Winters 1 Posted April 5, 2005 ok I reinstalled OFP and am about to play these mission. any comments on these missions so far? what would you guys recommend to start with?EDIT: OK, I tried "convoy security". It has one of those military-style briefings, so I am a bit puzzled as to what to do in actual gameplay. I get disembarked when I encounter some resistance in a village which I can clear easily, but afterwards the convoy doesn't halt to take me with them again, so I am run over by one of those combat vehicles ... what should I do instead? This is not criticism or evaluation, I'm just illustrating my own dumbness as an OFP player, and I want to play these Well the purpose of convoy security is to provide security for your convoy Seriously thats the gist of it. As for getting kicked out the hummer that should not happen as in the SP version none of the vehicle gunners are grouped to the leader. I have played it over and over and tested it thouroghly and never got kicked. I suggest to make sure your playing the SP version and not the MP version in your SP missions folder. One way to be certain is that if you do not hear any music shortly after the convoy starts to roll, your in the MP version. Hope this helps @ Totala: Thanks for the kind words, i wish i could have made some more that i have been working on but after some testing i didnt think they were quite ready to come out the oven. Also, i have been knee deep in a dynamic Bond, James Bond mission thats gonna rock your world Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redface 1 Posted April 6, 2005 I really liked the Village Patrol mission, it gave me the Full Spectrum Warrior atmosphere I have long longed for in OFP I have now broached the Normandy Bridge Fight mission. I got the iegf4u problem as well, I couldn't solve it by adding the WW2ec pilot pack, but after an hour of searching I found the real solution: you have to use the original version of the P51 by AIA, which has the file AIA_51EM.pbo to be 7.934 Kb (date 6.8.2003) the file in the link listed above has the same name but is only 5.195 Kb (date 24.10.2003) and seems to bear an erroneous addon dependency so much for addon terrorism today, now get back to it and play that mission! /EDIT: thanks for this mission, it is so much fun that I decided to make some publicity for it features: - good usage of artillery is required to help the tank platoon make it to the bridge - nice intro cutscene - spoiler ahead: a nice surprise at the end (rearm your men!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Totala 0 Posted April 6, 2005 I also really enjoyed the Normandy Bridge Fight mission even though I did not see the end of the mission after having cleared the bridge and the town on the opposite side of the river ... no more Nazi to shoot at ... Anyway, al lot of FUN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winters 1 Posted April 6, 2005 Ok, it seems that an update to the mission is needed. I think with the updated island theres a german soldier stuck inside one of the buildings that used to be open so now you wont ever see him. The trigger radius to end the mission is actually quite small so there is no need to go out hunting all over the place for one last guy, the enemy even has full courage value so he wont run away but even if he did the trigger is small so it would not take him long to even crawl out of it. I really want you guys to see the cool outro for it. @RedFace: So, i am using an old version of the P51's that i should go ahead and update? Thanks for the feedback. EDIT: Oh, and thanks for the very nice pic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redface 1 Posted April 6, 2005 I also really enjoyed the Normandy Bridge Fight mission even though I did not see the end of the mission after having cleared the bridge and the town on the opposite side of the river ... no more Nazi to shoot at ... Anyway, al lot of FUN Â @winters: the P51 with the utterly superfluous .msi installer is the one to avoid (it drops the P51 - a single file - in the Res/addons folder). & IMHO, the German unit in the house isn't that hard to spot, so that can't be the problem @Totala: hmm, those Germans don't give up too easily. After clearing the opposite of the river, did you wait long enough for the counter-attack to kick in? I got killed near the end because I forgot to rearm, but it was quite fun to see how the fellow Americans across the river joined in the fierce fight as well. Even the trucks from the beginning of the mission were there again. This mission brings OFP's AI to life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winters 1 Posted April 6, 2005 I think there is a german in one of the closed houses now. I had started making this mission with an older version of JC's Normandy and now im sure one of the former enterable buildings are now closed and he is stuck inside where you can't see him. EDIT: Ok, i will update the mustangs and fix the end trigger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redface 1 Posted April 7, 2005 * OK, I finished the Normandy mission and got to see the cutscene. I like the way you paid attention to the realistic presence and behaviour of civilians (but what exactly are your plans with them at the end :-)? I had tons of fun with pitching the artillery against the onrolling counter-offensive. Very strategic timing and placing required ... * Village patrol: I tried to finish this one too, but I must have overlooked one unit. Now I hear somebody shooting at me in regular intervals and as if with a bullet hitting the ground near me although I can't see anything. Is that a script or any hints as to how to end the mission? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winters 1 Posted April 7, 2005 * OK, I finished the Normandy mission and got to see the cutscene. I like the way you paid attention to the realistic presence and behaviour of civilians (but what exactly are your plans with them at the end :-)? I had tons of fun with pitching the artillery against the onrolling counter-offensive. Very strategic timing and placing required ... * Village patrol: I tried to finish this one too, but I must have overlooked one unit. Now I hear somebody shooting at me in regular intervals and as if with a bullet hitting the ground near me although I can't see anything. Is that a script or any hints as to how to end the mission? Ok, so at least now i know BF: Normandy doesnt need to be updated and i can keep concentrating on the dynamic Bond mission in the works. My plans for the civs at the end, hmmmm well since there are Ladies present and G.I's get kinda lonely on the front. Well, you know  I am glad you like playing the missions as much as i enjoy making them  SPOILER ALERT The sound you hear at the end of Village Patrol is a sniper taking potshots at you, he is somewhere in the surrounding area not far from the town. But, each time you play it his location will be different. Clear the town and kill him and the mission ends. In BF: Normandy did you like the outro music? what did you think of the way i set up the mission with the intro being at the end of the war and then going back almost one year when the actual mission starts? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redface 1 Posted April 7, 2005 In BF: Normandy did you like the outro music? what did you think of the way i set up the mission with the intro being at the end of the war and then going back almost one year when the actual mission starts? music: well, very suiting of course, but I'm a bit of an older OFP player ... the flashback structure indeed struck me (unseen in OFP custom missions so far), it really works very well, maybe because the structure itself is very cinematic, but it gives you an idea of what you are fighting for & against. what could be added to the Village patrol mission is some resistance from above ground level (roofs). This is of course due to the OFP engine, but with the scripts in my sig you could add some units on the roof to top the suspense. I checked a lot of the roofs in my search for the lone **spoiler** but atm that is not necessary. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted May 8, 2005 beat the bridge fight normandy mission yesterday (5th attempt). although i must´ve missed the end trigger im pretty sure that the area was clear, very cool mission! it also made me learn a bit about guiding indirect fire, now i can use the CoC arty much more effective  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winters 1 Posted May 9, 2005 "Only" 5 tries ehh? did you get to see the outro at the mission end? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted May 10, 2005 "Only" 5 tries ehh?  hehe, must´ve been my lucky day did you get to see the outro at the mission end? nope, although i cleared both sides of the river. watched into every single house for hidden infantry and tossed grenades later..then tried to find escaped enemy by running arround in 4x time compression, to no avail  nonetheless good mission Share this post Link to post Share on other sites