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Anyone ever have this problem?

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So I go to load up OPGWC's beta stuff and for some odd reason I get this error that OWP_Mi26 needs OWP_Crew.  Now, I go to check it out and hey, there it is sitting in the addons folder.  So I decide to download it again and also some CBT addons that I deleted on accident.  I get them and start to load up OFP, everything is fine until I get to the editor and try to find some CBT addons.  Hey!  Wouldn't you know, they aren't there.  I'm thinking OFP starting to mess up a little with as many addons as I have.  My Res/AddOns is about 1.5 Gig, FDF/AddOns about 900, and Mod2/AddOns about 700.

I'm using -nomap and -nosplash, but it's still "forgetting" some addons, anyone ever have this problem?


Edit: Fixed, nevermind. Please delete mods smile_o.gif

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I dowloaded OPGWC's beta too. But this mod is full bugs and on my computer didn´t run (i use -nosplash -nomap too). I must delete folder "bin" and game run with many bugs-many wepons haven´t sounds and some units didn´t work remotely...

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opgwcs stuff must got into its own mod folder period. It will screw up a lot of other stuff cause the config for them is hardwired to their mods. Servral of combats humvees and OWP's stuff have a problem with the seating proxies. So does the updated HTTV and a number of other vehicle addons including the BIS humvee and M151.

Also using any of the animation mods will cause grate issues with all of those.

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I have probs all the time, plus game sometimes lags like hell plus is nearly always crashing.

Reason: main addon folder 4.7 gigs, FDF folder 1.17 gigs. Codemasters>Operation Flashpoint folder (the whole thing) is 23 gigs. A bit too big?

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I have probs all the time, plus game sometimes lags like hell plus is nearly always crashing.

Reason: main addon folder 4.7 gigs, FDF folder 1.17 gigs. Codemasters>Operation Flashpoint folder (the whole thing) is 23 gigs. A bit too big?

I had the same problem you have about 2 years ago, I'd recommend you start using mod folders, they will make your life so much easier.

- Ack

p.s. - If your still reading this, I have mine setup by servers. For example what ever they name their folders I rename them.



FHA@BAS or "FHA@All_Addons";




and my favorite folder of all time;


FHA@test_folder - I put all my independant addons in there;


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3,83 gig addon folder. I have the OPGWC stuff too but no problems with it. But my OFP forgetts to load some addons, and this as longer as OPGWC is released. Curious: Some of the MT-LB vehicles are in the game, some of them not. I miss some off them I know from there release time (at this time my addon folder was much smaller).

What can I do? Modfolders? Hmmm, and when I need all the stuff at the same time? Not for one mission, but what's about big campaigns?

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Quote[/b] ]What can I do? Modfolders? Hmmm, and when I need all the stuff at the same time? Not for one mission, but what's about big campaigns?

Don't use single shortcuts, use some OFP launcher like Kegetys made... There's some others too..

They allow you to launch multiple 'mods' all at once...

Of course not full conversion mods, but that's a whole another issue..

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3,83 gig addon folder.


What can I do? Modfolders? Hmmm, and when I need all the stuff at the same time? Not for one mission, but what's about big campaigns?

There are campaigns that force you to have 3,83go of addons in the same time ?

I doubt it, as usualy too many addons required is the best way to have your campaign/mission not downloaded.

Using mod folder is the best thing to do. I have currently 5,18go of unofficial addons on my OFP install and thanks to 22 mod folders i never ever had to use -nomap to load OFP , and have played tons of campaigns and missions without any problems smile_o.gif

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This campaign is not for public release rock.gif . But back on topic...

I think it doesn't matter if you're using a starter wich load all addons or if you load it via addon folder.

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