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TexSwapper for MLOD models

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Just like they say, the need is the mother of invention. I had to repath textures in some MLOD models again and again. I was quite surprised that nobody made any utility to make it before, so I had to make one myself. So here it is, very crude one (no wonder, it's a result of 2 hours of work and testing), but it still can save you many hours of work. smile_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]TexSwapper for MLOD models by Agent Smith


This little program swaps texture paths in MLOD models (non-binarized ones).

Java Virtual Machine is require for its operation. If you are not sure, whether you have it installed or not, you can check it by: "Start"->"Run..."-> type "cmd" -> in the new window type "java -version". If you get version information, you're ready to roll, otherwise you'll have to download Java VM from here:

http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html. Click "Download J2SE JRE"

How to use it?


Well, the program is very primitive. It's operated from the command prompt. ;)

To run it use:

"Start"->"Run..."-> type "cmd", then proceed to the folder that contains the program and your p3d files.

You can run it using this command:



ts soldier.p3d data\ my_soldier\


FILENAME/S.p3d is the name of your file to be processed. You can also use wildcards, eg. *.p3d to process all p3d files in given directory.

OLD_PATH - current path to texture folder

NEW_PATH - new path to texture folder

OLD_PATH and NEW_PATH don't have to be of the same length. You just have to remember maximal texture path length including texture filename must not exceed 31 characters.

Output files are placed in the same folder and named FILENAME.p3d.new.

The program comes with no warranty so make sure you keep backup copies of your models just in case... ;)

If somebody wants to improve it, feel free to do so, there are source files in src.zip ;)


If you don't need to repath a large number of files, you can use TxtPathSwap made by feersum.endjinn, it's much more user-friendly and doesn't require Java to work. smile_o.gif


There's a bug in the original version of my program that prevents using it for converting single p3d file. However, it works well for multipile files. Simply use TxtPathSwap for single files and my program for mass processing. wink_o.gif

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There is another tool called TexView that converts from .tga to .paa/.pac formats (and vice versa) very nicely.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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there was already a program released by feersum.endjinn

Look here !

which has the same purpose.  wink_o.gif

I didn't try yours but the older one is very userfriendly IMO.

I didn't know about it... probably it's much better than mine, unfortuntatelly download link is dead. sad_o.gif

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Question... in the readme, you don't put what folder you need to copy the files for this program into.

A little help with that would be cool as I REALLY REALLY could use this tool.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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There is another tool called TexView that converts from .tga to .paa/.pac formats (and vice versa) very nicely.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

But texview doesn't convert correctly my tga to paa

before I've 1mo and after 1 ko crazy_o.gif

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Question... in the readme, you don't put what folder you need to copy the files for this program into.  

A little help with that would be cool as I REALLY REALLY could use this tool.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Any folder. The only thing that matters is that the program and p3d files should be in the same folder.

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Nice and help-full program smile_o.gif

Btw: I don't know your intends with it but you should have obfucsated the source (Java) so that no one could deobfucate/decompile it and steal your sources.

Furtermore nice job on the tool and it's really help full smile_o.gif.

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I didn't know about it... probably it's much better than mine, unfortuntatelly download link is dead. sad_o.gif

Strange... the old link works fine for me. But just incase i've send it over to YouSendIt .

TexPathSwap Download

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Nice and help-full program smile_o.gif

Btw: I don't know your intends with it but you should have obfucsated the source (Java) so that no one could deobfucate/decompile it and steal your sources.

Furtermore nice job on the tool and it's really help full smile_o.gif.

Thanks. smile_o.gif

The program is so simple that I don't really care if somebody wants to steal the code. Like I said in the readme, you're welcome to use its source code for whatever you need. smile_o.gif

@Locke@Germany, thanks. Now I see my work is somewhat 'obsolete'. tounge_o.gif Or maybe it's not. If you have to repath large number of files, *.p3d will do it way faster with my prog.

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hey agent smith! but thanks for this little tool! i think it wil be another help for coming and already beeing addon makers! im sure!

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