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Question about Camels

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Hi, I was wondering if someone made a camel. I am talking about the animal! I searched on @war and gamezone.cz.

If someone can help me..


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Hi Showtek,

Have a look at the "Horse with Rider" thread in A&M:D. It looks like mountable Camels, Horses, Mules, Tauntauns, Heffalumps etc will soon be possible, along with a whole lot of other stuff biggrin_o.gif



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yes we have an static one but it has never been released.

it still needs better textures and evne some ainmations

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thanks for the quick reactions! I only need a static camel because I want to make a replica of a pic I saw on militairyphotos.net. Can someone take a screenshot of the camel in the Lost Brothers Pack? smile_o.gif

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Its honestly not much to look at.  Its solid yellow with two black dots for eyes.  Kinda cute and cuddly looking.  lol

I just threw it in there just kinda as a fun thing.  But if I were you I wouldn't use it for a screenshot.  lol

Ah here we go.  This our Camel. As you can see it's not much.  But ain't they cute critters?


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Think I got the same models someplace with at least better textures, I'll have to search.. Should impose the mule scripts to em so they are not static. which what I was considering for a fair number of animals I had in a very old collection. Just hate hearing the anmials shouting commands.. Near humans sounds like "Animal Farm.." Or Watership Down

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Well if anyone wants to help retexture them and put MiG's mule animations on them (and all the .cpp stuff) they are certainly welcome. We really would like to get this camel fully functional as well. Also to avoid hearing the voices just don't group the animals with your squad.

Mig's Mule is just brilliant. Hopefully we'll eventually have camels like that.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I wish I can help but I am a total newbie with texture en stuff sad_o.gif

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This thread just reminded me of the famous line of Indy Jones in the Last Crusade: "... I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?!?" tounge_o.gif

Back on topic, even if your camels just serve for picture taking, their texture being so uniform makes them look only 2-dimensional, as if they were painted on any screenshot they'd appear on...

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man those buggers are ugly as hell

i really never bothered texturing them better.

tha tis liek an 32 by 32 texture that is why it is so damn ugly.

if any wants jsut make an 256by256 texture pm me and i will map it on or pm me and i will give you the model to texture.

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