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-IEF- Mp

M925 5t Truck Pack v1.0

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-Did you or did you not ask permission to use Marfy's textures?

I have sent an e-mail to Marfy.. but he didn't given any reply!!

I release it without permission crazy_o.gif

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Its not exactly an addon so you don't need Marfy's precious permission.

If you're going to modify somebody else's work, you need their permission.

People put hours and hours and hours into things. It's simply common courtesy to at least ask them before making use of what they spent so much time on. It's also their prerogative to refuse permission.

Maybe if you read the rest of my post you will notice it wasn't an addon, and it probably wouldn't be released anyways. So before you go preaching to me about getting premission, realize that I never intended it for release, or as an addon, under my name. I have done work for various mods and done a few projects myself and I KNOW about long hours and hard work.

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Maybe if you read the rest of my post you will notice it wasn't an addon, and it probably wouldn't be released anyways. So before you go preaching to me about getting premission, realize that I never intended it for release, or as an addon, under my name. I have done work for various mods and done a few projects myself and I KNOW about long hours and hard work.

I read the rest of your post. It certainly sounded as if you were implying that one should not seek permission in order to make a small modifcation to an existing addon.

If that isn't what you meant, well... I don't think that you can blame me since I'm not the one that wrote your post. tounge_o.gif

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Mp @ Jan. 13 2005,23:15)]
-Did you or did you not ask permission to use Marfy's textures?

I have sent an e-mail to Marfy.. but he didn't given any reply!!

I release it without permission crazy_o.gif

Ok, at least now we know.

It's really not such a big deal, but honost about it. (for ezample note it in the readme that you tried, but could bet it touch with him ect). Marfy is very hard to reach, so I wasn't realy suprized.

But you did a nice job and I'm sure Marfy won't be upset when he sees this addon.

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This is totally out of hand - I'm temporarily closing this thread while we (the moderators) sort through this mess and decide what is to be done. I'm more than a little disappointed that several established members chose to bicker in a totally inappropriate way. mad_o.gif

Just for the record - use of others people's work (textures, models etc.) without permission is NOT the job of we moderators to control. While I personally may think it extremely poor form to do so, it does not strictly contravene any forum rules, and it isn't our job to referee inter mod-team/addon maker disputes. If the owner of the original work wishes to PM us with a formal complaint (on basis of warez/piracy), we will look into the matter on a case by case basis, but generally it is for members of the OFP community to work out between themselves.

We will reopen this thread and post a decision after discussing relevant matters.

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