though, but I half-knew it would (Mapping network drive) - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted July 8, 2005 did you define it in descript ext first. jpg0,jpg1,etc ? would like to see what ya got ,at least ya got one in there lol. i am still getting the old sea,face and sand. send me updated version + map to my yahoo, i think ya got it . looking good keep going . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites