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SP squad command system

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The communication system in OPF1 left something to be desired. Basicly in a firefight I was never able issue orders effectively with the current system. Everything happened to fast.

What I would like to see is a sort of command time. Not an infinate pause so that micromanagement can be limited.

Command time would basicly pause the game for specified period of time and would count down as you are issueing commands. This time would be recovered when it is not being used. Maybe a two minute max. Then when you use 45 seconds the next time you use it would only be 1:15 left. Then everyminute not used it recovers 5 seconds.

You can still issue comands in a firefight without using it but if you need to use it you could.

I had to resort to a series of numbers on a piece of paper that had most of my required commands. I would pause. Take alook at about the five or six common commands and then unpause and quickly type those keys in.

This could make up for some of the AIs inability to think creatively and allow more complex orders to be executed. It could also be used for waypoint like orders.

blueteam gets waypoints around a building and through an alley instead of the "go here" and hope they don't do something stupid.

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with an improved AI system you wont need to issue orders wink_o.gif

note, that you can do some things with the mouse, click = move/attack , alt+click = look in that direction.

What you are saying can already be done -sort of- , just make a script that slows down the time 1/5th for like 10 seconds, you won't be completely invincible, but you can work more effectively.

It's nice to slow down the time to 0.08, tape everything, and play it back at the normal rate... uber-soldier.. mwahaha!! tounge_o.gif

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I just can't stand trying to figure out the keys for squad member 3 use RPG on That tank there. Meanwhile I trying hit set squad member 3 but I hit 4 he goes running off with an M-16 to kill the tank and I am wondering what number is the commands for 3 attack tank.

An AI can be made to do simple smart things. Like find object between you and people shooting. goto a position that places object between you and the shooter. return fire when shooter stops shooting.

That can be scripted. I think it should have been included instead of the prone in open field when a tree is nearby.

But things like ordering a fire team leap-frog is very hard with the current system. It is possible but very hard. This too can be scripted "sort of". But AI is never going to make up for human intelligence and creativity.

Basicly anything more complicated then fire team move or team member kill this. Is very hard to do when in a fire fight.

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Quote[/b] ]Welcome to the stress of battlefield command.

Not really seeing as you can use your voice to talk to your guys on a battlefield in real life, or hand signals, you don't have to keep hitting buttons, then pressing backspace when you press the wrong one crazy_o.gif

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Practice made perfect with that system, I have every code memorised and can tell them to do essentially whatever I want in an instant. It's not a memory with which I could say right now a sequence of numbers to do a given command, it's more of an instinct that comes to me in-game.

I think full concentration should go into making an effective squad AI and then we won't need a more powerful command system.

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a little practise is all that it takes. combining mouse and kb gives you good results.

practise, practise, practise....

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