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hehe i went to the link and it said this to me :

"Great Frollicking Llamas!

The page you requested was not found!"

you sure you got the link right ?


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Right ... it should work now smile.gif There might be some problems with the site's header, because I'm doing some HTML re-design smile.gif Thanks for the heads-up btw.

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The current trailer was great, I can't wait to se how the actual gameplay will be (*cough*new movie plz*cough* *cough*).

Btw, what has been done so far? (AI script, mission design, mission scripts) and what do you still have to work out?

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Cool nice and fixed smile.gif that does look great can't wait for it.


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We sure do plan on making some new fancy trailer soon tounge.gif

Right now we are working with 4 dedicated scripters (me, Sith, Snake1999 and Spinor) on getting parts of the AI script to work.

We already made a script which makes an AI unit perform a recon mission on any given town on the island, this squad then reports back found enemy units and gives this information to the General. The General will then look which attack profile matches best to the intel and proceed with an attack if all other conditions are OK.

We are also far on our way with a logical movement script which makes a unit move from one point of the island to another using the shortest and safest route depending on danger factors in certain map areas and more.

Next to that we also got a large part of the command system done thanks to Spinor ... including hierarchical squad command and lots more.

Oh and the buying system has been done for roughly 70% now smile.gif

Still, this is a massive project if we want to do it right and it may therefore still take quite a while before a final version is released (we are still unsure of beta's).

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God you are aiming high ! but if you pull it off well it is going to be amazing.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Player count- Both sides will have 52 soldiers at their disposal. These men are split up over 6 squads. There's 1 Command & Control squad existing of 1 General and 1 Field Assistant. The other 5 squads each have 10 soldiers of various classes. As you may have noticed, this will be extremely tough for MP, but we will try to get it going as steady as possible<span id='postcolor'>

boy o boy this sounds promising (belovend)

when will it be ready.

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I can't wait for this to come out, it sounds absolutely amazing.

However, I can't help but wonder what sort of limitations you'll run into with OFP's scripting language? Is it advanced enough to handle what you guys are trying to do?

So, about this command vehicle, does it basically just let you scroll around the map instantly, or how does it work?

I've already got two separate Ohio LAN parties ready to hold LANs just to play Conquest, so hurry up #### it smile.gif

If you guys need any sort of help, or need the files mirrored or something when you release it, drop me an email.


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Well if you need beta-testers, DnA.....

You know where you can find me wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DrJonez @ Feb. 20 2002,02:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">However, I can't help but wonder what sort of limitations you'll run into with OFP's scripting language? Is it advanced enough to handle what you guys are trying to do?<span id='postcolor'>

Sure it's advanced enough, and yes, it has its limitations smile.gif

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Yeah no kidding, if you want beta testers PLEASE let me know. Even if it's like the half assed 10% working version, let us play with it smile.gif

No better way to test the map than getting 50 people at a LAN party to all play it at the same time wink.gif

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Hi people,

Sam luthor here again(remember me? the Codemasters Programmar?), its been about 3 months since i checked out the progress of conquest, but still no good advances??!!! Damn, you guys have gotta get more scripters and designers, and stop messing with the damn trailer! Go for the real thing!

Sam Luthor - Codemasters Programmer E6

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have u got any kind of rough release date for conquest. I check the site everyday but nothing ever seems to change, are you actually still working on the mod? (not being cheeky if you are) biggrin.gif

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I had very simmilar idea couple moths ago but i've noticed how much work is it. Now i found out about Conquest and i can offer some of my time to help you guys.

i'm programmer/designer.

Contact me at [email protected]

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not many people lookin at this any more! pitty

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Could you tell us a bit on how the project is going. Maybe a percentage till you think it will be playable or anything that will tell how long til the public wil get to play it(If that ever happens confused.gif ). Maybe update the site??

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yeah, the public need to see progress smile.gif

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Yeah, we want an update. We need news. We are hungry for braaaa... eh... I mean neeeeews...

I know how sought after news is, people always complain about the I44 page not being updated on the forum...

Hehe, soon we'll shove so much down their throat they'll choke on it, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...

Oh, wait, that's bad, we dont want dead members...

Anyway, back to subject: Hows it going with Conquest? It was one of the first things I saw for OFP and one of the first things that I really wanted to see, but then it kind of got very quiet...

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