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Cooperation and Teamwork

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I cant wait to try the CTI variants.

Some of you guys will have to educate me on the use of addon packs once my game arrives, and take me on a CTI excursion.

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I once was playing on a public server, a coop mission where you had to clear an airport and use a Russian chopper and leave the island. Well this one guy lawed the empty chopper sitting on the pad. We now had no way to get off the island.

I think within 5 seconds of the chopper being blown up by one of our team members, 4 of us stopped shooting at the enemy and emptied our clips into the guy.

Teamwork is fun. unclesam.gif

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Meh. i have a weeks vacation coming up starting the 20th. Assuming my game's here by then, i'll be more than happy to stay up to an inhumane hour for the mere purpose of blowing stuff up.

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The good thing about being a high rank in a clan, is that you can hopefully boss around the lower ranks, if done right and nicely can make games very cooperative and have a lot of strategy and teamwork involved rock.gif ... biggrin_o.gif

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I agree,

If you want a good coop game, you need rank and you need to back your rank with authority and an admin. So rambos wont disrupt the common attempt to cooperate: "Go solo, go somewhere else." #kick Rambo

I haven't played OFP for a long time, but I've been playing Vietcong with a bunch of guys in a patient and team oriented way. VC is no way near as open as OFP, so we're giving it a second chance. We've been spending +90 minutes to complete coop missions in VC, which have confined and very small maps. Trying to promote extreme realism, we use teamrespawn to give death the ultimate consequence. You only have one attempt to complete the mission. If you respawn, so should the enemy.

My best OFP coop game, was a short experience. Some 'Nam era map with seven other players. I got assigned as a slick pilot and another player as my gunner, we'd then drop the rest off close to a couple of villages. The gunner and I would then provide a little cas, while the ground team would sweep the Ville and burn the huts. First I found a safe LZ 1 klick away from the villes. They would then make their way to the target and call me in when they were ready to engage. After a fierce fire fight I would see the smoke trails rising from the huts and I'd locate the popasmoke and extract the ground team.

I still keep this shot


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That's funny i just realised after looking at the above pic that that is a pic from the good old days of Zeus addon server. I can see some very familiar names in that pic, some players are still around. Unfortunately Nam is no longer amongst the addons on the server. Maybe again in the future. Oh btw that pic could also be from the Hit squad server, but dunno the exact name of the server.

Yes coops were funny then smile_o.gif

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I love good teamwork on a MFCTI battle, makes it a bit more realistic smile_o.gif

Best teamwork I ever exp. was on FDF's CTI version.

Blowing up brigdes was quite strategic smart... until the choppers came sad_o.gif

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or just making a road block on them (regarding bridge blowing up thingo)

I've noticed that CTI is really popular because its easy to modify, well semi-easy and its a great concept because you can create situations easily, e.g - Say theres a really good player commanding 9 ai squads upon you, and he is setting them up to flank you. If you can elimanate that general and stop him for even 30 seconds from commanding, it could save you a defeat.

Recently I had an CTI experience where I was against 5 squads of Russian Naval Infantry, and I had only Me, the other 8 or so squads were off taking some little shack of a town down south. I moved my soldiers into a building and stood them by the windows, we took out a whole squad before they knew we were in the house, then as I was under heavy MG fire from some punk who thought it clever to go up to the windows and fire in, I hear shots from behind the Russians, only to see that there were 8 and I mean 8 squads of BAS Rangers approaching and flanking them, It felt like.......... I'm not sure, it was just so awesome seeing 96 rangers storm a town and watching the punk at the window fall back almost in a second, OFPEC blood can get a bit unrealistic when more than one person is shooting at the same time, the floor was seriously covered in Blood Globs. I exited with only 3 men left and almost no ammo. I retreated to base only to find out all those rangers eventually at the same time got mortared - Under Fire From Air Support - Infantry and Tanks that the other 3 squads had brought in, I was out of ammo so I just sat on top of the hill watching the massacre, it was so laggy..... Half the town was red in OFPECs blood..... biggrin_o.gif

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