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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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Why isn't the XM replaced or do I have to do it my self?


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@Seminara : I've never met this problem rock.gif , maybe ur sound card ?or the driver of ur sound card wink_o.gif

@STGN : Yeah man , I've replaced the XMS in the retextured pack by SV5000 one wink_o.gif you may carry out the replacement yourself , very easy , just copy the xms in your Res/addons repertory smile_o.gif

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@Seminara : I've never met this problem  rock.gif  , maybe ur sound card ?or the driver of ur sound card  wink_o.gif

@STGN : Yeah man , I've replaced the XMS in the retextured pack by SV5000 one  wink_o.gif you may carry out the replacement yourself , very easy , just copy the xms in your Res/addons repertory  smile_o.gif

okay I just thort it came with the mod as you've written on the first page.


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@Seminara : I've never met this problem  rock.gif  , maybe ur sound card ?or the driver of ur sound card  wink_o.gif

Yes I had originally thought it could be the sound card drivers, so I had installed the latest versions - still no joy.

No worries, it's still an excellent MOD

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This is very weird man.

Your replacement pack is the only file I cant download from filefront (I just download several other files from them). Everytime I retry yours it gives me that error:

- 403 = Acces Forbiden

I repeat, so we dont lose anytime looking elsewere, I can download ANY file I want from that site EXCEPT yours.

If somebody have an answer for this magical behaviour I'll be very happy to ear it.

Thanks in advance

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@Thunderbird - In case anyone else comes across this - I've been able to overcome that sound bug by turning 'Hardware Acceleration' off in Audio Options.

It's a high spec machine but it's got onboard audio so I probably just need to get a serious gaming sound card. Any suggestions for a Windows machine?

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First off, Great work with this mod thunderbird, It definately enhances the ofp experience greatly, without taking away all my CPU power! smile_o.gif

Secondly, I have some suggestions, I don't know if any of this has been brought up before, since I am all new to this thread, but here goes:

- The new russian MG

It looks great, and it's certainly better than that "East" M2 from the original. However, It's placed very low on its mount and that, I noticed leads to in some missions where it is placed behind sandbags, it is impossible to use it, since the sandbags are blocking the line of fire.

What can be done about this, I don't know, maybe someone could modify the addon or something, to place it higher up.

- The American Black op

This guy is meant to be a "black" operative. Which means if he's captured, it should be hard or impossible to determine even who sent him in the first place. Therefore, NO american flags or anything that could identify him. Maybe the one you are using now could replace the Black op (day), and you could keep the original Black one as the night Blackop.

- And while we speak of Black ops

I mean absolutely no offence to the original author of the current MP 5/10 the black ops are using, but it isn't really what i figure a black op would use. Why don't you take some other MP5SD6, with a built-in silencer, maybe with an aimpoint on, and use that instead.

- The American Cobra Gunship

Why would the US Army be using a Super Cobra gunship with MARINES painted on the side? This cobra is definately one of the coolest cobras I've seen for this game, but I still think an army cobra would be more accurate.

Thank you.

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Mhh , nice proposals smile_o.gif

man , Don't forget that those addons that you suggest aren't yet out wink_o.gif

I'll try to find a low "sandbang" to replace BIS one

Concerning the Cobra ,I will ask somebody who wish to help me to change the "US Marines " by "US army " smile_o.gif , that won't be very difficult wink_o.gif : with the autorisation of VIT off coarse biggrin_o.gif

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I LOVE this replacement pack and effects...it breathed much needed life back into an old fav...two suggestions though..i too agree that it would prob be best to return the cobra back to the default one. For one, I'm not even sure if the AH-1W model was in use then...I'm thinking AH-1T's and S models would have been in use also since in the campaign centers mainly around the army and airforce a marine helo REALLY stands out. Also, another suggestion would be to use the helmeted model of the russian pilot for a replacement for the soviet helo pilots instead of the one with headsets..besides that...this pack ROCKS biggrin_o.gif

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@Thunderbird - In case anyone else comes across this - I've been able to overcome that sound bug by turning 'Hardware Acceleration' off in Audio Options.

It's a high spec machine but it's got onboard audio so I probably just need to get a serious gaming sound card. Any suggestions for a Windows machine?

If you will buy, or use at present and have problems with: Creative Labs SoundBlaster Live! or Audigy series - if you have it, after inclusion "EAX & HW" it is very probable that you will be have interrupting sound on these cards or even the restarts on computer with blue screen exceptionally on all family smile_o.gif WIN NT - like many people.

Solution thereon problem here:

Step 1: Go---> http://www.georgebreese.com/net/software/ - (u find many useful tools on this site).

Step 2: Find---> "Patch for Creative Labs SoundBlaster Live! and Audigy-series drivers".

Step 3: Download and install Patch.

This patch will disable the "turbo mode" feature in Creative drivers, and can solve many problems in many games.

About Integrated sound-cards:

Integrated sound-card probably is good. Maybe you can have problems in this motherboard with South bridge with IRQ.

U can try change "IRQ" in u "BIOS" or windows system.

if you have the restart of computer this is this, how in case SoundBlaster Live!, U can try find special patch for you sound-card driver.

Or different strange things - heavy to solution.

If not idk.

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@DarkTerritory3 : Low cpu config has few scripts as "tank explosion, helicopters effects..etc" ,

Powerful cpu configs use all the scripts "ORCS, wave effects...etc"

Multiplayer uses No effect to avoid the CTD

Thx for the info thunder. But if i want to use the high cpu config. Where do i install that config?

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@ivymike10mt - Thanks for the suggestions - I'll have to have a closer look at the situation as soon as time allows.

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Quote[/b] ]

Thx for the info thunder. But if i want to use the high cpu config. Where do i install that config?

In your Operation Flashpoint/FlashFxUR/Bin wink_o.gif

@DB-ERAUPilot : thx for the nice comments biggrin_o.gif , your proposals're interesting,I will see what can I do wink_o.gif

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Regarding the multiplayer config (v3), we used this latest config.bin and have been experiencing CTDs last night while playing online COOPs, however the server is not running FFXUR but rather OFP:R v1.96 windows server.

Is your latest MP config intended to be used on servers running FFXUR only or is it also supposed to work on regular OFP servers ?

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That may work on OFP servers too crazy_o.gif

I've tried it a lot of times online and haven't got any CTD , I don't understand...

mhhh.. I see now , maybe I've forgotten to remove the 3 mods for the HK and 2 for the AKs , sorry , I'll come back with a new MP config wink_o.gif

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Regarding the multiplayer config (v3), we used this latest config.bin and have been experiencing CTDs last night while playing online COOPs, however the server is not running FFXUR but rather OFP:R v1.96 windows server.

Is your latest MP config intended to be used on servers running FFXUR only or is it also supposed to work on regular OFP servers ?

We run a dedicated server with this mod. Heres the config,

1.96 patched , Fx version 3.0. All players run the config that loaded with the Fx 3.0. (we want the pretty explosions)

Heres what the server shorcut reads.  "C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\OFPR_Server.exe" -config=server.cfg -mod=FlashFxUR  

Everything is running smooth. Not a single CTD. I dunno maybe we're lucky (knock on wood)


Thanx again TB

side note : Before we installed the 3.0 we all went into the registry editor and removed the 2 FlashFx Units Replacement folders that were still there after the uninstall. Not sure if it helped but, wanted to eliminate any possible problem.

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Incoming and Final Replacements

*BIS grenades : Kylesarnik bouncing Grenades

*US and soviet specops 'll carry FlashBang grenades

*Improved Recoils as the FDF mod

*T-72,T-80,Shilka,Sov Soldiers : RHS stuff


*AH-1w : AH-1F

*BIS FAL : Kabal one

*FFUR Cartrigdes : Win$E cartridges

*Sov General : Spetznatz mod incoming general pack

and maybe other replacements if there will be new addons and effects out ... wink_o.gif

when ECP team'll get out their great 1.075 pack , I will stop definitively updating the FFUR mod smile_o.gif

I hope that I've satisfied you , thank you all for your support smile_o.gif

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something seems to be wrong with the laserguided.pbo of the retexturred pack, this one cuases that cfg.weapons error i reported to you.

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Man , to avoid that you may copy the DSL_A10.pbo from your FlashFxUR/addons to your Res/addons and everything'll gonna better smile_o.gif

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Good news ,FDF cfgrecoils data introduced perfectly to the FFUR config , smile_o.gif

so all the weapons've new recoils...

That was a little bit complicated but I've accomplished it tounge_o.gif

But I won't publish anything before the FDF mod will allow me the use of their Cfgrecoils smile_o.gif

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