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The version 1.0 is completed

All bug fund fixed

It s almost compatible all weapon addons

My small need only betatesting for find the last bug

It will be release today (if i am not too unluky smile_o.gif )

compling in pbo format in progress

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Silent N Deadly can t wait 30min? rock.gif


Remenber read the readme beford use it

Look for an website for host my addon

I havn t the time for take screenshoot

so everybody can show his screenshoot her

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NP Silent N Deadly biggrin_o.gif

everybody can post her opinions about my addons after tested it

BIG SORRY for my bad english smile_o.gif

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what is Flashram for something??? wow_o.gif

is it a handgrenade mod or what i don't get it tounge_o.gif

would be nice with a description of it in the first post or so wink_o.gif

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ok ok ok...........

i will post screenshoot in 30min

u will see what is my addon

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That looks good, but is it really that bright when a AK is shot off? I think it might generate a little light but, isn't it a bit too much light?

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i will fix that in the next of next Version

the next ver is for bug fix

dont worry i will fix that

Now i will go to sleep!

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Sure, NP. It's pretty good addon, once it stops generating the same amount of light as a light post, it will be great addon. This could give a unfair advantage though, if you play multiplayer. wink_o.gif

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Looks good but I'm also wondering if it should be that bright.

Maybe reduse it just a bit?

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Actually the rifles all ready do generate light. It's hard to see with out the night shader over ride in DXdll though.

Place a a guy as a squad leader (so you can use the command view camera) in a night mission in the editor and the look at your guy as you fire your rifle. The muzzle flash gently sheds light on the rifle,your chest, and face, it looks very nice in DXdll with the night shader over rode.

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Quote[/b] ] Place a a guy as a squad leader (so you can use the command view camera) in a night mission in the editor and the look at your guy as you fire your rifle. The muzzle flash gently sheds light on the rifle,your chest, and face, it looks very nice in DXdll with the night shader over rode.

I did that and thought it's damn good effect.

But It's a bit bright even if you are using with dxdll.

My eyes are twitching now wink_o.gif

hope next version would be solve this problem.

Keep your good work, ramboofp smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Place a a guy as a squad leader (so you can use the command view camera) in a night mission in the editor and the look at your guy as you fire your rifle. The muzzle flash gently sheds light on the rifle,your chest, and face, it looks very nice in DXdll with the night shader over rode.

I have a too old computer (700Mhz 256Mo SDRAM PC133 and a GEFORCE-2 64MB)

My Geforce 2 dont support DXdll sad_o.gif

So i need to see some screenshoot in dxdll of FlashRam

Quote[/b] ]Looks good but I'm also wondering if it should be that bright.

Maybe reduse it just a bit?

Maybe reduse just a bit the flash smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]would be nice to implement it in with all units instead of having to add the lines into the units init

i will try to implement it in with allmost units in the next version

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you could join up with ecp or eecp and ask them to impliment it whilst they are writing the configs for the troops? Just a suggestion, looks great though, keep it up! smile_o.gif

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Very nice addon. But I'm afraid something is a little fishy about it.

Ping in the lobby goes from my normal 40-ish to around 100ms and stays that way during a game, even if the addon is'nt avtivated with an eventhandler. If I remove the addon from my modfolder my ping is back to normal.

Just thought you might want to know smile_o.gif

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*checks it out again*

Well, I really like it, once again. You fixed the grenade bug, too. If you don't mind, I'd like to use this in my mod...

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Quote[/b] ]Ping in the lobby goes from my normal 40-ish to around 100ms and stays that way during a game, even if the addon is'nt avtivated with an eventhandler. If I remove the addon from my modfolder my ping is back to normal.

Just thought you might want to know smile_o.gif


if the addon is'nt avtivated with an eventhandler rock.gif

I will test it on mp .

Who can post on this topic some screenshoot of my addon with DXDLL

I realy want to see my Addon with DXDLL

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I meant that there is light from the guns in the game even with out the addon, just not as bright. You can only see it reflect faintly off of the shooters face and chest. It's almost impossible to notice it without the dxdll night shader override though.

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