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Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

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u get missing addon jjr_a.pbo precisely because u have it installed, its one of those addons that needs fixing.

crazy_o.gif I never would've guessed...it is kind of like reverse physchology, except in a different contex tounge_o.gif. I will definately watch the intro tomorrow then, after I remove the JJR_A.pbo wink_o.gif.

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Sorry for the delay in testing...I wrote this review up a couple of days ago, so some of the points have been covered already, but I haven't had internet access, so here's a copy/paste:

Intro - I find long shots of troops running kind of tedious after a while. Otherwise it was good.

Briefing: Not much to say here, it does the job I guess. There sure is a massive weapons selection though...I don't see why you've included NVA weapons in there.

Mission: The shots of the airbase and the ride in are very nice. We land at FB Falcon and I have my men scan the horizon and engage at will - I climb one of the towers with my Remington 700 and start looking. Sure enough I find a whole mess of bad guys coming at us along the road from the SF Camp. I open up with the Remington and think that this can't be all that bad, since I'm picking them off at a respectable distance - but there are LOTS of them.

Everybody in the camp opens fire as we get attacked from the hills north and the road south. I call a 105 fire mission on the road and take out a sizeable chunk of them, and the mines go off - the mine error happened to me too.

I liked how the enemy was calling arty on us, too....everybody in my team except 7 was killed by what looked like mortars.

But then enemy T-55s come racing into our camp - I think our fixed mortars were firing on them at long range because they stopped shooting about 100m from the perimeter and just drove into the base and sat there. Their gun barrels were drooping so I assume it was our mortars that had pounded them. I LAW'd one of them as it sat on the perimeter and killed a couple of guys with the explosion...oops. The other sat in our base right next to the helipads. I didn't want to LAW him because there was at least a platoon of guys crawling around all around him.

More infantry coming at us...I notice that niether of those nice M60s have moved, so I run up and jump in one - I was never fired on by any rockets in that tank...I merrily drove around running them over and firing point-blank HEAT rounds into whole squads (some survivors were also just standing around). Yeehah! Eventually it looked like we had killed just about everybody...I drove back into the base and used my tank as a bulldozer to get that T55 outside our perimeter - I ran over a couple of Air Cav guys in the process...sorry again fellas. It took me about five minutes to ram it down to the edge of the jungle and then I destroyed it with sabots.

Silence. Hmmm...I drive down to the SF camp and find the place empty, I drive into the hills to the North and they're clean...I go back into Falcon, park the tank and jump out, and immediately get a titletext saying that the remaining NVA are retreating.

Seemed like a pretty anticlimactic ending to the mission.

Regarding lag, I'm running a laptop with a an Athalon 1.5 processor, 512 Ram and 64 megs of shared video memory. My viewdistance was at 900 and land detail was on very low. The mission was laggy, but obviously not unplayable - sniping for example was no problem - and the lag was consistant throughout. It got no better and no worse as I played.

I called two ary strikes - one on the road as I mentioned and another on the hills behind us. I didn't use any of the other support available, mainly because I didn't see it immediately when I wanted it, but backing up a few menus led me to them. By then I didn't need them.

Suggestions: those A-1s sitting at the airbase look very nice, but I hope you delete most of them as you near FB Falcon - one of the things I do constantly in my missions (granted, which are never finished, but...) is delete ANYTHING I don't need to use or see for the rest of the mission immediately after I'm done with it. I figure you can't possibly call in all those Skyraiders, so deleting most of them would be fine. Same for the Chinooks - I'd just clean that whole airfield out after you've left. If you've already done this, well...good :P

Overall: good mission. I think it would have been nice to get some generic radio chatter in the background (there are sites with generic Nam radio traffic online). Also, it would be nice to make the player in constant contact with HQ via the radio...let the player know when more waves are due in, have chatter from the pilots, etc. I thought the lone titletext at the end of the mission was a big letdown, as I already mentioned.

Hopefully another version is in the works... smile_o.gif

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As this is a beta version i want to keep some things (outro) on hold until the final version.

Everything you see at the airfield is removed when you get close to landing at the FB (i always use deletevehicle on units no longer needed) with the exception of the CAS and squads that get helo'ed in.

The versions i had already put out are only test versions to guage the amount of lag, the finished version will have more enemies and you wont be able to drive to the SF camp in the final version either.

I dont think messages about incoming waves would be realistic (nobody outside the camp to send you a message) but i will be adding more chatter (again something saved for the final product) and the tanks wont go inside the camp anymore, instead they will stop and engage from outside the camp.

Thanks for the comments but before giving reviews remember that its a test version designed to check lag amounts and not the final product.

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I'd suggest PM'ing Winters, if there's an update this thread can be re-opened, otherwise it's too old to dig up smile_o.gif

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