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Falklands Mod Westland Lynx AH 1 (TOW) BETA

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When the helicopter gets severly damaged the texture res is very low quality compared to the undamaged one, really great helo really appreciate it.

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Quote[/b] ]as stated this isnt a 82 era version of the lynx

- sorry, didn't see that. Where was it written?

Monkey Lib Front

I had the same 'til I followed the advice in the readme. Did that not work for you? In which case I suppose it might be down to your graphics card's specifications.

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this is a GREAT helo addon...goes well with the ukf stuff...now I'm definately lookin forward to yalls mod ...

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When the helicopter gets severly damaged the texture res is very low quality compared to the undamaged one, really great helo really appreciate it.

hiya, the low quality damage texture is to reduce the cpu when the vehicle is no longer in use or useable. was an experiment. It can be fixed in the next installment if necessary smile_o.gif

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Apart from the blades, it's going to be very hard for you to improve upon this.  I'll add a couple of observations, but they really are trifling:

1.  The AAC didn't go over to grey-and-green until the mid-80s, when tactics in NW Europe changed from open-country (ie hiding behind bushes and trees) to primarily-urban.  I won't bore you with the full story behind how the colour scheme was chosen, but the green is quite a bit brighter than yours.  Before that, and certainly around 1982, the camouflage was black-and-green.

2.  You're quite right to depict the oily smoke from the Gem engines - when the Lynx first entered service one of the standard post-flight walkround checks included attaching a catch-can to the exhaust to collect the hot drips(!).  However, once the rotors start turning this smoke goes straight down, not up.

3.  If you are striving for uber-accuracy with your Mk1, why not include the 0.3 Hz "nod" caused by the AFCS (Stabilisation system) in forward flight?  After about 10 minutes you can them simulate the pavement pizza in the back as the troops start to hurl...

(edited to add missing word to final paragraph.  And that'll be 3 points, not a couple - sigh)

1. Yup this was depicting a later time. However the black and green, was this standard on helos such as the Gazelle during the Falklands campaign?

2. Ah. Just remembered I didn't add the downwash effect to the engine smoke, thanks for that

3. Do you mean a rocking sensation.. I think the AI does this automatically.. oops here comes lunch biggrin_o.gif

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excellent heli, lovely features, i hope they become mainstream in ofp.

p.s: dont forget to add lights in final version tounge_o.gif

lol.. I knew it.. there was something I had to do.. biggrin_o.gif

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once again, Klink, you have not failed In taking my breath away. smile_o.gif

cool early christmas present. xmas_o.gif

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Camo on Gazelle was most definetly all green during Falklands conflict..

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Indeed a very nice addon. Just some small fixes and it's perfect!

Nothing else to say...only that I hope the rest of the "Falklands" addons will also rock like this. wink_o.gif



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Klink (and Ash..)

The black-and-green scheme was in use on all AAC and 3BAS (RM) Gazelles in 1982. The first use of an all green scheme (like that on the early Harrier GR7) was on our route-recce RAF Gazelle in 1992 - we were allocated an HT3 from Shawbury's fleet to use for liaison and NVG route surveys.

However, not having flown in the UK (apart from 2 years police work around Brum) since 1998 I can't vouch for what colours the AAC paint their aircraft these days.

...oh, and "yes" to the nod. You're quite right about the AI, I was using the BAS littlebirds last night and they do it all the time, never noticed before.

New request(!) - any possibility you'd consider a Lynx without the tubes fitted?

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New request(!) - any possibility you'd consider a Lynx without the tubes fitted?

It is possible in a later release. biggrin_o.gif

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Looks awesome, I've been waiting for this baby.

It's been posted here that this isn't an '82 version, what does the website mean by "Modern Variant"? If "modern" is supposed to indicate that it's an improved version then is it post-1982? Wouldn't it have the BERP blade tips if it is?

If I'm just getting confused, and it shouldn't have them, is there any chance a future version will?



Thanks for the helo.

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@ Crowley

The version released is the one that would have been circa 1980s but if no model in particular except one that could have been used by the AAC. The original pics I used as reference had the standard blade tips. The mod didn't originally intend to create this version, but after discussion and lots of interst from different parties it was decided we' do this version. We had plans to do a marine version as well, but decided a pre xmas version instead. I intend adding a full range of variants to the series, but wont be until the new year sometime.

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However, not having flown in the UK (apart from 2 years police work around Brum) since 1998 I can't vouch for what colours the AAC paint their aircraft these days.

I was at Odiham in Feb, there were a couple of Lynx and a Gazelles there (part of the Joint Helicopter Command) and they were all painted green and grey.

Nearly hit the blade of one lynx with the van I was driving, they'd parked so that they were overhanging the road mad_o.gif

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Great! Thank you very much for releasing it!

But a regular transport with a m.gun and some FFARs would be appreciated too. Actually, I think it would be a good idea to release a UK air pack from your mod some time - not just one version of the Lynx, but maybe also a Gazeele or Wasp as there are no good UK choppers. None.

Good luck!

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Great! Thank you very much for releasing it!

But a regular transport with a m.gun and some FFARs would be appreciated too. Actually, I think it would be a good idea to release a UK air pack from your mod some time - not just one version of the Lynx, but maybe also a Gazeele or Wasp as there are no good UK choppers. None.

Good luck!

Wait for the final mod release and you'll have your UK air pack (well from 1982 anyway smile_o.gif )

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yeah all the lynx and gazzelle ive seen have been green and grey, no idea why though. Amazing work with this lynx klink, ofp needed this real bad. biggrin_o.gif

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Great! Thank you very much for releasing it!

But a regular transport with a m.gun and some FFARs would be appreciated too. Actually, I think it would be a good idea to release a UK air pack from your mod some time - not just one version of the Lynx, but maybe also a Gazeele or Wasp as there are no good UK choppers. None.  

Good luck!

No such thing as a British "regular transport with a m.gun and some FFARs"

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Damnit, see what I miss when I'm ill for a few days? Fantastic work lads, I honestly didn't think I'd have the chance to play with one of these until you released the rest of the mod, so thanks for such a nice surprise.

Great! Thank you very much for releasing it!

But a regular transport with a m.gun and some FFARs would be appreciated too. Actually, I think it would be a good idea to release a UK air pack from your mod some time - not just one version of the Lynx, but maybe also a Gazeele or Wasp as there are no good UK choppers. None.

Good luck!

No such thing as a British "regular transport with a m.gun and some FFARs"

They're fitted with door mounted 7.62 machineguns (up to 2 I think) but you're right, they never carry FFARS.

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They're fitted with door mounted 7.62 machineguns (up to 2 I think) but you're right, they never carry FFARS.

2-4 7.62 GPMG Machine Guns.  biggrin_o.gif

Also i wouldnt see much point in a Gazelle as they are rarely armed and mainly used for recon. If they are armed then its only 2 7.62 MG's but there might be a use hidden away somewhere.

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An absolutely sex-tabulous addon.

Fantastic work lads, nicely done...

Bar one thing.

All Lynx (with the exception of the newest export models) have a one-piece titanium rotorhead, and re-enforced rotor blades. Thus, the wonderful rotor droop you've modeled on this beaut is wrong sad_o.gif

Hiya Deadmeat

Thanks for pointing this out. seems i got a bit over zealous when dragging vertexes.. biggrin_o.gif Ah well 'tis only beta so will have it fixed soon .



Good job Klink, "as always" !

One cuestion,

which was the scheme of camo for gazelle in the 82?


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Scheme was all green (dark and medium).. They used the Green/grey combo for BAOR operations around 1987-1988

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@ Dec. 10 2004,17:41)]Scheme was all green (dark and medium).. They used the Green/grey combo for BAOR operations around 1987-1988

Thanks [Ash]!

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