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Cooperation and Teamwork

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MFCTI - Almost 3 Months Back in 2004 - On [AUS] Buggfix's server.

"I was sitting on the hillside near Levie after a battle talking with my freind Xanthos, deciding what to do next, when I got a message in SideChannel of a request for me to report to the base for a Newly Organised SpecOps mission, I arrived within 5minutes to find a BlackHawk struggling to stay on the ground and 2 Men standing with guns on their backs. After a small briefing of: Your going to be dropped behind enemy lines, and that they will tell me the rest en-route. They armed me with a Sileced HK Mp5 and LaserDesignator. Next Thing I was 60 feet above the sea in a UH60 MG.

I was then told while flying to the target destination that i was to eject over the targer 1km from the reported enemy base and locate and mark their Light Vehicle Factory. After a few minutes of Elimanating AI outer defenses and a small patrol i did my Objectives. 2 Minutes later i heard a faint A-10 in the distance. I had been warned over the Radio to stay clear of the area. Almost 10 seconds after i first heard it the Shilkas let loose. I marked them with the Laser Designator and the player thanked me afterwards. I then marked the Light Veh Fac and saw it get flattened. Soon afterwards their base was elimanated and i was extracted, only to find halfway back to base we won the match."

That was one of my best mp games, mainly because other players cooperated. If all players stopped going in Solo all the time and not contributing any Teamwork, the game wont be as near as fun as it should be. My advice to you all is to have fun, but help others do that to by working together. wink_o.gif

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Hey if you want team work, jump in to eith www.thegamerplanet.com or www.tacticalgamer.com - we use Team Speak and coordinate all our games, playing together as a team.

We also play a lot of CTI, as well as single missions. We did try the A10 tactic once, but couldn't get it to work. How does the LD work in this game.



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Well If you have a A10 LGB currently flying, the LaserDesignator when marking (click once as if firing, click again to turn off)

comes up as a red dot, i believe the bombs auto guide to it or you Lock on to it. Either way it helps alot and is quite fun to see it done on the ground. wink_o.gif

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I only go coop.

Deatmatch, Last Man etc has peaked years ago and beginning to decay rapidly (talking games in general). I really don't understand why some devs still don't even consider implementing a coop mode.

The best gaming experiences I've ever had was coop.

Fragfests like Q3 and the likes just makes my head ache by understimulation.

My very first not-all-sober MP on OFP (2000-2001?):


Cast in no order:

D : Brother 1

W : Brother 2

I : Yours truly

After giving our AI friends a ticket home we supplied ourselves with LAWS, Pipebombs etc. W mounted the jeep and headed due southeast, circulating the town. D and I set off due southwest keeping a low profile.

As we reached the main road we immediately hit the dust. A two man patrol was coming right past the corner of the hill.

We decided to maintain silent and wait for W to get to his OP. While keeping an eye on the target I slowly reached for my second bottle of 5$ wine and cracked the seal, getting the evil eye from my youngest brother (D). "For the ol' nerves", I whispered and poured me a glass. The seconds past and finally the patrol changed direction and returned east towards the town. We got on our feet and crossed the road heading for the bushes. I radioed W (sitting in another room) for an update on his position. Static...no sound...static..."Fuel low", suddenly reached my ears. I nodded the OK to D who left his firing position to get to the kitchen. I registered yet another patrol coming our way just as D passed me with a bottle of "Fuel" for W. I frantically hit the "return to formation" while centering the first bloke in my ironsight. D returned just as my first bullet went off - or let's say - first round of bullets - or let's say - first mag went off. Patrolman 1 stopped feeling his legs while his partner went for his AK, effectively neutralized by a single round from D. Then all hell broke loose. We left our positions in a non-orderly fashion and went screaming into town with our guns blazing. My gun blazed less because of the massive amount of strain put on my left hand trying to keep the glass steady. In the distant I heard W put off a pipebomb, followed by the distinct sound of truck exploding..."Way to go, you drunken fool", I thought while loading up my LAW launcher. My increasingly irritated brother D asked in his very own polite way what the bleeding hell I was doing, while dodging bullets Jet-Li style. "Trust me", I said and slowly pressed the trigger. Just as D took a bullet in the leg my RPG hit the very center of what I thought was the core of evil: a cozy little garden filled with people impersonating hostages...Needless to say our first session ended that night. But we returned very soon, sober and with greater results...

And I do not encourage drinking and firing, kids...

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I once had an extremely fun situation whereas it a custom made global sector control on Nogova with 2 freinds on LAN. It was a respawnable map with vehicles at the spawn and about 3 squads and some tanks at each sector. The sector we choose to assualt was "Petrovice".

The victims were:

-Xanthos (Freind)

-PoppinFresh (Bro of Xanthos)

-Rommel (Me)

Situation, 21:32pm:

Team Alpha (Rommel) was behind the hill on the west side of Petrovice awaiting Go-Code "Lamentin", a squad of 12 loaded into three hmmwvs. Team Bravo (Xanthos) was waiting on standby in two Five Tonne trucks to pick up any wounded and take them back to heal. Team Charlie (PoppinFresh) was waiting on the west side of Petrovice in 4 hmmwvs. The Go-Code was initiated over false information of "All Tanks Neautralized". Team Alpha sped in from the North-West. Charlie moved in through the main road and came under frequent RPG fire losing 3 vehicles. The last one (his) turned away and fall back to base. I, Alpha was unaware of this as i moved in. I was driving at 70kmph when a RPG skimmed my hood. I stopped and told all to disembark. Only to see a HMMWV get hit by an RPG and 2 of my men sprawled on the ground. The other 2 that were in the hmmwv were badly injured. I ordered everyone to hide behind the Hmmwvs and get up shoot a few rounds into the small park of Petrovice then get down. Another RPG pummeled into the back hmmwv. 4 men who were behind the doors were killed instantly.being only six of the 12 men left i called for Charlie to pick me up. It seemed almost 10 minutes for him to reach me but in the mean time i was stuck behind the hmmwvs under heavy fire. Charlie came with one truck which 5 seconds after leaving concealment behind the hill and approaching us it was turned into a heap of debris and spraying shrapnel. I got 5 of the men in the truck and got in myself as i went over the hill i felt safe. The base was a mess vehicles with windows screwed up and injured all around the medic tent. Team charlie and Bravo then decided to attack the town with a BlackHawk and do a parachuting run but it was to risky to lose another vehicle (vehicles dont respawn) due to the AA on the rooftops. I decided to move in again with hmmwvs this time along the main road as their RPGs were almost depleted...

I was driving along the main road into Petrovice at full speed with 2 other hmmwvs behind me i parked behind cover as soon as i could and got out of my vehicle. Ran for cover and layed suppressing fire on the MGs. It was then the BMP zoomed behind me that I had to clean up the puddle beneath me. I had no ATs and all RPGs were depleted. Teams Bravo and Charlie were still arming up but i was stuck here. Yet again pinned down with no AT and hiding from a BMP kinda gave me a bad situation. I got into the buildings with 4 remaining men of the 12 the set off and now lay on the ground. The grass soaked with blood. 2 men stood at the top of the stairwell keeping good cover on the entrance as me and another Ai got to the rooftop and picked off a few Ruskys...

I'd say that was an extremely serious and fun situation. Intense yelling was all over the room calling for backup that never came was quite Exchausting but the most fun. wink_o.gif

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The best gaming experiences I've ever had was coop.

Fragfests like Q3 and the likes just makes my head ache by understimulation.


Even the Smartest AI will eventually show a pattern, this leads to boredom

Hunting a Human has no patterns since each one will surprise you

CS junkies just seem to get to this fact faster then the rest of us

but unfortunately for them, they get bored faster

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It seems that most games are fun when against Humans, as RN Malboeuf said. Ai are fun to use and mix with them though as they are fun, but Humans you can study them and they will eventually show up a pattern aswell so you have stages, but Ai can be scripted to never have a pattern as we can easily change so in games like OpFlash , there are no limits. Cooperation and Teamwork is just easier with humans than Ai as a lot of scripting is need for them to answer you back in a sidechat as if in real conversation.

Rommel, Out wink_o.gif

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It seems that most games are fun when against Humans, as RN Malboeuf said. Ai are fun to use and mix with them though as they are fun, but Humans you can study them and they will eventually show up a pattern aswell

this is true, but in MP i kill a new human every day, and they all do die

all OFP needs is AI taunts lol

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i thinks thats why BIS allowed custom sounds

a few years back we had them change the limit of sound fize sizes on a server (60k?)

i still think the players data should stay on the client and not be deleted unless there is a change, this would save 50% of server upload for a month

power server like ours now have 2 teribyes a month of xfer so it dont matter, our server averages 200 gigs a month, server with files set to 0 get around 50-100 depending on thier use

PS: Sound files DO NOT LAG in game. they are local on your HDs Once you are in game - if you do lag, then i suggest a defrag, i've never seen a sound file in 3 years lag any aspect of OFP

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OFFTOPIC WARNING: Sounds will only lag you when there is 4000 of the same one going off at the same time. I have noticed that a few of Operation Flashpoint Owners experience a reboot when there is a lot of helicopters and vehicle AA (e.g. Shilka and or Vulcan). EAX can also cause a bit of this, "I" think.

Custom sounds are good. But they annoying when everyones doing them, sound spamming such as this being repeated over and over:

"Crappichino apa mongo, Crappichino apa mongo,Crappichino apa mongo,Crappichino apa mongo,Crappichino apa mongo," and so on.... It gets really annoying! Which is where cooperation can help.... smile_o.gif. Everyone who uses coordination and cooperation (the beloved two C's) are a smart and effective player. Even in DM the two C's are a great addition.

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yeah some taunts for ofp would be cool unclesam.gif

i once had some of the taunts from Red alert 2, like the korean ho ho ho biggrin_o.gif

and some old C&c game "unit says" ( you click a unit and it responds like yes or some more cool phrase like a flame soldier says extra crispy..) tounge_o.gif

the few times i seen ofp crash it has been due to setting to high graphics options and if some addon messes up a bit.

and also a friend has a retarded computer that reboots and crashes all the games to desktop or restarts the computer totally when playing crazy_o.gif

okay back on topic

Once i remember when i played a coop online with some people on icq and stuff. The settings where that one team was on the ground in the ruins and they had to wait there for the bas blackhawk to pick them up and extract to the LST ship waiting at sea.

But... ghostface.gif lots of jam HD equiped russians and a few bmp's swarmed the area and well made things complicated tounge_o.gif

it was a uber feeling during night time when all the shots fired light up the sky and made think dhunk sounds in the metal when hitting the chopper and getting people inside while we got surrounded by loads of enemies wow_o.gif

a couple of guys stayed extra time on the ground to fight off as many as they could while the a.i climbed onboard the regular way or with rope ladder.

anyways it got really tense when i finally got airborne and took off and thought okay time to speed up to the ship, we had managed to work good team play and then suddenly a lucky AA or Rpg shot knocks down the chopper when we had like 800 m left to the endgame trigger tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

But... ghostface.gif lots of jam HD equiped russians and a few bmp's swarmed the area and well made things complicated tounge_o.gif

it was a uber feeling during night time when all the shots fired light up the sky and made think dhunk sounds in the metal when hitting the chopper and getting people inside while we got surrounded by loads of enemies wow_o.gif

a couple of guys stayed extra time on the ground to fight off as many as they could while the a.i climbed onboard the regular way or with rope ladder.

anyways it got really tense when i finally got airborne and took off and thought okay time to speed up to the ship, we had managed to work good team play and then suddenly a lucky AA or Rpg shot knocks down the chopper when we had like 800 m left to the endgame trigger tounge_o.gif

Man that suck crazy_o.gif

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Keep in mind that i've not played OFP in a few years now, i'm waiting on my newly acquired copy to arrive in the mail...

But i'll take you back to 2002..or 03... i cant remember exactly..

There was a time when I and about 8 of my local friends would play OFP for literally an entire day. Sometimes we would even decide to LAN, but even when we would remote connect, we'd use voice comms of some sort, i think roger wilco was big back then... or battlecomm... one or the other.

Anyway. 2 members of our crew were real computer wizards, and seemed to really have a good handle on the mission-making aspect, so they would frequently spend a week preparing a mission for our next "session".

One mission in particular that i remember, was on Nogova. It was a night Special Ops mission, and we'd start off on an island staging area with a campfire in the middle of base. Pitch black, not a star to be seen in the sky, and i seem to remember fog.

Anyway, our objective was to pile into choppers and travers the ocean between our little piece of real estate to the main island, and proceed inland toward the northern side of the main mountain region (that is nogova right? i'm trying desperately to remember) Our objective was to assault and destroy an armour depot and its perhipheral support including fuel trucks etc. basically stuff that made really pretty booms in the dark wink_o.gif

So. for us to use, there were 2 blackhawks, and 3 cobra choppers. We opted to leave one of the cobras behind, and piled in to the remainder of the choppers. we had the blackhawks loaded up with mostly AI in the back, with real players in the drivers and gunners positions. real players occupied both positions in the cobras, with me piloting one of them, and my good buddy in the nose. We spin up the rotors, having taken enough RPG's, satchels, and ammo to invade a small 3rd world nation.

We start heading in a rough bearing toward our target, in a pseudo finger-four formation, with the 'Hawks on point, and the cobra's back slightly supporting the flanks on either end.

I make the reccomendation that we keep it low just to try and avoid drawing any attention to ourselves, so we drop to about 100 feet and keep going. At this point my friend, the maker of the mission, asks over the mics if we remembered our life preservers.... which correct me if i'm wrong... is generally a BAD sign coming from the map maker, who obviously knows whats coming.....

I swear at him, and tell the pilots to drop to 30 feet. So we are barreling over open water, coming up towards the shore, at 30 feet in the pitch dark, with whoevers riding shotgun telling us "eta to landfall..... 10 secs".... At this point we're all as paranoid as cats in a room full of rocking chairs, because Fong (the mission maker) can have a flair for the dramatic at times... and loves to just throw in nasty little suprises that'll bite you in the ass..

We cross over land... still in formation, literally watching treetops whip past the cockpits. Radio chatters coming in from our other guys saying that they "cant see shit" or "what did you get us into fong?"... just general whoops and hollers being backseat drivers etc.

And then all hell breaks loose. I see a dot on my radar. a red one. i know whats gonna happen next.... then the flashes from the surface off in the distance.. the incoming tracer fire the sound of inpacts off to my left. I move my joystick hat to the 10oclock position to see whats happening, our number 3 bird, one of the blackhawks, explodes in a flash. My comms open up in a series of screams and curse words a the empty shell of the chopper plummets, suprisingly chasing a few parachutes of our friends who were quick enough to bail before the thing torched.

I target the shilka and let rip with a TOW, satisfied when i see the secondary explosion. my gunner decides to pummell it a little with the cannon.. what the hell... they know we're here. Myself and the other cobra fly support as our other blackhawk pilot circles, and sets down in a clearing to pick up our survivors, and we fly further inland. we decide to loosen up a bit and jink toward the target. Some enemy with AI decides to use our choppers for strela target practice, and narrowly misses the other blackhawk.... the cobras find a whole squad of them with our headlights, and blow them FFAR FFAR away tounge_o.gif

Being fairly close to our target now, we have several shilkas lacing into us, and we make a snap decision to set down in a nearby clearing, and move on foot. the blackhawk touches down first. i fire off a few TOWS at the shilkas between us and the target, and the other cobra riffles a few FFAR's into the nearby hillside as be both try to put ourselves down gently.... not so much... I make it... barely. My other cobra pilot was less fortunate, and got clipped by a shilka as he was crossing the tree canopy line, the impact pushing him into a nearby tree. boom.

We're pretty close to the depot, so the few of us that remain (4 or 5 of us, plus our AI retards) start humping towards the target. i head toward high ground with my sniper rifle, with my former copilot beside me to help cover. the rest flank to the right. THe town is well lit, and when i arrive, i provide some recon to our guys where the weakest defended side is. our team circles and holds their fire. Our guys move in through the bushes, prone, and starts planting satchels next to fuel trucks, and one underneath a running T80 ( my friend who did this was making strange whimpering noises over comms as he did this. occasionally the gun turret would swivel and you'd hear "OHHHHH GOD.... nononononnoo.... *whew*")

ANYWAY. most of the satchels had been placed next to things that could fight back, and the rest of our group was in the treeline with their law's shouldered and ready to plaster anything that blinked at them funny. our demo team retreated a safe distance and set off the satchels. that was everyones que to start shooting. I start picking people off with my M21, my buddy to my right lobs a LAW at a fuel tank that takes a squad of russians out as it goes up... We see several rockets fly into town from the other side as all our AI fire off law rockets. our demo teams start ripping into enemies who are just starting to shoulder their rifles..

Total mayhem ensues for about 20 seconds as we expend round after round. A lot of our AI dies as they decide to be retarded (suprise....) and run headlong into the center of town as we pummel it with gunfire and rockets, and a few of our real players get toasted by fluke gunfire from the flank that nobody had a line of fire on. We eventually mop up the entire town, outta rockets.... we had hoped for a "mission complete" message... but no... instead, we all die at the same time, as while we're waiting in the same spot, trying to figure out if we missed someone, we are oblivious to the sound of rotors overhead.... and get plastered with FFARs from an mi17.

By far the most fun i'd ever had with my friends playing OFP... and we enjoyed kicking Fong's ass afterwards for neglecting to tell us about the enemy chopper.

I wanna play OFP so bad right now.... sad_o.gif

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Cooperation and teamwork is great if you have dedicated players who will listen to the chain of command pre-set before the game starts. My best coops were (surprise surprise) on Zeus addon server and the maps were: Breakthrough (by Jinef) and Bastige Island (by Bn880). We usually have large amount of players. We set one player as the overall commander who gives orders to the different squads officers. Then the officers on their command tell their men what to do. We use teamspeak for voice comms. When playing you can only hear your squad commander, you can't hear the overall commanders orders. You obey the commands at all cost. No selfish moving around, even if you would want to. As in these two missions a loner in the battlefield quickly finds a lot of enemies that will give him heaps of trouble often resulting in quick death. These two missions with the right kind of player structure and behaviour will give you the most realistic and most "front line" like experience that you can think of. I haven't played any other map that could give me these two factors together. True atmosphere and chain of command make playing these missions as real as can get.

There, that's my thought on how cooperation and teamwork should be and works best. Obey commands and don't do your own stuff. Work together with different squads on the field. Take the tasks of the squad your in may that be aircrew, special forces, support forces, tank crew or regular grunts (and others i forgot to mention). These are all key factors in good cooperation and teamwork multiplayer style.


Warrior Xâ„¢ [Zeus] smile_o.gif

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Here Here,

I agree with that, theres nothing more satisfying then to have a purpose, if your always going solo its no fun. wink_o.gif . Anychance an Australian would be able to play on that server smile_o.gif . blues.gif

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Anychance an Australian would be able to play on that server  smile_o.gif .  blues.gif

Sure, all are welcome on the Zeus servers. The only problem i think would be is the time difference. Dunno what it would be in Australian time, but we usually play from around 21:00 CET. The real coop freaks keep playing well into the night to around 03:00 CET. We don't play fanatic coops every single day, and most of the times we announce this on our forums. Click on the Zeus symbol in my signature and it will bring you to our forums.



p.s. Sometimes the Zeus servers seem very empty, that's because we having a rest like on mondays.  wink_o.gif  But who knows, they might be active.  smile_o.gif

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I really like to read these COOP stories because they remind me of some that ive had. Problem is that, once you played a map once to twice you will get a bit bored on it. The fact that you know every map like the back of your hand dosnt help.

COOP making have to step up one level before i can enoy it. The times i have played im either surrounded by people that think they know best and that i should follow them. And there is always this one guy that always seem to have had all the laws, snipers, aa on the map because he have over 100 in score. Ofcouse hes no rambo player, he just like to shoot the 3rd LAW on every tank.

There have never been a moment where i could play with guys that really connect on my level. It sucks too, the maps arnt (yes even soon 4 years later) still very old. Most of them might have fancy scrips but they still havnt scripted and updated a normal AI behaviour. All i see when playign a coop is how the guy who made it placed the soldiers and what scrips he uses. There is nothing called realism to grab and pick up. CTI against the AI is close but still many bugs of their abnormal behaviour.

Please share your great stories because I cant be touched by OFP anymore. But reading yours feels like the heat fromf a fireplace.

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I really like to read these COOP stories because they remind me of some that ive had. Problem is that, once you played a map once to twice you will get a bit bored on it. The fact that you know every map like the back of your hand dosnt help.

This is why I try to randomize most things on BECH or BI maps. They are always challenging.

We had another great mission on Zeus Addon yesterday. Breakthrough V2. We had good teamwork, and it was just a nice team experience overall.

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Eh .. it's the players that make a mission, not the mission maker.

I know.

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Well I dont know about Fongs Cooperation, but sounds like you guys were coorperating, its things like that when you can rely on your freinds and you know if they will come or not makes a massive impression on your playing manoervers.

Also good story, knowing whats going to happen can be a bit annoying so I reckon Fong kinda did the right thing tounge_o.gif

Thats another reason i like games with random events or Ai like in MFCTI, as an example, you never really no what could happen.

Gotta love OFP and its openness to be edited. Its what makes the game it is today. smile_o.gif

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yeah i wouldn't play ofp if it wasn't for its openess biggrin_o.gif

the mp and mission editor parts are my favourites and also

all mods make you experience and learn new things tactics and so on smile_o.gif

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