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wow this is just the type of model i need for my mod!! if you are not using it for any mod may i ause it for mine? (ill give you full credits of course) ? smile_o.gif

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Eh? The ontos was used from the 50s-60s, it wouldn't fit in a future mod. Anyways I can't speak for inviso but I would have to disagree with that idea, I think it should be developed first into a real Ontos addon.

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Well, as long as a standalone pack comes out both in West and Resistance versions, I'll be more than happy... Resistance sure is in dire need of heavy artillary (and the Ontos just about screams Resistance-like home-made low-budget small-and-mobile heavy-artillary-fire support tank  biggrin_o.gif ). How's it coming along?

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In Namn the Marines had a few ontos. At least a Buddy of mine (a Jar Head) had his best friends head roll out of one when ambushed in the Ashau Valley. The VC Heavy Machine Gun would tear the krap out of that aluminum body peice of *rap. However, given opportunity it would deliver an awesome fire support.

BTW Fantastic Mod work ..Looks great! Cant Wait!

Also found this report :


By Dave Austin

Since stumbling upon Ontos Crewmen site the memories have come flooding back concerning my days with the Pigs.

Ontos is a Greek word, it means, "The Thing." Remember the old song, "It's Your Thing... do what you wanna do?" Just played on my oldies radio station.

A well versed Ontos crew can inflict massive damage on troops in the open or troops with mere vegetation for cover and concealment. They fare little better if under hard cover, for the Ontos carried high explosive rounds (HEPT) and anti-armor rounds (HEAT) as well. But my personal favorite was the "beehive" round, which could be set to spread it's deadly darts at "muzzle action" or, by turning a dial on the nose of the round, it could be set to spread it's deadly load of darts at various ranges... 100 yards... 200 yards... and so on. We "defaulted" our beehive rounds at "muzzle action," six huge shotguns!

Each Ontos has the fire power of a reinforced artillery battery of 105 mm Howitzers... there are five guns in a typical battery of artillery.

The main armament of an Ontos consists of six 106 mm recoilless rifles, mounted on a rack three "port tubes" and three "starboard tubes". These "rifles" can be fired one at a time or in any combination of up to six rifles at a time... "a broadside" was six tubes firing with one trigger-pull. The turret only traverses 40 degrees to the left or right, however, the driver can instantly turn the vehicle as needed. A skilled crew can quickly saturate an 80 degree frontage with muzzle-action beehive by expert manipulation of the turret traversing wheel and the fire control panel... six big shotguns spraying hundreds, nay, thousands of one-inch-long stabilize-finned darts across an 80 degree area. It is not a healthy place to be... on the business end of an angry Ontos.

While the loader rearms the recoilless rifles, the Ontos Commander (OC) provides covering fire with a turret mounted .30 caliber Browning air-cooled machinegun.

As if those weapons were not enough, the Ontos also has two semiautomatic .50 caliber "spotting" rifles mounted on each side of "the rack." Not only do these rifles "spot" the impact of the main weapon and help gauge "range," the Ontos provides a super-stable platform from which these .50 caliber rifles can be used as sniper rifles... talk about reach out and touch someone! Get some!

I remember the Ontos as being fast and maneuverable... able to jackrabbit start and stop and the damn thing turned on a dime! As the loader, I spent my fair share of time "kissing" the side armor plates from the inside. I hated that.

I also remember that the Grunts loved us when we showed up to support their activities. In the second half of my tour in 'Nam, I was a Grunt. I assure you there were many times when I wished there was an Ontos to "clear our front." Somehow that "Mickey Mouse" 40 mm blooper round just didn't cut it... my apologies to Corporal Hahn, our H 2/1 "Blooper Man" for 1st Squad of 1st Platoon... damned good blooper-man he was.

Having been both an Ontos Crewman and a Grunt in the same tour of duty in 'Nam, I have to say this. I felt more safe as a Grunt. However, even as a machinegunner and a rocketman, the firepower I wielded as a Grunt couldn't begin to match the firepower of an Ontos... but then again I didn't have to hump the nine-and-a-half ton Ontos on my shoulder....

As a Grunt, the thing I missed most about the Ontos was the engine's exhaust manifold... I hate cold C-Rats!

I do not miss that geeky looking, ill fitting and stinky comm helmet we Ontos bubbas had to wear. The guy who invented that piece of crap should be made to wear it the rest of his life! No wonder there's so few pictures of us wearing that thing....

Remember this? "Ontos: 9 1/2 tons of rompin', stompin', hell raisin', death and destruction!" That just popped out of the old memory banks....

Dave Austin

1stSgt USMC (Ret)

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