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Revive Script by Doolittle Question

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I have been trying to use this script with mulitple units, but I have only been able to get it to work with one type of unit.


soldierType = "SUCHrifledes" (Put in the init.sqs)

If I add other soldier types, it fails. I know I am doing something wrong.

This is what I put in the init.sqs

soldierType = "SUCHrifledes","SUCHusmcsmawdes","SUCHpatrol_des"

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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Quote[/b] ]soldierType = "SUCHrifledes","SUCHusmcsmawdes","SUCHpatrol_des"

not sure but i think u need to do it like this.

soldierType = ["SUCHrifledes","SUCHusmcsmawdes","SUCHpatrol_des"]

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I tried orignally with [ ] but get script error during game, and reviveing will still not work correctly.

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Go and look at the "init" file in my template pack. It seems to work fine for any unit I have used it on, I've never had a problem with it.

*You may want to make sure that you have your respawns turned all the way up, I know when I first downloaded it hey had it set really low to 1 respawn per guy or something like that, I think I changed it to 1000 or something to make it unlimited.*

- Ack

template pack

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I looked at your templates. I saw Doolittles spawn manager script, but not the revive respawn script. The revive respawn script, is when one of your teammates die, and a "blanket" is laid over them. You have to run over and "revive" them. This adds a new twist to respawn

If one over your templates does have the revive respawn, then I guess I just missed.

I will loook again.

Thanks for you help

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Been a few upgrades floating around ......... try PRiME's re-hash .... lots of nice extra features.

Most recent version HERE


I'm currently adding "anti-water" to it, will post update once tested.

Any trouble implementing any version, give me a yell, I've installed in many missions.


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There is a nice revive script from JoergF from Mapfact which works quite well. I think the only problem is that you can't be revived when you are dying inside a vehicle. Maybe you should give that one a try.

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There is a nice revive script from JoergF from Mapfact which works quite well. I think the only problem is that you can't be revived when you are dying inside a vehicle. Maybe you should give that one a try.

Prime's version doesn't suffer the vehicle death problem. Just last night five of us got RPGed in a M113 and our bodies were scattered freely around it awaiting the revive.

Couple of upgrades I can think of are possibly class restricted revives, maybe having the option of needing 2 team members to revive you, incrementally longer revive times for each additional revive to discourage wasteful deaths.

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i also had a problem with it, but thanks to gen barron i figured it out. All u need to do basically is to edit one line in the respawn.sqs and add a few in ur init.sqs files

1st step; In ur respawn.sqs look for this line:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_soldier = nearestObject [_body, soldierType]

then, replace it with this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_soldier = [_body, soldierType] call nearestobj

2nd step: download this .sqf and put it in ur missions folder nearestobj.sqf

3rd step: Go to ur init.sqs file and add this (where classname is the classname of the unit/s u would want to use, u can use as much as needed):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">soldierType = ["Classname","Classname"]

There you go, other than that u should leave everything else as it is.

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Your right I used JorgeF's Revive for it not Doolittles, I used Doolittles Spawn thingy in the template, my bad.

- Ack

P.S. - The only reason I don't like the JorgeF's one is because if you use it you cannot add markers to the men because it has to place a marker once they are killed. So if you add in GPS via moveable markers like I do it'll get all screwed up. But I do agree JorgeF's is much better, and more reliable.

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Thanks all for the help. I will definately give this a try this weekend, when I get some time to work on the mission.

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But I do agree JorgeF's is much better, and more reliable.

So you've tried PRiME's !?

It's never missed a beat for me.

Plus its got nice little features like AI in your team will attempt to get to you and revive you (Great for play-testing my MP missions as I develop them biggrin_o.gif )

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