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Hello everyone

just wanted to say that i and Hornet85 has now started a new addon making team called SAFP (not to be mixed up with NAFP)

we are making addons that represents the glory of the swedish armed forces during the cold war (1985 units).

so far we have only made a few experiments and some minor plans of how we should work, the idea is to use and reskin already present addons (with the original makers permission ofcource) instead of making everything new (why reinvent the wheel?)

if possible we will also make minor adjustment to the models.)

Now to what i was here to ask.

we are currently looking for help, mainly addon makers and texturers, but also scriptors are welcome in this stage.

i cant show any pics of our work in progress yet as the team has only existed a couple of days, but i hope i can show some soon enough.

anyone that think they can contribute with anything are welcome to send me a PM or mail (e-mail adress in my details)

oh, and i almost forgot to mention... the pack will most likely require some addons from Swedish Forces Pack (SFP) as we work quite closely to them.

oh, and a last thing, i have virtually no experience from addon making, so all hints are welcome smile_o.gif

(we already know the "make small goals and stick to them" part) ;)

and again, we are looking for Addon makers, texturers and scriptors to this first stage!

thanks// The_shadow

*edit, get the god damn facts right!, hornet85 has plenty of addon experience*

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where is the difference to that here:


SFP = Swedish Forces Pack

I believe the difference is that these guys are doing some Swedish Soldiers era 1985. SFP are focusing on present day Swedish Forces.

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yes thats right we will make soldiers from the days when the swedish army wher at its top 1985 during the coldest parts of the cold war

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we have already got permission to use a addons from Footmunchs (wont tell you wich yet, but i can say it isnt the Saab Draken)

we are also looking for the author of the old centurion tank wich can be found on Ofp.info, if he isnt around anymore, you think it would be ok to modify the Centurion tank?

if we get mission makers to join our team we might get a campaign too, the story in that would be something with a russian invasion (as that was what we where afraid of and trained for, even in the early 21st century we trained with russia being the supposed enemy, not until the last 2-3 years we have changed to international duty (peacekeeping/enforcement), so expect that russia WILL be the enemy..

other then that, i cant say more then i hope we can get this addon pack ashore.

hm, maybe i should list a few of the addons we are planning to do, so you get a general idea what we do..

* Strv 104 (Centurion with ERA)

* HKP 6 (Bell Jetranger II) ^big maybe on this one^

* Volvo 245

* Sk 60B (Saab 105 light CAS/trainer plane)

* Custom buildings and objects

* 1985 era soldiers with weapons from the same era (go figure right) ;)

so, these are a few of the things we have in mind.

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heads up everyone, SAFP has now changed name to SCWC (Swedish Cold War Crisis) as this tells mor what era of addons we make and it can´t be mixed up with SFP (wich we work quite closely with)

we still need a few skilled addon makers, scriptors, modelers and texturers.

so, what have we done this far?

hornet has started on a few models and i am still learning to make configs.

work is progressing darn slow with only 2 members this far, so comon ppl!, if you can help, you are welcome, no full time work required, you work when you have inspiration and time.

oh, we might need a island maker too, we are planning to use Instructors finnish buildings pack (same type of buildings in sweden) and many custom objects for the islands.

it is good if the island maker is a resonably skilled addon maker too, i will personally make referens material for the objects that we make smile_o.gif

Moderators, could you please change the name on this topic?

it should be SCWC now.

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the big problem whit an S-tank is the coding that will be a realy mess dont know any one that even whant to try to fix that

to bad the OWN one never got out bekus i dont think any one kan or whant to try to make one

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true what Hornet sais, the S-tank would be a monster to even try to code..

but if any coder want a real challange, join our mod and im sure we can get hornet to make the model for it ;)

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To be honest, I don't think it will that hard!

There are a lot Stug III's out there, they are sp-guns / sp-at like the S-Tank!

Check out this one!

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will you make Strom class patrol boat?

later i will give infos and pictures of it, to show you what i'm asking about...

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we are in the first stages of making an S-Tank now so we will see ;)

and Gedise plz do post some pics of it

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I'm guessing Gedis means Kaparen class patrol boat...which was derived from the norwegian Storm-class. Pretty much the same ship from what I understand..?


Very 70s looking ships.  smile_o.gif

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To be honest, I don't think it will that hard!

There are a lot Stug III's out there, they are sp-guns / sp-at like the S-Tank!

Check out this one!

The main difference between those tanks and the strv103 is the fact that the 103's barrel was 100% fixed to the body, the whole tank had to rotate to turn the barrel and it had a special suspension (pimp my tank biggrin_o.gif) that would tilt the tank up and down to change the gun's elevation.

The way OWN had overcome this obstacle (or at least, what I could make up from the screenshots) was to make the whole tank, except for the tracks, be classed as the elevating part of the turret. While this works, it'd still be a bit dodgy looking. The other way is to have the landcontact points be part of an animated selection and let the animation be controlled by a script or action menu imputs or whatever.

We've had a test model at SFP, that was operated with action menu imputs, but it was rather cumbersome to operate and still looked somewhat dodgy. We did actually talk about the strv103 and how it could be operated, but at this point in SFP's development, it seems VERY unlikely that the 103 will be in our final release.

I'm interested to see how you guys solve this one smile_o.gif

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To be honest, I don't think it will that hard!

There are a lot Stug III's out there, they are sp-guns / sp-at like the S-Tank!

Check out this one!

well, the S-tank isnt even the same thing, as the S tank cant move its barrel even the slightest, it elevates using hyudralic dampers that moves the whole chassie, and aims sideways by turning the entire tank, the StuG and similars could aim the barrel sideways and up/down without aiming with the whole tank.

however, we have an idea about how we should do this, but i warn you, it WONT look pretty... but it might just work.

about the Storm class/Kaparen class patrolboat, we just have to see, we are taking small steps and a patrolboat is not planned.

as i have said earlier, if we get modelers everything is much easier, right now, Hornet makes all models (and he is in 3 mods) and i make the configs. the rest we have no clue how to make.. so, help is needed, even if you think you arnent good enough, we want your help, if you learnt modeling yesterday, we want your help, you think you can learn something, we want your help... so, everyone that wants something to be done, please, try and help, we will do everything we can to help you.

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yes and no

it elevats by rising and lovering the rear and the front of the chassi whit hydralik

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that look realy nice but i think the problem whil be to get ai to use it right

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indeed, it looks good.

i havnt tried it myself though so i cant say, but it looks as it uses the idea i had... but i must try it myself to see if AI can handle it (and how exactley granQ solved it).

this defenitly rises the hope of getting a S-tank in game...

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