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Pacific Front Mod

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Hi there,

i just reinstalled my OFP as i saw the screenshots from Inv44. I found the Pacific Front Mod over at ofp.info - it just looks kickass! My Question: Is this mod dead? I don't find any infos about it, website's down also.

Klick this link for more infos: Klick meeeh!



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Has been dead a loooooooooong time wink_o.gif

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Ancient history. Yesterday I saw a documetary about the pacific front Mod on the History Channel, for crying out loud crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

But seriously;

We were never able to find out if this stuff was a fake or not. The screenshots looked awesome, but some looked a bit too good IMO. Unfortunately we will never find out, since they indeed (seem to have) died a looooooong time ago.

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its been told that their stuff is fake

but i doubt that

they were several steps ahead biggrin_o.gif

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Well, seeing the amazing breaktrough in engine-limitations lately and that mazing vid from your mod, nephilim, nothing suprizes me anymore.

Their can be fake, but if you look closely to the screenshots you can see that most of them must have been made with the OFP engine (you can clearly see some of it's features and limitations). If it was for real than it's a real shame they never released those soldier models. Those were ahead of anything we had back than. Hell, they're still ahead of most stuff released. But than they probably used jpeg textures to get this result, which would have resulted in enourmes lag.

But before this thread get's a nice discussion, I would like to ask the mods to close this thread. No use discussing a mod which has died far too long ago.

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those pics sure look fake, remembers me OFP1 in progress pics.

If you look closely and try to spot anything not OFP then you will notice that it's fake.

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They have some of the same bugs as flashpoint has.

Also, one of the pictures has the "get out" action, which is unique to flashpoint. I don't think they're fakes

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They could have some models in OFP but i think it doesn't look like OFP,it's too ugly and shiny tounge_o.gif

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Same mod that had a Zero ingame like over 2 years ago.Unfortunately nothing has been released from this mod.I've email'd with Convoy a while back but recently I notice his email no longer works.I offered them help about a year ago.So sad , my favorite scenario

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Pity the Pacific MOds never really seem to take off. This is as far as I got on Iwo Jima which isn't much and with my work scheI doubt I'll get back to it ant time soon. Maybe by the time OFP 2 comes out and hopefully better editors then I'll work on it again. The terrain is faily accurate to 1945 since I digitized a contour map from back then and converted it to a point file to use in an editor. The roads are pretty accurate as well as far as placement but there were tons more than I show currently.


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I can't access the pic, sounds great tho.Authentic Iwo Jima map.

And why is it that Pacific mods don't complete? I am making something that has about 2% interest I guesstimate.Possible others are interested but don't show it.

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Quote[/b] ]And why is it that Pacific mods don't complete? I am making something that has about 2% interest I guesstimate.Possible others are interested but don't show it.

WW2 Mods come second to modern day, according to the OFP info poll. Perhaps it's harder to envisage the Pacific theatre in OFP? Everything I've done so far (Mortars,Beach Landings and Aircraft Carriers) are geared towards getting a MP Mission template, covering WW2 in the Pacific.

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