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ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

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Quote[/b] ] but if it is something like the y2k3 thing i would pass(causes too much lag)

Still too unrealistic, I think.

A body doesn't just blow up into bits like that.

Maybe, setting off a 120mm mortar round underneath your feet would blow your legs into bits and the body will fly 20feet above ground, but that's about it. icon_rolleyes.gif

four bones, a skull, and a ribcase are easier to load in then 206 bones, 7 meters of entrails, 600 muscle groups, 6 liters worth of blood particles...


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Quote[/b] ]

four bones, a skull, and a ribcase are easier to load in then 206 bones, 7 meters of entrails, 600 muscle groups, 6 liters worth of blood particles...

hmm. But you don't have to do that you see, if I say, a sachel charge gone off under neath a soldier for example, the body should "disappear" leaving no trace of the death at all.

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hmm. But you don't have to do that you see, if I say, a sachel charge gone off under neath a soldier for example, the body should "disappear" leaving no trace of the death at all.

I'd like to see newly modelled chunks of charred, burnt, bloody flesh over nothing. But I agree not to use the Y2K3 cartoon skeleton.


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Quote[/b] ]

I'd like to see newly modelled chunks of charred, burnt, bloody flesh over nothing. But I agree not to use the Y2K3 cartoon skeleton.

Yah sure, and that's another way of improving it. smile_o.gif




hell, I'm just about replying every second posts! I better stop checking this thread every 2hours. tounge2.gif   (I'll shut up now. Well, at least for 3-5 posts anyway.)

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hmm. But you don't have to do that you see, if I say, a sachel charge gone off under neath a soldier for example, the body should "disappear" leaving no trace of the death at all.

that's exactcly what I'm saying! like, the body is pretty much desentigrated (s?) like it would be in an A-Bomb. I cant stand it when I blow up any infantry unit and then there body flies hundreds of feet in the air banghead.gif  same way with the UAZ. Put say 10-15 satchels around a UAZ next to the river in nogova and touch off...the UAZ goes spinning and flipping and with careful placing of the charges you might even make it across the river!

Once I was watching a brilliant show called mythbusters, and they were busting a myth about using explosives to clean dried cement out of a cement mixing truck. It was busted, and you know how they do, so  they filled the friggin truck up with explosives and went to an outlook a mile away. When they detonated the truck, a tire went flying and the only thing left was bits of the frame laying around. It was mainly a large black spot on the ground.

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Closed on request from Zayfod

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Witch: "Bubble bubble, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble. By the pricking of my thumbs something wicked this way comes.....Open locks, whoever knocks."

Time for me to get to work. nener.gif

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Stop spamming useless crap.

Again, closing this topic

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